Job Analyses and Evaluation & Performance Evaluation

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Job Analyses and Evaluation

Techniques & Key Performance

Indicators (KPIs)

By : Chiquito Ribeiro
Smile Jogja, Indonesia, 22-26 July 2019
Table of Content
Job Management
 Job Analyses
 Job Description
 Job Identification (Specification)
 Job Evaluation

Key performance indicator (KPI)

 Institution’s Mission, Vision and Target
 Business Plan or Institution’s Strategy
 SOP for Jobs
 SOP for KPI’s
 KPI’s Implementation and Review
 Coaching , monitoring (review)
Job Analyses
Definition (What): Is a systematic way to collect, analyze and
set out the information (Data) about the specific job in the
Purpose (Why): to crate job description, job identification, job
evaluation, Identify the training needs, nature of the job, Salary
scale and performance evaluation.
Processes to perform job analyses (How): (1). Identification of
Staff, (2). Job Description (Duties), (3). Competency (power)
and responsibility, (4). Initiative, (5). Endeavour, (6). Job
relation, (7). Education & Experience & Training, (8).
Achievement & Material &Tools for Working, (9). Place of
Work, (10). Workplace Condition
Job Analyses Techniques
Daily to do list
DO’s in Job Analyses
Commitment of staff
Management’s support
Involvement/Support from the work association
Choose the effective communication technique
Data collection is well Controlled
Keep up-to-date
Job Description
Is a required summary or indication of factual points of Job
Comprises of :
a) Job Summary
b) Supervision
c) Background of the Institution/organization
d) Purpose of the recruitment
e) Working Condition
f) Duties and Responsibilities
g) Knowledge, Skill and Ability (KSA) – Job Identification
h) Performance Evaluation (Job Measurement)
Job Identification (Specification)
It translates the job description into human
qualifications so that a job can be performed in a
better manner
Experience : Nu. of years of work experience.
Education : Degrees, Training or certifications
Knowledge, skill and ability (KSA)
The Process of Job Analysis
Job analyst Task/Duties
Employee Responsibilities
Supervisor (Head of
Identification of Staff, Job
Description (Duties),
Competency (power) and
Training & Development
responsibility, Initiative,
Performance Management
Endeavour, Job relation,
Job evaluation
Education & Experience &
Training, Achievement &
Material &Tools for
Working, Place of Work
METHOD OF and Workplace Condition
Interview Skill Requirement
Questionnaires Knowledge Requirement
Observation Abilities Needed
Daily to do list
Job Evaluation
Is formed by the job analyses
Is a systematic way of determining the value/worth of a
job in relation to other jobs in an institution.
Tries to make systematic comparison between jobs to
establish rational pay structure (Pay equity between jobs)
Is carried out by unbiased evaluation committee (Division
head, experienced employees, and HR Representative)
Is established by the management, separately, or as per
Art. 9, Gov. Decree law No.6/2015, 18 of November, about
the creation of CPRC
Art.1 : Os orgãos ou instituição da Admninistração Pública devem
assegurar uma gestão eficiente dos contratos de trabalho a termo
certo, através da criação de uma Comissão Permanente para o
Recrutamento de Contratados (CPRC)
Alinea 1 : Fazer a revisão das necessidades de contratados e do
plano de recrutamento a ser enviado para a autoridade máxima do
órgão ou instituição da Administração Pública, para aprovação, na
altura da preparação do Orçamento Geral do Estado
Art 21, Alinea 1 : Mobilização do Candidato Selecionado, Alinea 1.
Após validação do contrato pela CPRC e posterior aprovação pela
autoridade máxima do órgão ou instituição da adminstração pública o
serviço de aprovisionamento notifica o candidato selecionado para iniciar
os seus preparativos para a integração na unidade de trabalho beneficiária

