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Kritik Jurnal?

Dr. Muhammad Sofwan Mahmud

Persediaan Kritik Jurnal

Read the Article at Least

Re-read the Article as
Once to Get Its Main Idea
You Mark It Up
(Overall View)
Take some time to reread the article, but this
time; make sure you use tools such as a
highlighter or even a red pen to create
conspicuous markings. Asking yourself
Create Legends for the
Come Up With Preliminary
Markings That You Make
Concepts for Your Critique

Creating legends for your markings Always ensure that you craft a rough
entails coming up with unique symbols opinion of the article that you have at
that enable you to tell the difference hand. Scrutinize the overall arguments
between the parts of the article that you that the author relays after reading the
have found inconsistent, confusing or article around three or four times and
essential. record your reactions in the text.
What you want to criticize
Title . 01 05 Methodology

02 06
Abstract Findings

Introduction / 03 07 Discussion
Literature review

Problem Statement 04 08

Start with a Great Introduction That

Gives an Outline of Your Argument

In Your Article Critique`s Body, Give Closing sentence : provides

Evidence To Reinforce Your Argument 02 04 direction for future research.

Wrap up Your Critique by Making a Summary of 03

Your Argument and Giving Potential Implications
Asking Yourself Questions

Is the title brief and informative?
Does the title make clear the population of interest and the major
Have vague, ambiguous and emotion–laden terms been avoided?
Asking Yourself Questions

Is the related literature relevant and sufficient?
Are the connections between the present study and previous research and
theory made clear?

Have the variables of interest been identified?
Has the theoretical foundation for the study been developed?
Is the problem clearly stated?
Is there justification or rational for the study?
Asking Yourself Questions


Are the hypothesis explicit?
Do the hypothesis follow logically from the statement of the problem?
Asking Yourself Questions

Is the population of interest defined?
Is the method for selecting the samples explicit?
Does the sampling allow for generalization to the population of interest?

Are the procedures described well enough to allow replication of the study?
Do the procedures include appropriate operational definition of the IV?
Do the procedures provide sufficient control for internal validity?
Do the procedures provide sufficient control for external validity?
Asking Yourself Questions

Is the information on the validity and reliability of the instrument provided?
Are the instrument adequately described?
Are the instruments appropriate operational definitions of the independent


Are the descriptive statistics used appropriate for summarizing the data?
Are the inferential statistics used appropriate for testing the hypothesis?
Have the statistics been interpreted appropriately?
Are the statistics appropriate for the level of measurement of the data?
Asking Yourself Questions

 Are the results of all hypothesis test presented?
 Are the statistics interpreted correctly?
 Are the result clearly presented?
 Are tables and figures used appropriately?

 Is there a clear interpretation of the results?
 Does the author present implication of the study result?
 Are the implications presented based on the result of the study, not on what the author
hoped or expected to be true?
 Are appropriate applications discussed?
 Do the applications follow logically from the results of the study?
 Are the connections between the result and the theory and existing literature shown?
 Are there suggestions for future research?
Asking Yourself Questions

Are the conclusions clearly presented?
Do the conclusions follow logically form the result of the study?
Has the author avoided reaching conclusions that are not directly
supported by the outcomes of the study?

Is the summary clear, concise and sufficiently complete?
Let's See An Example For Article Critique

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