Recitation N22

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Recitation #22:

Unsteady State Mass Transfer

University of Kansas
15 April 2021
ared Sipes
WRF 27.5: A silicon wafer (Dia = 10 cm, thickness = 1.0 mm) is
coated with a film of arsenic (As), which is a semiconductor dopant.

 1.Coat with Arsenic

2. Place in furnace at 1050 C  Promotes Diffusion!
3. We want the As to diffuse into the Si till it reaches a
Thickness =
1.0 mm concentration of CA at a depth of 0.5 µm.
4. But!  There is a background concentration of As

Diameter = 10 cm

WRF 27.5: Important properties summarized

 Solubilityin Si:
Initial impurity in silicon:
Thickness = Minimum CA required:
1.0 mm For

Diameter = 10 cm

a) What is the diffusion time required, and how many
total As atoms will be loaded into the Silicon?

What type of situation would this be and why?

What equation do you think we should use from Chapter 27?
Thickness =
1.0 mm

Diameter = 10 cm

a) An important heuristic

Boundary Condition
Why?  0.5 µm << 1mm
Thickness =
1.0 mm

“It can be shown that this equation applies to a good approximation when
> 10, where L is the characteristic distance for diffusion (e.g half-thickness of a
sheet or radius of a cylinder or sphere).”
Diameter = 10 cm

a) What is the diffusion time required, and how many
total As atoms will be loaded into the Silicon?

Boundary Condition
Why?  0.5 µm << 1mm
Thickness =
1.0 mm

So how would we solve for time?

Diameter = 10 cm

a) What is the diffusion time required, and how many
total As atoms will be loaded into the Silicon?

So how would we solve for time?

Thickness =
1.0 mm Solve for

Diameter = 10 cm

a) What is the diffusion time required, and how many
total As atoms will be loaded into the Silicon?
 Solubility in Si:  
Initial impurity in silicon:
Minimum CA required:
Solve for
Note: What is the value of z that we
want to use?

a) What is the diffusion time required, and how many
total As atoms will be loaded into the Silicon?
 Solubility in Si:  Solve for
Initial impurity in silicon:
Minimum CA required:

a) What is the diffusion time required, and how many
total As atoms will be loaded into the Silicon?
 Solubility in Si:  
Initial impurity in silicon:
Minimum CA required:
For Solve for

Where do we need to look in the book?

 a) Use Appendix L to solve for

 Solve for

 a) Use Appendix L to solve for

 Solve for

a) What is the diffusion time required, and how many
total As atoms will be loaded into the Silicon?
 Solubility in Si:  
Initial impurity in silicon:
Minimum CA required:
For Solve for t.

What z do we want to use?

a) What is the diffusion time required, and how many
total As atoms will be loaded into the Silicon?
 Solubility in Si:  
Initial impurity in silicon:
Minimum CA required:

a) What is the diffusion time required, and how many
total As atoms will be loaded into the Silicon?
 Solubility in Si:  
Initial impurity in silicon:
Minimum CA required:
For = 0.5 * 10^-6 m = 0.5 * 10^-5 cm

a) What is the diffusion time required, and how many
total As atoms will be loaded into the Silicon?
 Solubility in Si: What equation should we use to
Initial impurity in silicon:
Minimum CA required: determine the number of Atoms loaded?
For = 0.5 * 10^-6 m = 0.5 * 10^-5 cm

a) What is the diffusion time required, and how many
total As atoms will be loaded into the Silicon?
 Solubility in Si:  What equation should we use?
Initial impurity in silicon:
Minimum CA required:
For = 0.5 * 10^-6 m = 0.5 * 10^-5 cm Eq. 27-11

What is S?
Solve for total atoms loaded.

a) What is the diffusion time required, and how many
total As atoms will be loaded into the Silicon?
  in Si:  
Initial impurity in silicon:
Minimum CA required:
For = 0.5 * 10^-6 m = 0.5 * 10^-5 cm

a) What is the diffusion time required, and how many
total As atoms will be loaded into the Silicon?
  in Si:  
Initial impurity in silicon:
Minimum CA required:
For = 0.5 * 10^-6 m = 0.5 * 10^-5 cm Now determine MA0 and solve for

a) What is the diffusion time required, and how many
total As atoms will be loaded into the Silicon?
  in Si:  
Initial impurity in silicon:
Minimum CA required:
For = 0.5 * 10^-6 m = 0.5 * 10^-5 cm Now determine MA0 and solve for

a) What is the diffusion time required, and how many
total As atoms will be loaded into the Silicon?
 Solubility in Si:  
Initial impurity in silicon:
Minimum CA required:
For = 0.5 * 10^-6 m = 0.5 * 10^-5 cm Now determine MA0 and solve for

Total As = 4.25 *10^18 Atoms added + 1.8 *

10^16 atoms originally = 4.25 atoms As

b) What is the calculated flux of As atoms into the Silicon at 5 min and 10
min into the process? Why is it not possible to estimate the flux at t = 0?

 Solubility in Si:  
Initial impurity in silicon:
Minimum CA required:
For = 0.5 * 10^-6 m = 0.5 * 10^-5 cm

b) What is the calculated flux of As atoms into the Silicon at 5 min and 10
min into the process? Why is it not possible to estimate the flux at t = 0?

 Solubility in Si:  
Initial impurity in silicon:
Minimum CA required:
For = 0.5 * 10^-6 m = 0.5 * 10^-5 cm

Groups 1-7 Solve for T = 5 min

Groups 8-13 solve for T = 10 min

b) What is the calculated flux of As atoms into the Silicon at 5 min and 10
min into the process? Why is it not possible to estimate the flux at t = 0?