Art 21, Alinea 11, Alinea 4: Os Termos de Referências são

submetidos pelos serviços de Recursos humanos para aprovação da
CPRC, juntamento com um plano de recrutamento e seleção
Benefits of Job evaluation
Job fits (Proper placement) in the existing structure
Avoids employees complaints about salary
Reduces the inequities in salary structure
Sets a harmonious relation between staff and the
Job Evaluation Process
Gaining Acceptance
Creating Job evaluation Committee
Finding the jobs to be evaluated
Analyzing and preparing job description
Selecting the method of evaluation
Starting the evaluation
Reviewing periodically
Job Evaluation Method
Ranking – Ranges from the highest to the lowest – Non Analytical
Method (Director, Vice Director, Coordinator, Head of Dept,
Engineer, Technician, Officer, Assistant, Admin Support, Driver,
Classification – A group of different jobs with similar difficulty and
similar skill to perform - Non Analytical Method(Executives, Skill,
Semi Skilled 1, Unskilled)
Point Rating – Analytical Method - Jobs are broken down into
various identifiable factors (rated based on the importance) : Skill,
effort, knowledge, responsibility, working condition, etc.
Factor comparison –Analytical Method - each job is ranked
according to the series of factors : mental effort, skill needed,
responsibility, working condition
Ranking Method
Ranking order Salary Scale




Senior (Finance, Engineer, Admin)





Cleaner (Office Boys)

Classification Method
Class Rank Employees

Class 1 Executive Director, Vice-Director, Coordinators

Class 2 Skilled Employees Head of Departments, Senior (Finance,

Engineer, Admin), Officers, Associate

Class 3 Semi-Skilled Assistants, Admin Supports


Class 4 Unskilled Employees Drivers, Cleaners.

Point Rating Method
Weight (based on Compensable Degrees
the importance) Factors
40 Skilled Required 1 2 3 4 5
30 Effort Required 1 2 3 4 5
20 Responsibility 1 2 3 4 5
10 Working Condition 1 2 3 4 5

Example of Job “X” is 260 total points may result from

Degree skill required 2 x 40 = 80

Degree effort required 3 x 30 = 90
Degree responsibility 3 x 20 = 60
Degree working condition 3 x 10 = 30

Note : Degree (s) : 5 = Highest, 4 = 2nd Highest, 3 = Medium, 2=2nd Lowest, 1=Lowest
Minimum Weight = 40+30+20+10 = 100 Points
Maximum Weight = 200 + 150 + 100 + 50 = 500 Points

Point Rating Method
Class Points Salary Scale

1 400 - 500

2 300 - 399

3 200 -299

4 100 - 199
Factor Comparison Method
Factor / Salary Physical Mental Skill Responsi Working
Key Job (/Day) Effort Effort bility Condition
Executive 60 15 10 10 15 10

Senior 50 10 10 10 10 10

Officer 40 10 8 12 5 5

Assistant 30 5 5 10 5 5

Admin 25 5 5 5 5 5
Cleaner / 15 5 5 5
Principles in Job evaluation
Rate the job but not the employee (person).
Elements / tasks selected should be easily understood,
defined clearly and properly selected.
Supervisors should be encouraged to participate in rating
the jobs.
Encourage employee cooperation to participate in the
rating program.
Consensus with the supervisors and employees on rating.
Should be a collective effort, chance for equal
representation from all departments.
Pay Determination
Based on the Complexity of Work : Gov. Decree law
No.6/2015, 18 of November
Based on Work Experience & Education : Gov. Decree
law No.6/2015, 18 of November
Based on the importance of the job to the institution
(Mostly utilized in business/profit organization)
Volume of works
Key Performance indicator (KPI)
Institution’s Mission, Vision and Target
Business Plan or Institution’s Strategy
SOP for Jobs
SOP for KPI’s – How to measure ?
KPI’s Form
KPI’s links to Performance Evaluation
Performance Evaluation links to Pay Scales
Who evaluates whom
DO’s When implementing KPI
Responsibility of the Superior
KPI’s Performance
Institution’s Mission, Vision and Target
Vision : Something that is long term, measurable and
changes from year to year, and helps the institution
achieves it’s purpose (goal). Is transparent for all
Ex: We will generate 4 billion Dollar Revenue by the end
of 2020.
Mission : Something that is relevant to the daily work.
Ex: TED Mission Statement: Spread ideas.
Target : Something that is set to achieve the goal. Ex:
What org need to achieve within a month, three months,
six-months. It’s a short term and is contributed to the
achievement of the vision
Business Plan or Institution’s Strategy
Well description of what the institution has to do to
achieve its vision in a short, medium and long term
Well description of target the institution has to
achieve in a certain period of time (monthly, quarterly,
The plan or strategy is translated into each
departmental action plan (Measured by Departmental
The departmental action plan is broken down to
individual roles (Measured by KPI for each role)
Business Plan or Institution’s Strategy

