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Chapter 2

Boolean Algebra and Logic


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2.1. Basic Definition
2.2. Axiomatic Definition of Boolean Algebra
2.3. Basic Theorems and Properties of
Boolean Algebra
2.4. Boolean Functions
2.5. Canonical and Standard Forms
2.6. Other Logic Operations
2.7. Digital Logic Gates
2.8. Integrated Circuits
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2.1. Basic Definition
 Boolean algebra, like any other deductive mathematical
system, may be defined with a set of elements, a set of
operators, and a number of unproved axioms or
 If S is a set, and x and y are certain objects, then the
notation x S means that x is a member of the set S and
y S means that y is not an element of S.
 A binary operator defined on a set S of elements is a rule
that assigns, to each pair of elements from S, a unique
element from S.
 As an example, consider the relation a *b = c. We say that * is a
binary operator if it specifies a rule for finding c from the pair (a,
b) and also if a, b, c S. However, * is not a binary operator if a,
b S, and if c S.

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2.1. Basic Definition: Postulates
The postulates of a mathematical system form the basic assumptions
from which it is possible to deduce the rules, theorems, and properties
of the system

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2.1. Basic Definition: Postulates

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2.2. Boolean Algebra
For the formal definition of Boolean algebra, we shall employ the
postulates formulated by E. V. Huntington in 1904.

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2.2. Boolean Algebra:

 A two‐valued Boolean algebra is defined on a set of two

elements, B = {0, 1}
 Rules for the two binary operators + and # as shown in
the following operator tables

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2.2. Boolean Algebra:

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2.2. Boolean Algebra:

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2.3. Basic Theorems and Properties of
Boolean Algebra
If the dual of the algebric expression is desired :
• Interchange OR and AND Operation

• Replace 1’s by 0’s and 0’s by 1’s

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2.3. Basic Theorems and Properties of
Boolean Algebra

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2.3. Basic Theorems and Properties of
Boolean Algebra

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2.3. Basic Theorems and Properties of
Boolean Algebra

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2.3. Basic Theorems and Properties of
Boolean Algebra
DeMorgan’s theorem

Operator Precedence
 The operator precedence for evaluating Boolean expressions is
1. parentheses,
2. NOT
3. AND
4. OR

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2.4. Boolean Functions
1. A Boolean function described by an algebraic expression consists of
binary variables, the
2. constants 0 and 1, and the logic operation symbols. For a given value
of the binary variables, the function can be equal to either 1 or 0

2n rows of truth table

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2.4. Boolean Functions
 There is one way a function is represented
in Truth table.
 In algebraic form, a circuit can be
represented a variety of ways.
 By manipulating a Boolean expression
according to the rules of the algebraic
equation, it is sometimes possible to obtain a
simpler expression for the same function.

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2.4. Boolean Functions

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2.4. Boolean Functions

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2.4. Boolean Functions
 When a Boolean expression is implemented with
logic gates, each term requires a gate and each
variable within the term designates an input to
the gate.
 We define a literal to be a single variable within a
term, in complemented or uncomplemented form.
 By reducing the number of terms, the number of
literals, or both in a Boolean expression, it is
often possible to obtain a simpler circuit.

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Boolean Functions: Algebraic

Postulate 4

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Complement of a Function
 The complement of a function F is F and is
obtained from an interchange of 0’s for 1’s and
1’s for 0’s in the value of F.
 The complement of a function may be derived
algebraically through DeMorgan’s theorems.

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 DeMorgan’s theorems can be extended to three
or more variables.

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Complement of a Function

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2.5. Canonical and Standard Forms
Minterm or Standard Product:
 A binary variable may appear either in its

 normal form (x).

 or in its complement form (x’).
 Consider two binary variables x and y
 There are four possible combinations: x’y’, x’y, xy’, and xy.
 Each of these four AND terms is called a minterm, or a
standard product.
 n variables can be combined to form 2n minterms
 A Boolean function can be expressed algebraically from
a given truth table by forming a minterm for each
combination of the variables that produces a 1 in the
function and then taking the OR of all those terms

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2.5. Canonical and Standard Forms
Maxterm or Standard Sum:n variables forming an OR
term, with each variable being primed or unprimed,
provide 2n possible combinations, called maxterms, or
standard sums. Each maxterm is the complement of its
corresponding minterm and vice versa.

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2.5. Canonical and Standard Forms

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2.5. Missing Variables

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2.5 Product of Maxterm

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2.5 Conversion between Canonical Forms

To convert from one canonical form to another,

interchange the symbols and and list those numbers
missing from the original form. In order to find the missing
terms, one must realize that the total number of minterms
or maxterms is 2n, where n is the number of binary
variables in the function.

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2.6. Other Logic Operations

1. Two functions that produce a

constant 0 or 1.
2. Four functions with unary
operations: complement and
3. Ten functions with binary
operators that define eight
different operations: AND, OR,
NAND, NOR, exclusive‐OR,
equivalence, inhibition, and

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Other Gates

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Extension to Multiple Input gates

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Extension to Multiple Input gates

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Positive and Negative Logic

Choosing the high‐level H to represent logic 1

defines a positive logic system. Choosing the low‐
level L to represent logic 1 defines a negative
logic system

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Assignment: Submission Date is 6th
 2.1
 2.4
 2.5
 2.9
 2.12
 2.14
 2.16
 2.18
 2.19
 2.20
 2.21

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