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• Technical Writing

Submitted to:
Ma’am Bushra Malik
Submitted By:
Final Report Sarfraz Mirza(2018-Civ-94)
Farhan Khalid(2018-CIV-72)

Department of civil Engineering , UET Lahore.

By: Muhammad Sarfraz Mirza
Farhan Khalid
Table of Contents

• Abstract
• Introduction
• Purpose of report

• Methodology

• Observations

• Experimentation

• Field tests

• Body
Table of Contents
• Field Tests
• Particle Size Analysis
• Atterberg’s Limit
• Compaction
• Consolidation
• Standard Penetration Test
• Field Density Test

• Results
• Statistics

• Allowable design

• Site investigation

• Conclusions
Table of Contents

• Limitations
• Recommendations
• References
• Appendix
• The purpose of this report is to investigate and provide reliable, specific, and
detailed information about the physical and mechanical properties, Such as,
site geology and any installations within the investigated area. The
investigation included 15 boreholes, 8 in the residential areas, 2 in the
commercial areas and 4 for roads, and 1 for Overhead Water Reservoir
• The subsurface investigation revealed that the material at the site can be
described as " a layer of fill material with variable depth of 3ft., then a layer
of brown silty clay up to 20ft., and the light grey silty sand up to 35ft.then a
5ft. layer of light brown silty clay and beyond its light brown fine sand with
traces of silt up to 60ft. and onward" as shown in the logs of boring.
Site Investigation

• Bismillah Hosing Society have engaged Geotechnical Engineering Division to
provide Consultancy services which includes Geotechnical Investigations
followed by preparation of the Comprehensive Geotechnical Investigation
Report for extension of the society by constructing two new Blocks which
include Mosques, parks, residential areas commercial areas, schools, and
overhead water reservoir.
• To evaluate the subsurface conditions at the site and to arrive at a safe and an
economical design of foundations of various structures units, geotechnical
investigations are necessary preliminary. The task of field investigations was
performed by Geotechnical Engineering Division. Geotechnical investigations
were planned and carried out under the full-time supervision of an experienced
geotechnical engineer.

Purpose of study
• The purpose of this site investigation is to determine the soil profiles and
engineering characteristics of the subsurface conditions at the site and to
provide the designer with comments on the following:
• Suitable footing types, founding depths and geotechnical design parameters
which will be required for a safe and economic design and excavation of the
engineering works, such as the Soil bearing capacity, expected foundation
settlement, side slope stability, hydrological conditions at the site and other
special recommendation which depends on the site nature.
• Methods of construction of foundation and footings, groundwater conditions,
quality control requirements and outdoor sub grade and soil retaining

• The scope of investigation for this study comprises the following:

• Collecting Information such as geological and geotechnical maps related to the project site, public
services, and land use maps.
• Making visits for site reconnaissance to collect information about site nature, topography of the site,
geological features and properties concerning the project site.
• Drilling of 15 boreholes and sampling of disturbed and undisturbed samples.
• Performing all necessary field and laboratory tests to obtain physical and mechanical properties of the
subsurface soil. This leads to geological description of the site material.
• Applying engineering analysis and evaluation of field findings and laboratory results.
• Developing conclusions and recommendations concerning design and construction of the most safe and
economical foundations, site preparation, road and parking areas and retain walls.
• Submitting this report

• The exploratory borings were drilled using hand auger, mechanical

equipment. In-situ tests (i.e., SPTs) were performed in accordance with
ASTM Standards.
• Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected from boreholes at
designated depths using appropriate samplers and techniques, for
identification and subsequent laboratory testing. Selected soil samples were
subjected to various laboratory tests for classification and determination of
engineering and chemical characteristics. All the test pits were excavated

• The proposed Housing scheme will be constructed on area of about 1730000ft2.
It is located at Raiwind road. The site is in plain area. Soil observed there is
average soil.
• The site lies in Manawa. Lahore City, Pakistan.
• Site is located at a plain area. The site is dumped with fill material in general, the
accessibility for the drilling work around the plot can be done easily with the
help of simple hand auger.
Site Location

• To do geotechnical exploration, bore holes are made. Bore hole provide details about the under-laying soil. After the
investigation of the bore hole, we can make Bore Hole Profile, which help to define the characteristics of the soil surface.

