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 Special type of metaphor.

 It is giving human qualities to animals or
 Helps the reader to get a clearer picture of
what the author is writing about.
 Examples related to our filed:
 Anti-Virus software's are guards for our computer.
 During programming errors were dancing across my code.
 The compiler threw exception if any error is their in coding.
 Cyber security is like the guard which protects us from viruses and threats.
 My computer throws a fit every time I try to use it.
 CPU is the brain of computer, it commands everything to the other parts of the computer.
 Motherboard is the nerve system of computer . Computer brain (CPU) uses it to
communicate with other components.
 The mouse and keyboard are nerves that send signals to brain(CPU) and it reacts
 PSU(Power Supply Unit) is the heart, it supplies power or blood to the entire computer.
 Symbolism is the practice or art of
using an object or a word to
represent an abstract idea.
 Refers to the use of symbols in a
literary work
 An action, person, place, word, or
object can all have a symbolic
 When an author wants to suggest a
certain mood or emotion, he can
use symbolism to hint at it, rather
than just blatantly saying it. 
 Examples related to our filed:
 Computer Security is life for computers to run speedy.
 Semicolon is the life for coding.
 Error is a symbol of mistake in coding.
 Exception is the Symbol of Error in coding.
 In java programming red color is for error.
 The crescent moon symbol indicates sleep mode on keyboard.
 A circle with a line through it is a symbol that represents cancel or
 A C with a circle surrounding it is used to represent a Copyright. For
example, at the bottom of many web the Copyright symbol may be
shown to indicate the content on the page is Copyrighted.
 Semicolon is the symbolizes the end of statement in coding.

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