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How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease

Expenses Without Adding Any Revenue Centers

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Date 04/19/2021
2 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without Adding

Any Revenue Centers

 In every business set up, increasing profits requires control and balance of


 Increasing profits without adding expenses requires a lot of effort and

organization from both the hotel management and the employees.

 The following are some ways hotels can increase profits and reduce expenses
3 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses

Without Adding Any Revenue Centers

Ensuring employees are happy and encouraging them to be good ambassadors of the hotel;

- Employees are the most important assets in a hotel.

- A happy employee will serve the customers right.

-Rewarding them for their efforts and ideas.

- A happy employee will engage positively with the customers.

4 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without

Adding Any Revenue Centers

Providing excellent services;

- Happy customers will pay handsomely.

- Satisfied guests will share their experiences with friends and

- Modern technology allows for instant customer feedback to be shared online,

negative customer reviews can hurt the business while positive feedbacks will encourage
more guests to visit the hotel.
5 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without Adding

Any Revenue Centers

Make the Guests feel at home;

- A warm reception before and after arrival will do miracles.

- Informing the guests about the pre-stay services e.g., things to experience and parking will

help create a guest-hotel bond.

- The guests will truly feel at home if they get to know which means of transport to use before

arriving at the airport.

- A client will feel happy if they arrive earlier than the stated and still get booked in . 04/19/2021
6 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without Adding

Any Revenue Centers

Working to increase revenues at point-of-sale;

- Working together with other business vendors e.g., car hire companies allows

offering of additional services to hotel customers.

- Selling other merchandise at the front desk, renting cars, and offering special

discounts to the guests (Aznar et al., 2017)

7 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without Adding

Any Revenue Centers

Marketing the hotel directly to the guests;

- Gathering the guests’ contact details, including their email addresses.

- Marketing on social media can help keep contact with guests and engaging with

future clients.

-Developing connections, giving offers to returning guests, and creating a newsletter

to have your customers informed about new and existing services.
8 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without

Adding Any Revenue Centers

Making the hotel stand out from competitors;

- Making changes that increase profits is possible even in competitive

environments. Employing creativity and dynamic solutions, can increase the

profits and reduce expenses without disrupting the daily hotel operations.

- Differentiating the hotel from other competitors through better pricing, and

better customer service. 04/19/2021

How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without Adding Any Revenue Centers

 Encouraging guest referrals;

- Encouraging happy customers to share their experience.

Rewarding the guests with offers for their next visit, gift

10 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without

Adding Any Revenue Centers

Creating a high-perceived value;

- Guests will pay more if they feel they are getting value for

money paid. The real value is not as important as the felt value.

-If the guests feel they are receiving a service worth $30 and

its actual costs is $10 then that is a win for the hotel. 04/19/2021
11 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without Adding

Any Revenue Centers

Hosting special functions and private events;

- A hotel can increase bookings by hosting conferences , special

meetings, birthday parties, weddings, and family gatherings.

- Special events like Hot Tub Getaways during the winter months

or Lover’s Weekends can fill rooms during normally low seasons.

How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without Adding Any

Revenue Centers

Auditing Everything;

- Auditing everything to increase savings on energy, phone, and technology


- Hotels can spend large amounts of their operational budget on unnecessary

budgets but with proper auditing cutting of these expenses is possible. 04/19/2021
13 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without Adding Any

Revenue Centers

Ensuring the hotel’s property management system is the best in the industry;

- With an automated information management system there’s no need for an

IT personnel to operate or maintain it, this helps save a lot of time and money.

- Upfront costs will be reduced without the need for any physical hardware

if the system is cloud based. 04/19/2021

14 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without

Adding Any Revenue Centers

Enforcing flexible working hours for the employees;

- Maintaining consistent working hours for hotel staff is not the best thing.

- It means that at certain times of the day the hotel is overstaffed, and at other times


- Trying a more flexible shift-based approach that allows agility and use of staff
when needed for specific purposes saves time, resources while maximizing the profits.
How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without Adding Any Revenue Centers

Reducing marketing costs;

- Paid marketing is not always a guarantee of garner more results.

- Marketing can be made on free channels.

- Creating quality content and building strong social media following without investing a

large budget.