Institution’s Key Success Key Performance

Objective Factors (KSFs) Indicators (KPIs)

Note :
• KPIs Directly link to the overall institutions Objectives

• KPIs are measurement that define and track specific institution's

goals (objective)
SOP for Jobs
Well description of how to perform each job in the
Target, Mission and Vision are translated into the
individual role.
All jobs must be align with the institution’s Strategy
(Mission, Vision and Target) in short, medium and
long term
SOP for KPI’s – How to measure ?
Well description of all measurement applied in all jobs in the institution.
How to measure the jobs? Why do we have them?
How to make them quantifiable ?
System for rating (rating, ranking and narrative system)
What to rate ? Key Success Factors (Competency base and job
Measuring the weight value can be calculated in numbers or alphabet
(Maximum Score Points : 100 or 10):
1 (a) = Worse (1 – 59) - (1 – 5.9)
2 (b) = Sufficient (60 – 69) - (6 – 6.9)
3 (c) = Fair (70 – 79) - (7 – 7.9)
4 (d) = Good (80 – 89) - (8 – 8.9)
5 (e) = Excellent (90 – 100) - (9 – 10)
KPI Form
KPIs Contribute to Performance Evaluation
Depends on the cadence or needs of the Ins. :
If Monthly :
KPIM12/12 = Performance Evaluation Result
If Quarterly :
KPIQ1 + KPIQ2 + KPIQ3 + KPIQ4 /4 = Performance
Evaluation Result
Link of Performance Evaluation to Pay Scale
Alinea 2 no 3, Art. 31, Gov. Decree law Nu.6/2015, 18 of
November, Renovação de contratos :

“ Alinea 2 : A renovação do contrato não altera os termos e

condições acordados no contrato ou contratos anteriores,
exceto nos casos de desempenho excelente nos quais é
permitido um aumento salarial até 10%.”

“Alinea 3 : A renovação implica ajustes nos Termos de

Referência para refletir a continuação das necessidades do
órgão e instituições da Administração Pública”
So, the determined increase could be
calculated as follow :
Performance Evaluation
Percentage (%) Increased

Excellent 9% - 10%

Good 8% - 8.9%

Fair 7% - 7.9%

Sufficient 6% - 6.9%

Worse No
Who Evaluates Whom
Head of department evaluates the staff
Coordinator evaluates the head of department and
certifies the evaluations for staff.
Director evaluates the coordinators, and approves the
evaluations of all staff, including head of Department
and Coordinators.
DO’s when implementing the KPI
Set KPI’s expectation meeting and the its revision or evaluation date.
Commitment of Middle and Top Management
Staff involvement
Involvement/Support from the stakeholders
KPI’s evaluations and filings are well Controlled
Avoid Biases
Develop jointly with those involved
Revision (Keep up-to-date)
Responsibility of the
Knows what staff is doing
Not just a KPI meeting
Regular feedback (Monitoring)
On the Job Training
KPI’s Performance
Dissemination and Awareness
Review and Updates
Meet the institutional needs and strategy
In order to implement any HR practices at MPS, it’s required
a better coordination from the top management till the staff.
It’s required to create an Standard Operating Procedure, to
control all agencies that manage IF, in order work based on
the contract cost & timeline.
It’s recommended to form CPRC to act as middle
management to look after the necessities of the contracted
employees. As mentioned in Art. 9, Gov. Decree law
No.6/2015, 18 of November
It’s recommended to recruit one more staff to provide
assistant to the role of HR and Administration Section.

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