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Methodical history of language teaching
Taufiq Effendi, S.Pd., M.Ed., M.TESOL.
Objective of the course
• Students will gain the necessary knowledge of
and expertise in language teaching.
• Students can compare and contrast the
different methodologies.
• Students can put them into practice.
3 Hierarchical elements
• “A set of assumptions dealing with the nature of
language, learning and teaching” is called an
• “An overall plan for systematic presentation of
language based upon a selected approach” is
called a method.
• “Specific classroom activities derived from a
method and an approach” are called techniques.
• (Edward Anthony, 1963)
• We may assume that learning a language in a
relaxed state of condition is ultimately
importance. (approach)
• We may select Suggestopedia as an associated
• We ask ss to sit in a yoga position, having a
new identity, etc. (techniques)
Grammar Translation Method
• Very few, if any, theoretical foundations for
language teaching methodology
• Learning a foreign language is like learning Latin.
• Thought to promote intellectuality through
mental gymnastics
• Focussing on grammatical rules, memorisation of
vocabularies and of declensions and conjugations,
translation of texts, written exercises.
• To have reading proficiency and to be a scholar
Characteristics of GTM-1
• taught in the mother tongue.
• Teaching isolated word list.
• Long explanation of grammar
• Grammar-oriented
Characteristics of GTM-2
• Learning difficult clasical texts since beginning
• Little attention to text content
• Translating disconnected sentences
• Absence of oral competent
Why popular?
• Requires few specialised skills on the part of
• Tests on grammar are easy to make.
• Tests on grammar are easy to score.
Gouin’s Series Method
• Francois Gouine (1800s), a French teacher of
• Studying German grammar
• memorising numerous German vocabularies
• Translating a book in German
• Observing the language development of his
Gouin’s conclusion
• Language learning is a matter of transforming
perceptions into conceptions.
• Language is a means of thinking, of
representing the world to oneself,
The series method
• a method that taught learners directly
(without translation) and conceptually
(without grammatical rules and explanations)
a "series" of connected sentences that are
easy to perceive.
• the language was so easily understood, stored,
recalled, and related to reality.
Connected sentences-1
• I walk toward the door. I draw near to the
door. I draw nearer to the door. I get to the
door. I stop at the door.
Connected sentences-2
• I stretch out my arm. I take hold of the handle.
I turn the handle. I open the door. I pull the
Connected sentences-3
• The door moves. The door turns on its hinges.
The door turns and turns. I open the door
wide. I let go of the handle.
The Direct Method
• Similar to Gouin’s Series Method
• L2 learning should be like L1 learning
• Lots of oral interaction,
• spontaneous use of the language,
• no translation,
• little or no analysis of grammar
Principles of the Direct Method-1
• Done in the target language
• Only learning everyday language
• Small, intensive classes
• Improving communication skills through
question and answer exchanges
• Inductive learning of grammar
Principles of the Direct Method-2
• Modelling and practice of new points
• Demonstrations, objects, pictures of concrete
• Abstract vocabulary through association of
• Teaching speech and listening comprehension
• Stress on pronunciation and grammar
Lost popularity
• High cost for small, intensive classes
• For individual attention
• For native-speaking teachers
• Low viability in public education
Audio Lingual Method
• World war 2
• Orally proficient in the languages of their allies
and enemies
• Army Specialised Training Program
ALM Characteristics
• Great deal of oral activities
• Pronunciation and pattern drills
• Oral conversations practices
• Virtually no translation and grammar
• Borrowed much from the Direct Method
ALM according to Celce-Murcia-1
• New material is presented in dialogues.
• There is dependence on mimicry, phrases
memorization, and overlearning.
• Structures are sequenced by means of
contrastive analysis and taught one at a time.
• Structural patterns are taught using repetitive
ALM according to Celce-Murcia-2
• little or no grammatical explanation inductive
analogy of grammar
• Strictly limited and contextual vocabulary
• much use of tapes, language labs, and visual
• Great emphasis on pronunciation
ALM according to Celce-Murcia-3
• Very little use of the mother tongue by
• Immediate reinforcement for successful
• Emphasis on error-free utterances
• Tends to manipulate language and disregard
Criticism for ALM
• Failed to teach long-term communicative
• language was not really acquired through a
process of habit formation and overlearning
• errors were not necessarily to be avoided at
all costs
• Emphasis on surface form and rote learning
Cognitive Code Learning
• Deductive learning of grammar
• Drilling practices
• Grammatical sequencing of materials
Community Language Learning
• An affectively-based method
• “Counseling-learning” model of education by
Charles Curran
• a group of counseling or therapy clients
• Interpersonal relationship and community
Advantages of CLL
• The feeling of secure
• No threat typical in clasical method
• Peer-assistance
Disadvantages of CLL
• The teacher could be too non-directive
• Reliance on inductive learning strategy
• Dependence onteacher’s translation expertise
Things to borrown from CLL
• Discovery learning
• Student-centered participationdevelopment of
student’s autonomy
from Bulgarian psychologist Georgi Lozanov
Human brain can process great quantities of
materials if given relaxed conditions for
People learn much more than what they think
Desuggestopedia: learning a foreign language is
almost impossible
Typical of Suggestopedia
• Boraque music, 60 beats per minute
• With specific rhythm
• relaxed concentration & superlearning
• Increase in Alpha brain wave
• Decrese in blood pressure & pulse rate
In the classroom
• Presentation of vocabulary, readings
• Dialogues, role plays, drama
• Various typical classroom activities
• Some of the methodology wasn’t unique
• Soft, comfortable seats in relaxed conditions
• students would play childlike & new identity
Suggestopedia class concert

