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Presented by: Alonny Cardoso

Roll no: RR/TT-19-02


 Introduction
 What is teamwork?
 What makes a successful team?
 Characteristics of an effective teamwork
 Types of team
 Why teamwork matters
 What are the benefits of teamwork
 Disadvantages of working in a team
 Conclusion
 References
What is teamwork?

Teamwork can be defined as the skill to work with a

team of people collaboratively for achieving a
particular goal.
Teamwork plays an important part in the success of a
What makes a successful team?

T-Talents (i.e., skills and abilities)

E- Enthusiasm (i.e., shared excitement and interest)
A -Adaptable (i.e., flexibility is key to face unforeseen
M -Mutual respect (i.e., valuing everyone’s
 W- Working Together (i.e., common purpose to deliver
 O- Organized (i.e., clear structure, expectations, roles, etc.)
R- Recognition (i.e., continuous feedback – like the geese)
K -Knowledge (i.e., having the required knowledge to achieve
the common purpose)
Characteristics of an Effective
 Sense of Purpose
 Cooperative Spirit
 Appreciation
Types of team

 Informal Teams
 Problems Solving Teams
 Leadership Teams
 Self-Directed Team
Why teamwork matters?

 Creates synergy - the sum is greater than the parts.

 Supports a more empowered way of working.
 Improves efficiency and productivity.
 Provides learning opportunities.
 Promotes the sense of achievement, equity and friendship,
essential for a motivated workplace.
 Motivates unity in the work place environment.
What are the benefits of teamwork?

• Tasks are completed more quickly.
• Greater job satisfaction.
• Work is often more enjoyable – happier workplace.
• Ability to draw on other peoples’ experiences and ideas –
getting support in the workplace.
 Improved production and higher staff morale.
 Reduced staff turnover.
 Increased profits and product quality.

 Better products and customer service.
Disadvantage of Working in a Team

 More time may be needed to reach a decision and take action.

 There may be pressure to conform to team norms and
 There may be resistance to change if the team’s culture is
 A dominant person may influence the team’s decision-making.
 There is more opportunity for conflict to emerge and continue.
 It may be difficult to work out who is responsible for action.

Efficient team-working can transform the workplace.

It can help create clear open channels of
communication, improve productivity, help keep
morale high and provide individuals with a sense of
identity and purpose.


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