• In our site 15 bore holes are made. These boring are done by hand auger and mechanical equipment.
• There is no hard and fast rule to calculate the number and spacing of bore holes. Number of bore holes is usually
calculated based on field reconnaissance, also engineering judgment and knowledge of customary standard of practice.
• To get a rough idea about the depth of the bore hole following formula is used:

• Depth of Bore Hole = 15×S0.7 + D

• Where:

• S = Number of stories of Building

• D = Depth of Foundation

• Ground water table is the upper level of an underground surface in which the
soil or rocks are permanently saturated with water. The water table separates
the groundwater zone that lies below it from the capillary fringe, or zone of
aeration, that lies above it.
• The water table fluctuates both with the seasons and from year to year because
it is affected by climatic variations and by the amount of precipitation used by
vegetation. It also is affected by withdrawing excessive amounts of water
from wells or by recharging them artificially.
• The water table in our site is at 100ft depth which is very deep with respect to our borehole depths. So,
there is no probability of ground water to encounter during construction so it will not affect the
construction work. Although changes in weather effect the level of water table to about 10 to 15 ft but
still it will not have any effect on foundation work. Besides water reservoir must be constructed, for this
purpose the depth of borehole is taken 700ft

1.Undisturbed Samples
Four (4) undisturbed soil samples were recovered from the boreholes using Shelby tubes. After
determining the bulk density, the samples were properly waxed, labeled, preserved, and
transported to the lab.
Undisturbed samples and their detail are:

Name Bore Hole Depth (ft.)

UDS-1 BH-4 15
UDS-2 BH-9 25
UDS-3 BH-15 10
UDS-4 BH-14 120
1.Disturbed Samples
About 10 of the samples obtained from the boreholes were properly labeled and preserved in polythene bags and placed in plastic
jars and transported to geotechnical testing laboratory.
Description of the Disturb Samples is given in the table (next page):

Name Bore Hole Depth (ft.)

DS-1 BH-1 5
DS-2 BH-2 20
DS-3 BH-3 15
DS-4 BH-4 10
DS-5 BH-12 10
DS-6 BH-10 30
DS-7 BH-14 15
DS-8 BH-15 100
DS-9 BH-15 150
DS-10 BH-15 180
• Particle Size Analysis
• Atterberg’s Limit
• Compaction
• Consolidation
• Standard Penetration Test
• Field Density Test


Particle Size Analysis

• Particle size analysis is used for the Classification of soil. Shape of the grain
has a lot of effect on the geotechnical properties of the soil. It is useful in
terms of determining how durable a material is in terms of smaller particle
• It is important to predict how materials will hold in terms of constructions, in
terms of applications and building.
Atterberg’s Limit

The Atterberg limits are a basic measure of the critical water contents of a fine-
grained soil its shrinkage limit, plastic limit, and liquid limit. As a dry, clayey soil
takes on increasing amounts of water, it undergoes distinct changes in behavior and
consistency. Depending on the water content of the soil, it may appear in four states:
solid, semi-solid, plastic and liquid.

Compaction of soil brings stability and strength in the soil. Foundations fail
mostly because of improper compaction methods or poorly compacted soil that
allows water to seep through the foundation and cause structural damage.
Implementing mechanical methods to compact soil means densifying the soil,
filling the pore spaces, improving the shear resistance of soil, and providing
better water movement through the soil particles. Compaction also prevents frost
damage of soil and increases its durability.
• The test is conducted to determine the settlement due to primary consolidation. To determine:
• Rate of consolidation under normal load.
• Degree of consolidation at any time.
• Pressure-void ratio relationship.
• Coefficient of consolidation at various pressures.
• Compression index.
• From the above information it will be possible for us to predict the time rate and extent of
settlement of structures founded on fine-grained soils. It will also be helping to analyze the
stress history of soil. Since the settlement analysis of the foundation depends mainly on the
values determined by the test. This test is very important for foundation design
Standard Penetration Test
• For evaluating the consistency and compactness of the foundation soils, SPTs
were performed in all the exploratory boreholes. These SPTs were carried out
in each hole at general depth interval of 3 ft. up to 15 ft. depth and then at 5 ft.
interval down to maximum explored depths and was conducted in accordance
with the procedures described in the latest version of ASTM Standard D 1586.
A donut type hammer, weighing 63.5kg, has been used for the test. While
performing the SPTs in boreholes, the hammer was lifted manually and
dropped mechanically, and pulley hanged to a tripod. The Prior to performing
each SPT, the loose material existing in the hole was properly removed.
In situ
• During the field investigations, Standard Penetration tests were carried out in
boreholes, respectively. A brief description of these tests is provided in the
following sections.
Results And
Results and Calculations
• The Geotechnical Investigations carried out for the project comprised field investigations and laboratory testing of
selected samples
• Water Table is defined as underground border between the grounds in which all spaces are filled with water and the
ground above in which the spaces contain some air. The level of the water table
• The geotechnical investigations carried out at the site firmed up by laboratory testing have revealed the presence of
the following distinct lithological units:
• Fill Material almost 3ft.
• Silty Clay/Sandy Silt to a maximum depth of 20-25 ft. below GL in general present in loose to medium dense state.
• This layer is followed by Silty Sand/ Sandy Silt
Results and Calculations