• All conversations stop for a while

• Then the teacher listens to the music
• He waits & listens to several passages
• Getting d mood, he reads & recites a new text
• His voice’s harmonious with d musical phrases
• Students follow the text in their book
• All lessons are translated in mother tongue
• Between 2 concerts, there’s silence
• Before the teacher reads for the second time,
• There’s silence
• Music is heard again
• Students close their book
• Students silently leave the room
• They are not given homework
• They just need to read the text
• Before and after they sleep
Criticism again Suggestopedia
• Lozanov’s research data were problematic.
• It’s impractical when music & comfortable
seats are unavailable.
• Excluding references on understanding
• Business without sufficient research back ups
The Silent way
• More cognitive than affective arguments
• Learning is best if learners discover/create.
• Learning is best if there are mediating objects
• Learning is a problem-solving activity.
• Stresses on discovery-learning procedure
• Developing autonomy & responsibility
• Cooperate with each other
• Teacher’s aid at students’ slightest downfall
Cuisenaire rods
• Coloured cords of various length
• Various colourful wall charts
• vocabulary, pronunciation, verbs, syntax
• Limited stimuli and minimal feedbacks
• Too harsh method
• Too distant teacher
• More guidance is needed
• Over correction is often needed`
• Direct aid avoids unnecessary struggles
TPR- Total Physical Response
• Similar to Goin’s Series Method
• L1: Lots of listening before speaking
• Listening is accompanied by actions.
• Creating stress-free class
• Imperative mood up to more advanced level
• Humor is easy.
• Once ready, students begin to speak.
• Only effective in beginning levels
• Reading & writing are delayed.
• Unrehearsed oral language is delayed.
The Natural Approach
• Delaying production until speech emerges
• Learniners should be relaxed.
• Communication & acquisition are vital.
• TPR is occasionally.
• Goal: Basic everyday language communication
• Teacher as comprehensible input provider
• Teacher as interesting instruction designer
Natural Approach stages
• Preproduction stage: developing listening
comprehension skills
• Early production stage: marked with errors, focus
more on meaning not on form
• Errors blocking meaning are strictly corrected.
• Extending production stage:
• longer & more complex production
• More complex learning activities
• Main goal: language fluency
Controversial aspects
• Durasion of the silent period
• Clarity of comprehensible input
• Topical organisation, ignoring the structures

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