Team Member: Smart Parking System

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Faculty in charge
Now a day’s growth in population is increasing very highly as that comparing numbers of car owners
are also increasing. In the modern days, all are updating towards automation. We need to make our
requirements to be available in a faster, automatic and reliable way. In our country, many cities have
developed and some will develop into smart cities in awhile. Since the cities are getting developed in a
rapid way, automobiles are increasing in number. For the smart cities with increasing automobiles need
smart technology as in their comfort. So, people find difficulty in parking their vehicles. Technology is
getting into every domain and so as in parking places. Each developer is developing according to their
own visions and implementing the project. We propose a Smart parking system which provides an
optimal solution for parking problems in crowded cities, because people waste more time chasing free
parking slots. So, using this system in real time we can help many other domains like decreasing air
pollution, reducing traffic problems, decreasing sound pollution. Hence, the customer can easily access
the parking status of a particular parking zone via the internet in his mobile or car. We make their
search for a parking slot more comfortable and efficient. So, we can decrease the manpower involved,
since we connect it to the IOT chain. We store the overall statistics of the parking slots.
Finding parking in busy areas is very hard these days and there is no system to get the details
of parking availability online. Imagine if you can get the parking slot availability information
on your phone and you don’t have roaming around to check the availability. This problem can
be solved by the IoT based smart parking system. Using the IoT based parking system you can
easily access the parking slot availability over the internet. This system can completely
automate the car parking system. From your entry to the payment and exit all can be done
automatically. So here we are building an IOT based Car Parking System using NodeMCU, IR
sensors, and servo motors. Two IR sensors are used at entry and exit gate to detect the car
while three IR sensors are used to detect the parking slot availability. Servo motors are used to
open and close the gates according to the sensor value. We will be using the Adafruit IO
platform to publish the data on cloud which can be monitored from anywhere in the world. It
will inform the driver in advance about the free parking slot via the internet.
 IR Sensor (5)
 Servo Motor (2)
 SOFTWARE: Adafruit IO
 Arduino IDE

For programming the NodeMCU,

● Firstly, we include all the required libraries. ESP8266 Wi-Fi and Servo.h libraries are already
installed in the IDE. So, we have only downloaded the NTP client and Adafruit MQTT libraries.
● Then, we include the Wi-Fi and Adafruit IO credentials that we copied from the Adafruit IO
server and have included the MQTT server, Port No, User Name and AIO Key.
● We have connected the Entry and Exit Servo Motors to the D4, D5 Pins of the NodeMCU, and
have selected the out pins of the IR sensor as INPUT.
● Inside the void loop , timeClient.update() function is used to update the date and time whenever
we request NTP servers. After getting the data, we store the hour, minute and second in three
different integers.
● Digitally read the entry and exit IR sensor pins and check if these pins are high. If pins are high,
then move the servo motors to open the entry and exit gates. Then,increasing the count for entry
gate and decreasing the count for exit gate and publishing the data to the Adafruit IO dashboard.

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