• In our case the encountered natural material at the site which can be described as "Brown
silty clay and silty sand" is not viable for swell action.

• Three unconfined compression tests were carried out on undisturbed cohesive soil samples
and their result and corresponding strain values are recorded. Four direct shear tests carried
out on granular soil samples in find the value of internal friction.
• According to the field exploration, laboratory testing, subsurface conditions, and engineering
analysis, it can be concluded that the existing natural ground at the investigated site can
support the expected building loads. Thus, the depth and location of foundations depend on:
Results and Calculations
• Depth of the bearing stratum.
• Frost action.
• Ground water location.
• Existence of soil which exhibit volume change.
• Adjacent structures.
• Underground defects (caves, utility pipes).
•• This type of settlement is time dependent settlement, and it is occurred if the footing is located on a compressible layer or
if this layer is located within the significant depth below the footing. This type of settlement is calculated using the
following equation assuming the compressible layer is normally consolidated clay (3):
• Sc = × log ()
• Sc: Consolidation Settlement.
• H: Thickness of the compressible layer which will be a flecked by the load imposed by the building (significant depth).
• e: Initial void ratio.
• Cc: Compression index.
• P: Initial effective over burden pressure.
• ∆P: Increase in the pressure at the middle of the layer due to footing load.
•The foundation type depends upon on many factors, of which some important are the
•The foundation material type and bearing capacity.
•Type of structure and structural system.
•The value of imposed loads on footings.
•The seismic characteristics of the location.
•For evaluation of allowable bearing pressures, the following two criteria are adopted.
•The allowable load should not initiate the shear failure of the foundation soils, and
•The total as well as differential settlements caused by the application of allowable
loads should be within specified tolerable limits foundations.
• The geotechnical investigations carried out through boreholes and test pits have revealed
that subsurface comprise of Silty Clay/Clayey Silt to a maximum depth of 20ft. below
GL in general present in firm to stiff state. This layer is followed by Silty Sand/Sandy
Silt, which is present in a loose to medium dense state up to depth of 50 ft. below GL.
• The groundwater table was encountered at the depth of 120ft. Fluctuation in the ground
water is also recorded.
• Shallow foundation can be adopted for residential building & parking block. Shallow
foundations can be wall footings with 3-4 steps. These are recommended to be placed at
minimum depth of 4-5ft below GL. Allowable bearing pressures for shallow foundations
are presented by the shear test.
• For supporting the Commercial Building and Plaza, bored cast in-situ mat foundations
are recommended. It can be changed according to the engineering will.
• For Overhead water reservoir, pile foundation is recommended. The allowable bearing
capacity of the piles, their diameter and depth are calculated.
• In view of the possibility of the mild swelling characteristics of clay underlying the
proposed shallow foundation depth it is recommended that:
• Good drainage must be provided.
• Instead of using wall footing, combined footing can be used.
• Before placement shallow foundation, in-situ soil should be proof rolled to
identify/replace any soft/loose pockets, as necessary.
• During construction stage, if a soft/loose pocket of soil is encountered at the excavation
level, further excavation is required to remove the soft/loose pocket and replace the same
with engineered fill material as described in the report.
• I gave introductory note
• Examined my audience
• Used simple language
• Easy vocabulary
• Step by step proceeding
• conclusion
Thank You !

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