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Hospital Admission

is The procedure of admitting a pt

into a hospital for medical

Pre-advance level
for S-1 Nursing Students 2008
Hospital admission

• Hospital admission involves staying at a

hospital for at least one night or more.
• Purpose:
Staying in the hospital overnight is done
because the individual is too sick to stay
at home, requires 24-hour nursing care,
and/or is receiving medications and
undergoing tests and/or surgery that
can only be performed in the hospital
 ADMISSION (n)  Masuk ke RS; Loket pendaftaran
 FORM (n)  Formulir
 OCCUPATION (n)  Pekerjaan
 HOSPITALIZATION (n)  Perawatan di RS
 HOSPITALIZE (v)  Opname
 FILL OUT THIS FORM (v)  Mengisi formulir
 INSURANCE (n)  Jaminan asuransi
 RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE (n)  Preferensi kunjungan keagamaan
 WORSEN (v)  Memburuk
 MEDICAL HISTORY (n)  Riwayat medis (penyakit dan
 MEDICATION HISTORY (n)  Riwayat pengobatan
 CONTACT PERSON (n)  Orang yg bisa dikontak
Before the person is taken to their room, admission
procedures are performed. The person's personal data
is recorded and entered into the hospital's computer
The data may include:
 Name

 Address

 Home and work phone number


 Place of employment

 Occupation
The data may also include:
 Details of any medicines the patient has taken
 Details of your general practitioner or other
treating health professionals
 Reason for hospitalization
 Allergies to medications or foods
 Emergency contact information, or the names
and telephone numbers of those individuals
the hospital should contact if the person being
admitted needs emergency care or their
condition worsens significantly
 Insurance coverage
 Religious preference, including whether or not
one wishes a clergy member to visit
 There may be several forms to fill out.
 One form may be a detailed medical and
medication history.
 This history will include past hospitalizations
and surgeries.
 Once all the admitting information has been
completed, the next step is usually being
taken to a room.

Useful Expressions
 What can I do for you / May I help you? I want to
consult about my health problem.
 What’s your name? My name is John Denver.
 Fill out this form, please.
 What is your complaint? I have a fever.
 How long have you had fever? I have had it for 3
 What medicine have you taken? I have taken
 Have you visited your GP before coming here? Yes,
I have.
 What is your GP’s name? Dr. Richardson
 What is your GP’s address? Pahlawan 20 Sby
 What is your GP’s phone number? 031-457367468
Useful Expressions
 Whom should I call in emergency condition?
Mr. Sanderson
 Name (mention) your emergency contact person.
 What is your relation wth your contact person? He is my
 Do you have any allergies? Yes, I do / No, I don’t
 Are you allergic to certain food? Yes. I’m allergic to
 Are you allergic to certain medicine? No, I am not.
 Are you allergic to certain substance? No , am not.
 Do you have any insurance? Yes, I do.
 What’s your insurance name? It is Jamsostek.
THANKS for your attention

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