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Snehal Ise 12
Nilesh Jagtap
Nikhil Jirange
Nitin Kutwal
Sagar Lawte
Husein Lokmani
•The Corporation
Movies •Wal-Mart
Ronak Mehta •Supersize Me

 Pliers of corporate

Defining The Corporation
• Corporation is one form of business ownership.

• Its a group of individuals working together to serve variety of


• The principal one of which is earning large growing sustained legal

returns for the people who own the business.

• Its a part of jigsaw in society as a whole which is you remove it, the
picture is incomplete.

• A sports team - some of us are blocking and tackling

• some of us are running the ball some of us are throwing the
• but all have common purpose which is to succeed as an organization

• A corporation is like a family unit people in the corporation work

together for a common end

• The modern corporation as grown out of the industrial age which

began in 1712.

• An englishman named thomas newcomen invented a Steam Driven

Pump to pump water out of english coalmine so the english
coalminer could get more coal to mine rather than hauling
buckets of water out of the mine.

• It was all about productivity

• More coal per man hour
More steel per man hour
More textile per man hour
More automobiles per man hour

today its more chips per man hours

A legal person

• Everybody makes a mistake once in a while but one just cant be personally
this is the weaknesses of a partnership.

• Incorporating would give you the big advantage of limited liability.

• It start with a group of people who wants to invest in the company, these people
apply for a charter as a corporation.

• Now this corporation operates legally as an individual person it is not a group of


• It can buy and sell property

• It can borrow money

• It can sue in court and be sued

• It can carry on a business

• A corporation is an externalizing machine in a same way that a shark is a killing

Ethical Analysis

• No feeling no politics and no belief systems. They

have one thing the bottom line- How to make
as much as money they can.
• Deceitfulness: repeated lying others for profits.
• Wal-Mart and Kathy Lee using child labours.
• Reckless disregard for the safety of others. (Gun
v/s Chemical)
• Callous unconcern for the feelings of others. (Nike)
• Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships.
• Incapacity to experience guilt. (Paper company)
 No business works without profit, the bottom
line for every business is making money.
 No CEO job is easy as they need to focus on
every aspect before making decisions.
 Individual may make a decision easily because
its only related to them but the corporation
is responsible and answerable for every
decisions taken.
 The corporation must follow the ethical laws of
the country.
What’s the story
 Every story has two different sides like a coin.

 Documentary is showing most of the negative

side of Wal-Mart.

 Major issues are Monopoly, Employee welfare,

Charity, environmental hazards .

unethical practices
 Environmental hazards

 School shutdown

 Close down of local SME’s

unethical practices
 Labor union opposing

 Unfair treatment of employees

 Gender discrimination

 In this case Wal-Mart failed to acknowledge those
potential problems and they are probably going to
pay for it. Thus, Wal-Mart’s unethical business
practices have hurt its company’s reputation.

 If Wal-Mart wants to survive they will have to try hard

to improve their image. That is, they need to show
that they care about ethics by treating employees

 As a result, it will attract good employees and people

will have no reason to complain about the
company. In addition Wal-Mart needs to be socially
responsible in order to avoid economic harm and in
What’s the story
 In 2004 Morgan Spurlock, independent filmmaker, makes a
documentary about McDonald’s food.

 The documentary highlighting McDonald’s contributions
towards the obesity-epidemic

 McDonald’s is more busy in looking after the shareholders
and it is intentionally neglecting the reality that how
society is becoming obese.

 He eats only McDonald’s food for 30 days (breakfast, lunch
and dinner)He was thoroughly tested by doctors
throughout his “Mc diet".
End of the story
 By the end of his experiment he gained 11 KG.

 The changes in his blood chemistry and the stress

on his organs.

 His cholesterol had risen to dangerous levels.

 He had gained 24.5 lbs.

 He was fast on his way to becoming another

casualty of the obesity epidemic. 
Unethical Practices

 The cause of the epidemic of global-

 Hiding information
 Unhealthy Diet Portion
 Shift its business from customer-
orientated to a profit-orientated.
 Least Concern about society


 Companies only interested in making profit and

not concern about health of the people.
 How advertisement impact on our habit
 Raises issues around the
responsibilities of firms to their


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