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Final Year Project:

Doctor Appointment Booking System

Project ID: FYP1-F19-E14
Project Team
• Muhammad Arfan(MCSM-F19-026)
• Muhammad Asif(MCSE-F19-041)
• Haider Ali (MCSE-F19-012)

• Supervisor:
• Mr. Waqas Ilyas
Table of Content
• Introduction & Background
• Problem Statement & Solution
• Features and Scope
• Requirements
• Use Case Diagram
• Website Front End Visiuals
• Functional & Non Functional Requirements
Doctor Appointment Booking System in hospitals today has necessitated a competent administration
when handling patients, generating their reports for cashier, and patient details which serves as a key
factor for the flow of business transactions in hospitals. Unfortunately the current Record
Management System leads to misplacement of Patient details and doctors’ record of reports and
consequent upon the insecurity to these records. This research project is aimed at computerizing all
the records about patients, hospitals and doctors. In order to achieve this goal, a thorough System
Study and investigation was carried out and data was collected and analyzed about the current
system using document and data flow diagrams. The concept of report production has been
computerized hence, no more delay in report generation in the hospital about patients and their
Introduction & Background
Doctor Appointment Booking System (DABS) is web-based doctor appointment booking application.
Our application is beneficial for consultants. Aim of this project is to create doctor patient handling
management system that will help doctors in their work and will also help patients to book doctor
appointments and view medical progress. The system allows doctors to manage their booking slots
online. Patients are allowed to book empty slots online and those slots are reserved in their name.
The system manages the appointment data for multiple doctors of various date and times. Each time
a user visits a doctor his/her medical entry is stored in the database by doctor. Next time a user logs
in he may view his/her entire medical history as and when needed. At the same time a doctor may
view patient’s previews medical history while the patient visits him. The system also consists of Blood
donor module. This module allows for Blood donation registration as well as Blood group search. The
module is designed to help urgent Blood requirements through easy/instant searches.
Problem Statement & Solution
The main problem that we addressed was dealing with patient, doctor and hospital records. This
program is develop to handle medical Appointment booking System for Patients, Doctors/medical
personnel and Hospitals, to enable them to handle details on policies efficiently.
The Project has implemented most of the objectives stipulated in earlier chapter. Medical
Appointment booking System offers a number of benefits to the user and can capture data, store,
view, add and delete records in database and also post information to the database.
Features and Scope
• Online Appointment Booking: Find doctors across the country and book your appointment at your convenience.
• Personal Digital Assistant: Store and access your medical records from anywhere in the world.
• Practice Management System: Find doctors - Promote your profile and open appointments to larger crowd Manage
your patient’s health records and accounts online. Generate Electronic Prescription. Connect to your stakeholders
• CMS: Admin can easily change manage contents of website such about us, contact pages and etc.
• Mobile Responsive: The site designed for mobile compatibility, so patients can book appointments from their
• Elicitation Techniques / Tools
 Interviews
 Market/Literature Survey
 Wire Framing / Prototyping
 etc.

• Specification / Documentation
• List of Different Users
 Admin
 Doctor/Consultant
 Patient
 etc.

• Use Cases
• Functional & Non Functional Requirements
Use Case Description
Use Case for Doctor & Admin
Use Case for Patient
Functional Requirements

• This section contains the requirements for the DABS application. The functional requirements, as collected from the users, have

• been categorized as follows to support the types of user interactions that the system shall have.

1. Educational Purpose: The main purpose of this Doctor appointment booking system application is to teach computer science

• students the basics of the HTML, CSS and PHP programming languages along with the concepts of web-application designing.
 FR01: User will run the application 

 FR02: User must be registered in application to confirm the booking process  

 FR03: User must write correct username and password

Non Functional Requirements
Performance Requirements
• Performance of the application must be efficient. Application reports must be authentic. Application data retrieving and
searching performance must be robust. Application accounts calculations must be accurate.
Safety Requirements
• Data base of the application must be secure from Errors and crashes issues. In case of any problem occurred, there must
be back up of data base. Every user will be responsible for his own data that he will upload on application.
Security Requirements
• System should be password protected. Every user has a different user name password. A user cannot access the feature
of other user.
• Application will be stable, the changes may should not be occurred
• Application must be available any time to users
• The interface of our application should be user friendly and easy to under stand
System Design
• Architecture Design
• Entity Relationship Diagram
• Class Diagram
• Sequence / Collaboration Diagram
• Activity Diagram
Architecture Design
Entity Relationship Diagram
Class Diagram
Sequence / Collaboration Diagram
Activity Diagram
This project has been a challenging journey for the us. A brief concept of research has been conducted in order to construct a
development framework and a development methodology. From the developer’s perspective, this personal reflection is describing
the choices and decisions made during the development phase. While selecting an appropriate methodology, the developer has
looked into several software developer methods and gathered brief knowledge about the concepts. However, majority number of
similar system followed the traditional Waterfall Method. The simplicity and organized framework of the Water fall method would be
a great choice for Appointment Booking System. A lot of background readings have been done to plan a primary research design.
Questionnaires and Interviews have been conducted in order to collect initial requirement data. This way the developer was able to
determine the system functionalities. The developer has implemented HTML, CSS and PHP for the execution of the system.
Live Visuals (Main Page)
Live Visuals (Doctor Login)
Live Visuals (Patient Login)
Live Visuals (Patient Signup)
The main reason for the establishment of computerizing Medical Appointment Booking System is to enable the
hospital administrators manage medical appointment in a convenient, fair and timely manner. Therefore the IT used
should support the main objective of the system if it is to remain relevant to the hospital. A lot still needs to be done in
the IT department in order to make available technology effective. This may involve training of the hospital staffs on
how to enter data to the system and also management need to keep updating the hardware and software
requirements of the system.
The researcher acknowledges the fact that this system does not handle all patient doctor and hospital information. The
researcher therefore suggests that for further research, the following can be researched on, the most cost effective
way of handling all Hospital Patient management system process.

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