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Poetry is a type of literature that expresses

ideas, feelings, or tells a story in a specific form
(usually using lines and stanzas).*

Poetry is a type of literature based on the interplay of

words and rhythm. It often employs rhyme and meter
(a set of rules governing the number and arrangement
of syllables in each line)
Types of Poetry

Lyrical - Short poem (only a few lines, 1-2 stanzas), expresses an emotion or an
idea, or describes a scene. Does not tell a story and are often musical.
• Sonnet- a poem of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter (stress is on the 2nd, 4th,
6th, 8th and 10th syllables of each line) example Sonnet 16 by William Shakespeare
• Elegy- Poem that mourns a death or other great loss
* Ode – This is the poem of nobbling feeling, expressed with dignity and praises.It is
usually written in appreciation or reflection. They are almost always written about a
significant event, or someone or something that the poet admires.
 But wherefore do not you a mightier way
Make war upon this bloody tyrant, Time?
And fortify your self in your decay
With means more blessed than my barren rhyme?
Now stand you on the top of happy hours,
And many maiden gardens, yet unset,
With virtuous wish would bear you living flowers,
Much liker than your painted counterfeit:
So should the lines of life that life repair,
Which this, Time's pencil, or my pupil pen,
Neither in inward worth nor outward fair,
Can make you live your self in eyes of men.
   To give away yourself, keeps yourself still,
   And you must live, drawn by your own sweet skill.
Example of Elegy
Narrative Poems –
Longer and tells a
• Epic- A • Ballad – It Dramatic Poetry –
has elements
Monologue – This
Soliloquy- The
speaker of the
Oration – this is a
formal address
story, with a long serious also tell a related closely to is a combination poem or the elevated in tone
beginning, middle, poem that story like epic the drama, it uses of drama and character in a play and usually
and end. poems; a dramatic poetry. It presents delivers a passage. delivered on some
Generally, longer tells the however, technique and may some line or The thoughts and notable occasion.
than the lyric story of ballad poetry unfold a story. It speech of single emotions are
styles of poetry emphasizes the character in a but heard by the
because the poet heroic or is often based character rather complicated author and the
needs to establish legendary on a legend or than the situation and audience as well.
characters and a narrative. sometimes in a
plot. figure. a folk tale.
Most ballads
are written
stanzas and
has a regular
rhythms and
Special Types of Poems
Haiku- A Japanese poem written in three lines, (575) Five syllables, Seven
Syllables, Five Syllable
Example: An old silent pond…
A frog jumps into the pond.
Splash! Silence again.
Free Verse Poems - Does not have any repeating patterns of stressed and
unstressed syllables. Does not have rhyme. Very conversational, sounds like
someone talking to you.

Limerick - A limerick is a poem of five lines, the first, second and fifth lines
rhyme with another. The third and fourth lines have two beats and rhyme with one
another. They are always light-hearted, humorous poems.

Name Poem – a special type of poetry belongs to descriptive poetry that use
an adjective to describe a person that begins with each letter of that person’s
Limerick Example:

Name Poem Example:

 Concrete Poems- In concrete poems, the words are arranged to create a
picture that relates to the content of the poem.
• Mood – The overall emotion created by a work of literature. Is the feeling or the atmosphere
that the reader gets when he is reading the story.
• Meter – A pattern of stressed and syllables. Each unit or part of the pattern is called “foot”
Types of feet:
Iambic- unstressed, stressed
Trochaic- stressed, unstressed
Anapestic – unstressed, unstressed, stressed
Dactylic- stressed, unstressed, unstressed
Rhymes- Words sound alike because they share the same ending vowel and
consonant sounds. Repetition of similar sounds in two or more words.
EXAMPLE: I saw a little frog,
He was cutter than can be,
He was sitting on a log
And I’m sure he croaked at me!

Refrain – A sound, word phrase or line repeated and regularly in a poem,

usually at the end of each stanza or verse such as the chorus in a song.

Figures of speech – is a word or phrase using figurative language-

language that has meaning than its normal definition.
 Imagery – Descriptive words or phrases that appeal to the 5 senses: sight,
sound, touch, taste, and smell-creating a picture in the reader’s mind.
• Taste: The familiar tang of his grandmother’s cranberry sauce reminded him of his
• Sound: The concert was so loud that her ears rang for days afterward.
• Sight: The sunset was the most gorgeous they’d ever seen; the clouds were edged with
pink and gold.
• Smell: After eating the curry, his breath reeked of garlic.
• Touch: The tree bark was rough against her skin.
Poetic form
Line- a group of words together on one line of the
poem Stanza – a group of lines arranged together
Kinds of stanzas:
Couplet- a two-line stanza
Triplet (Tercet) – a three-line stanza
Quatrain – four-line stanza
Quintet – 5-line stanza
 Sestet (Sextet)- 6-line stanza
 Septet- 7-line stanza
 Octave – 8-line stanza

Tone – is the attitude writers take towards their subject. The feeling or the
atmosphere that the author has set in his story. Or simply refers to how the author
feels towards the subject.

Connotation vs Denotation
Connotation- an emotional or social association with a word, giving meaning
beyond the literal definition. The emotional suggestions of words that is not literal.
The implied or indirect meaning
Denotation- the specific, literal image, idea, concept, or object that a word or
phrase refers to or words that might be found in a dictionary.
WORD Denotation Connotation
A star ball of light/gas in the sky a wish
A family group of related individuals love, trust, closeness
A dog four-legged mammal pet, friend, protector
Brief History of World Literature

 Literature refers to any “written work” derived from “literature” which

means writing formed with letters.
 It is the mirror of the society which reflects societal norms, culture, tradition,
experiences. Literature goes along with society.
 World Literature: is considered in global context. It suggests to the sum of
total world’s national literature and also the circulation of work into the
wider world beyond country’s origin.
 World literature is used to refer to the total of the world's national literature and
the circulation of works into the wider world beyond their country of origin.
Three Conquests:
• Different letters
• Different grammar
• Different spelling
• Song of Beowulf
• [ old English Epic poem]

• Strong belief in faith

• Juxtaposition of the church
• and pagan worlds
• Admiration of heroic warriors who
• Prevail in the battle
• Express religious faith and give
• moral instruction through literature
 The Renaissance Literature
 Old classics rediscovered
 Sonnet
 Elegy
 Patriotism
 Translation
 Age of Drama
 Golden age in English History

 The Restoration and 18th Century

 Age of reason
 Age of enlightenment
 Rise of the novel and journalism
 Age of satire
 Age of Poetry
The Romantic Period

 Use of everyday language

 Imagination essential
 Overflowing emotions
 Inspired by untamed nature and the exotic far east
 Folk traditions and medieval tales of knights
 Gothic novels
The Victorian Period
 Queen Victoria
 Transition Period
 Melancholic and Political Poetry

 Post Modern Age

 Literature of this periods exemplifies the improved crafts of masters. The novel
has flourished, and writers have risen not only to popularity but to distinction as
 Truth and reality
 Personal history
 Social class
 Gender, culture and religion

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