 Solubility in Si:  
Initial impurity in silicon:
Minimum CA required:
For = 0.5 * 10^-6 m = 0.5 * 10^-5 cm
For 10 min: 3.73 * 10^13 atoms As * s^-1 *m^-2

b) What is the calculated flux of As atoms into the Silicon at 5 min and 10
min into the process? Why is it not possible to estimate the flux at t = 0?

Why is it not possibly to estimate the flux at t =0?

Explain based on the equation and give a physical explanation.

b) What is the calculated flux of As atoms into the Silicon at 5 min and 10
min into the process? Why is it not possible to estimate the flux at t = 0?

Why is it not possibly to estimate the flux at t =0?

Division by 0;

In summary: Be sure that you know and can apply the
following semi-infinite slab equations
  Flux across the  Cumulative Mass Transfer


𝑁 𝐴 |𝑧=0=
𝜋𝑡 √
∗ ( 𝐶 𝐴𝑠 −𝐶 𝐴 0 )
WRF 27.12 – An cylinder made of absorbent material is used to selectively
remove A from solution. How long will it take (hrs) for solute A to reach
2.94 gmol/m^3 at a depth 0.40 cm from surface?

 • Has a high affinity for A describe by the linear equilibrium

Note: CA is conc. In absorbent, C’A is concentration in fluid
K is a partition coefficient = 1.5 cm^3 fluid/cm^3 absorbent
1 cm
Dia. • Well mixed,

5 cm length • No A in the cylinder initially!

But first, what is this thing called a partition coefficient?

 • A good absorbent has a large partition coefficient (this means it has high
solubility inside the absorbent)

1 cm
K = 1.5 cm^3 fluid/cm^3 absorbent

5 cm length Dimensionless!  But! Note that it could have been defined as inverse so it
is important to pay attention to units.

The solution is “well-mixed”? What information does this give you about
 the problem and how can we use it to find the surface concentration


1 cm

5 cm length

The solution is “well-mixed”? What information does this give you about
 the problem and how can we use it to find the surface concentration


1 cm

5 cm length

The solution is “well-mixed”? What information does this give you about
 the problem and how can we use it to find the surface concentration


1 cm

5 cm length

This is an Unsteady State Problem, so we can solve it similarly to the
Unsteady State problems for Heat Transfer.

Recall that we needed to calculate

Y, the unaccomplished change

X, the Relative Time
n, the relative position, and
m, the relative resistance

We can use charts in the same way we did for heat

Which Parameters do we need and which parameter
do we need to find from the chart?

  Unaccomplished concentration change

This might be better called for this problem, since our

boundary is the surface.

is the concentration of A @ the time and position we

are interested in.

is the initial concentration of A at that position at time

t = 0.

Determine Y, Unaccomplished concentration change

   Calculate Y:

This might be better called for this problem, since our -

boundary is the surface. -
- We want a concentration of 2.94 gmole/cm^3 at
is the concentration of A @ the time and position we depth of 0.4 cm
are interested in.
Calculate Y!
is the initial concentration of A at that position at time
t = 0.

Determine Y, Unaccomplished concentration change

This might be better called for this problem, since our - We want a concentration of 2.94 gmole/cm^3 at
boundary is the surface. depth of 0.4 cm

is the concentration of A @ the time and position we Target C = 2.94 mol/cm^3

are interested in. Initial C= 0 mol/cm^3

is the initial concentration of A at that position at time

t = 0.

This is an Unsteady State Problem, so we can solve it similarly to the
Unsteady State problems for Heat Transfer.

Recall that we needed to calculate

Y, the unaccomplished change

X, the Relative Time
n, the relative position, and
m, the relative resistance

From there, we can use charts in the same way we did

for heat transfer.

  Relative Resistance

How will change with mixing?

is the distance from the center to the surface.

Calculate m, Relative Resistance

Diameter is 1 cm
Depth of interest 0.4 cm

So what is m?

Calculate m, Relative Resistance

Diameter is 1 cm
Depth of interest 0.4 cm

So what is m?

0! For well mixed,

This is an Unsteady State Problem, so we can solve it similarly to the
Unsteady State problems for Heat Transfer.

Recall that we needed to calculate

Y, the unaccomplished change

X, the Relative Time
n, the relative position, and
m, the relative resistance

We can use charts in the same way we did for heat


  Relative Position

The cylinder is 5 cm long with a diameter of 1 cm,

and we want the concentration to reach 2.94
gmol/m^3 at a depth 0.40 cm

What is n?
N = (1-0.4)/0.5 = 0.2

  Relative Position

The cylinder is 5 cm long with a diameter of 1 cm,

and we want the concentration to reach 2.94
gmol/m^3 at a depth 0.40 cm

What is n?

  Relative time

  Relative time

So which figure do you recommend we use?

Recall that we are neglecting the sides.

n = 0.2


Y = 0.02

Read off X for that chart.

So which figure do you recommend we use?

Recall that we are neglecting the sides.

n = 0.2


Y = 0.02

Read off X for that chart.

So which figure do you recommend we use?

Recall that we are neglecting the sides.

n = 0.2


Y = 0.02

Read off X for that chart.

So which figure do you recommend we use?

Read Figure F-2

When Y = 0.02, m = 0, n = 0.2,

X = 0.75

Using X, solve for time (t) in hours.


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