SQA T Lecture 20

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FPT University 2007

Lecture 20: (Chapter 13 – cont.)
Defect Prevention &
Process Improvement
Version: 1.0
Author: Hoang A Na

Date: Dec 8, 2021

Trainer: ViPTQ/ DucHA

FPT University 2007


 Duration: 90 min

 Purpose: Introduce Techniques and tools for defect prevention,

DP activities in software projects

 Audience: FU Students

FPT University 2008


Lecture Agenda

Chapter 13
 Part 4: Techniques for Defect Prevention

 Part 5: Defect Prevention process

 Part 6: Group assignment: Causal analysis & resolution

 Conclusion

FPT University 2008

Part 4

 Techniques for DP
 Key for DP: Good understanding of
 Technologies & tools
 Project environment
 Use appropriate strategies for DP

FPT University 2008

Part 4

 Analysis & modeling for DP

 Defect prevention actions:
o Identify common defects
o Identify & analysis root causes
 select effectively ways to deal with such defects
 actions to prevent their occurrence in the future.
 Analysis techniques:
 Static analysis techniques
 Inspection techniques
 Dynamic analysis techniques

FPT University 2008

Part 4
 Software tools to block defect injection
Some tools for defect prevention:
 Tool support programming language:
o A syntax-directed editor: balance automatically each “{” with a “}”
 reduce syntactical problems in programs of C.
o Coding standards: check automatically standards in code
 Tool support source code version control: VSS, CVS, Sub-VC
o Help to maintain consistency of product design and code
(very important for large system)
o Eliminate overwriting of source code between team members
 Tool support for individual development activities:
o Test automation tools: generate & maintain test cases
o Requirement solicitation tools: capture requirements accurately.
o Design automation tools: help design tasks
FPT University 2008
Part 4

 Analysis techniques for DP:

 Pareto Chart:
To determine the priorities of the problem to be analyzed. It
helps in identifying this vital few pictorially.
 Brainstorming:
Each member in the meeting is asked to speak on the vital few
defects and the causes.
 Cause-Effect diagram (Fish-bone diagram):
Used to group the root causes of the problem

FPT University 2008

Part 4

 Pareto Chart: 80/20 principle

Pareto Diagram

500 100%
400 80%

300 60%
200 40%
100 20%
0 0%
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 What are the largest issues facing our team or business?

 What 20% of sources are causing 80% of the problems
 Where should we focus our efforts to achieve the greatest

FPT University 2008

Part 4

 Cause-Effect diagram
Time Equipment Technique Material


Energy Measurement HR Environment

 Also called Fishbone or Ishikawa diagram.

 It is a chart of possible causes of a problem (or effect).
The problem is stated on the right of the diagram.

FPT University 2008

Part 5

 Brainstorming

 Every member: in the meeting to speak his/her opinions about

common defects/ problems, the causes & actions.
 The causes are noted down

FPT University 2008

Part 5

 Process maturity
CMM (SEI): (Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie-Mellon
 Vision statement: “The right software, delivered
defect free, on time and on cost, every time.”
 Right software: satisfies requirements for
functionality, performance and cost
 Focus on DP through education and process maturity

FPT University 2008

Part 5

 Process maturity levels in CMM

 There are 5 process maturity levels in CMM
 Higher numbers associated with higher process maturity
 Level 5: improvement  request defect prevention

FPT University 2008

Part 5

 Process and quality improvement

 QIP: 3 steps
 Various measurements for the assessment
o Identify measurement goals: a set of metrics
o Control & analysis
o Actions
o Feedback: Assessment
 Analysis & Actions: Causal analysis meeting

FPT University 2008

Part 5

 Defect prevention plan

 DP goals: quantitative
 DP actions: activities to implement to achieve the goals
 DP team: people responsible for DP of the project
o Project leader: manage DP
o Test leader: control, measure and report the result
o Technical leader: engineering activities

FPT University 2008

Part 5

 Causal analysis & resolution meeting

 Attendance: All team members
 Roles:
o Project leader: conductor of the meeting
o Secretary: record the discussion in the meeting
 Meeting minutes
o All members: must contribute ideas or analysis
 Content of the meeting:
o Describe the problems
o Analysis to identify root causes of the problems
o Define actions to prevent the problems in the future
DP actions
FPT University 2008
Part 5

 Cause category and preventive actions:
Training: Lack of training (no training for coding convention)
 DP action: re-train by experts
Communication: defects due to bad communication between
team members, with customer, …
 DP action: inform all members; contact with customer when any
 Oversight: defects due to carelessness of doers
 DP action: create & use checklist to remind members about
common defects before release the products to other members.
 Understanding: defects due to low skill, lack of experience, not
understand requirements,…
 DP action:
 invite experts to share experience, practices or lessons
 brainstorming, meeting to analyze requirements,…
FPT University 2008
Part 6

 CAR Meeting
 Purpose: to identify causes of defects or problems and
take action to prevent them from occurring in the future.

 Template of CAR meeting minutes

 Fsoft template
 Some samples of CAR meeting in Fsoft

FPT University 2008

Part 6

 Group assignment
 Teams: each team includes 3-4 students
o A Team leader
o A Secretary
 How to do? Each team:
o Conduct a meeting to analyze the selected problem
o Record the discussion of all members in the meeting
 Meeting minutes (use the template of Fsoft)
o Team leader: submit the meeting minutes
(or send to ana@fsoft.com.vn)

 Deadline:

FPT University 2008

Part 6

 Barem for group assignment

FPT University 2008


 DP techniques
 DP process
 Causal analysis resolution:
o Problem
o Root causes
o Preventive action
 Group assignment:
o Meeting minutes
o Barem: team & individual
o File name: CAR_MM_<class>_<Leader account>
Sample: CAR_MM_0305_AnNV
FPT University 2008

FPT University 2007

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