- A lot of progress can be made on various social media platforms without spending money.
16 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without

Adding Any Revenue Centers

Finding use for underutilized spaces;

-Those free spaces in the hotel can be used for revenue purposes.

- It does not have to be anything permanent, e.g., creating a temporary

massage area, a cooking class or an exercise class,.

- This will encourage guests at the hotel to spend a little more than they had

planned to.
17 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without

Adding Any Revenue Centers

Capitalizing on the food and beverage department;

- Taking note of how much food is actually needed.

- For example if plates consistently come back with food left on them

with a complaint about the quality then it’s likely portion sizes on the plate

should be reduced and less stock ordered.


- Emphasis should be on quality rather than quantity.

18 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without

Adding Any Revenue Centers

Developing the staff to deliver quality service;

- Empowering employees, encouraging teamwork and

training them for technical and customer care skills are some

ways of developing people to offer quality services.


- Quality services are incentives for increased profits.

19 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without

Adding Any Revenue Centers

Save on furniture and fixtures;

- Many furniture suppliers have bulk deals and packages that are cheap.

- The cost of buying custom and unique furniture design could outweigh the


- when buying these furniture the hotel should who their target market is to

avoid buying unnecessary expensive fixtures. 04/19/2021

20 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without

Adding Any Revenue Centers

Optimizing role requirements;

- More attention should be given on efficiency.

- for example a room has been used for half a day won’t require as much

cleaning or preparation time as a room that has been occupied for a week.

- through this, the staff can get more done, quickly.

21 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without

Adding Any Revenue Centers

Constant maintenance of hotel equipment;

- Maintaining equipment will minimize energy consumption,

extend systems life, and reduce the likelihood of breakdowns.

- System breakdowns and equipment replacement can be costly

to the hotel, inconvenient to guests who might not return.

22 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses

Without Adding Any Revenue Centers

Focusing on the guest experience;


-Hotels need to know their guests and use this knowledge to deliver

personalized experiences, achieving this will make them come back.

- collecting and analyzing guest feedback, and making it easy for them to

leave a review will help the hotel improve on the quality of services. (Net, 2020)
23 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without

Adding Any Revenue Centers

Being flexible and ready to adjust;

- In the hospitality industry cancellations happen frequently, the hotel

should be prepared for such scenarios.

- to achieve this, the hotel should find out what makes it special to its

guests, and what differentiates it from others. (He et al., 2019)

24 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses

Without Adding Any Revenue Centers

Utilizing Demand Forecasting;

- Demand forecasting enables the hotel to plan ahead and reflect on

pricing decisions in the future, learning from the past mistakes and

optimizing for the future.

-Demand forecasting enables the hotel to minimize unexpected


surprises, thereby optimizing the hotel’s revenue potential.

25 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without

Adding Any Revenue Centers

Enforcing strict Cancellation Policies;

- High cancellation rates lead to losses, translating into lower profits.

- to prevent late cancellations is by getting more rigid with

cancellation policies, charging a fee for every cancellation will

discourage cancellations. 04/19/2021

26 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without

Adding Any Revenue Centers

 In the hospitality industry customer satisfaction is the most important thing that will

ensure consistent profits.

 The main challenge is maintaining the service while minimizing operational costs and

maximizing profits.

 Hotel industry keeps growing at a fast pace.

 Following the above tips and implementing new technologies can increase the profits and

reduce the expenses.

27 How Hotels Can Increase Profits And Decrease Expenses Without

Adding Any Revenue Centers


Aznar, J. P., Sayeras, J. M., Rocafort, A., & Galiana, J. (2017). The irruption of Airbnb and its effects on hotel

profitability: An analysis of Barcelona’s hotel sector. Intangible Capital, 13(1), 147-159.

He, P., Qiu, Y., Wang, Y. D., Cobanoglu, C., Ciftci, O., & Liu, Z. (2019). Loss of profit in the hotel industry

of the United States due to climate change. Environmental Research Letters, 14(8), 084022.

Net, H. (2020). How To Increase Hotel Revenue? | By Bogdan Romashko – Hospitality Net. Hospitality Net.

Retrieved 27 November 2020, from


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