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Cherwell Product Road Map

• Build on the core Product

• More developers employed and product team revamped
• Idea station /customer user experience / incidents or support ticket
• 79 % achievement for the year and 86 % delivered in 9.5 version for the Q 1
• Less foot print , adaptive rich UI Experience , better performance
• Build as platform
• More apps that extend Cherwell as Platform like ITPT,HR,Facilites
• Cherwell Anywhere
• Cherwell Future
• Incorporate AI – Cherwell Using all three AI api including Microsoft,Google, and Amazon
• Cherwell Strong in Automation and hence more work being done on Augmentation technologies and future will be
with NLP (Natural Language Processing) and OCR (Optical character recognition) ex chatbots
About Cherwell Session

• Pre-conference
• Automate task creation for change based on work units and service catalog template (work units and service catalog
template version 7) implementing for change is new
• Can be designed for standard change if need to be implemented
Wendy - Project Tracking for new store
Aflac – Integration with vendor as their service desk is more of vendor support for the infrastructure. (mainly 2 way sync
using Jason and webservice)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute – chatbot implementation using AI API from github for classification of ticket
Animal logic : License tracking for each projects as the turnover is based on projects
Lessons that we may use soon:
Jabber / bomgar experience from CUNA Mutual

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