01 - Manufacturing System

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Manufacturing System

Mechanical Engineering Department

Itenas - bandung



Business functions
 The business functions are the principal means of communicating with
the customer.
 The beginning and the end of the information-processing cycle.
 Included : sales and marketing, sales forecasting, order entry. cost
accounting, customer billing, and others.
 An order to produce a product will typically originate from the sales
and marketing department of the firm.
 The production order will be one of the following forms :
1. an order to manufacture an item to that customers specifications,
2. a customer order to buy one or more of the manufacturer’s proprietary
products, or
3. an order based on a forecast of future demand for a proprietary
Product design
 Product could be manufactured to customer specifications, thus design will
be provided by the customer.
 lf the product is proprietary, the manufacturing firm is responsible for its
development and design.
 The cycle of events that initiates a new product design often originates in
the sales and marketing department.
 The departments are organized to perform the product design function,
include : research and development, design engineering, drafting, and
perhaps a prototype shop.
 The product design is documented : component drawings, specifications,
and a bill of materials (defines how many of each component go into the
 A prototype is often built for testing and demonstration purposes.
Product design
 The manufacturing engineering department is sometimes consulted to lend
advice on matters of produce-ability.
 A typical question might be : What changes in design could be made to
reduce production costs without sacrificing function? Cost estimates are
prepared to establish an anticipated price for the product.
 Upon completion of the design and fabrication of the prototype, the top
company management is invited in for a “show-and-tell” presentation.
 The design engineer in charge gives a presentation and demonstration of
the product so that management can decide whether to manufacture the
 This decision is often a two-step procedure. The first is a decision by
engineering management that the design is approved, as an “engineering
release.” The second step is a decision by corporate management as to the
general suitability of the product. This second decision represents an
authorization to produce the item.
Manufacturing planning

 The information and documentation that constitute the design flow into the
manufacturing planning function.
 Manufacturing departmenet perform manufacturing planning include
manufacturing engineering, industrial engineering. and production planning
and control (PPC)
 The information-processing activities in manufacturing planning include :
process planning. master scheduling, requirements planning, and capacity
 Process planning consists of determining the sequence of the individual
processing and assembly operations.
 The document used to specify the process sequence is called a route-sheet,
consist of lists the production operations and associated machine tools for
each component and subassembly.
 This departments are responsible for planning the processes and related
manufacturing details.
Manufacturing planning

 The authorization to produce the product must be translated into the master
schedule or master production schedule.
 The master schedule is a listing of the products to be made, when they are
to be delivered, and in what quantities. Units of months are generally used
to specify the deliveries on the master schedule.
 Raw materials must be requisitioned, purchased parts must be ordered from
suppliers, and all of these items must be planned so that they are available
when needed. This task is called requirements planning or material
requirements planning (MRP).
 The master schedule must not list more quantities of products than the
factory capability. The production quantity that the factory is capable of
producing is referred to as the plant capacity. Capacity planning is concerned
with planning the manpower and machine resources of the firm.
Manufacturing control

 Managing and controlling the physical operations in the factory to

implement the manufacturing plans.
 information also flows back and forth between manufacturing control and
the factory operations.
 Included with the control function are shop control, inventory control,
quality control, and various other control activities.
 Shop floor control is concerned with the problem of monitoring the
progress of the product, assembled , moved in the factory.
 The section of a traditional production planning and control department
that are involved in shop floor control including schedulling, dispatching,
and expediting.
Manufacturing control

 Production schedulling is concerned with asigning start dates and due

dates to the various parts that are to be made. The part is scheduled
one by one through the various production machine listed on the route
sheet for each part.
 Dispatching involves issuing the individual work orders to machine
operators to accomplish the process. Dispatching can be performed by
the shop foremen, or dispatcher.
 Schedule plan can go wrong, due to machine breakdown, improper
tooling or part delayed at the vendor. The expediter compares the actual
progress of a production order against the schedule. The expediter
attemp to take the necessary corrective action to complete the order on
Manufacturing control

 Inventory control attemps to strike a proper balance between the

danger of too little inventory (with possible stock-out of materials) and
expense of having too much inventory.
 Shop floor control also concerned with inventory in the sense that the
material being processed in the factory represent inventory (called
 The mission of quality control is to assure that the quality of the product
and its component meet the standard specified by the product designer.
To accomplish the mission, quality control depends on the inspection
activities performed in the factory at various time throughout the
manufacture of the product. Also, raw material and component from
outside sources must be inspected when they are received. Final
inspection and testing of finish product is performed to ensure
functional quality and appearance.
 Komponen-komponen manufaktur memiliki keterkaitan yang sangat
erat. Dalam sistem manufaktur, pembuatan produk diawali dengan
tahapan design (rancangan), dimana rancangan produk harus
mempertimbangkan aspek ekonomi, misalnya survai serapan pasar
(penerimaan pasar) yang terkait dengan kebutuhan masyarakat, biaya
pengadaan material dan ongkos pembuatan.
 Rancangan juga harus mempertimbangkan kemampuan (ketersediaan)
teknologi pembuatan, artinya rancangan juga memerlukan masukan dari
shop floor (bengkel produksi) tetang kemampuan bagian produksi.
Selanjutnya rancangan harus diterjemahkan ke dalam gambar kerja yang
mencakup informasi tentang toleransi, suaian, spesifikasi geometri
lainnya sampai kepada cara pengerjaan dan perlakuan, dimana
rancangan detail ini dikerjakan oleh bagian process plan.
 Rancangan detail ini akan dijadikan acuan (referensi) untuk
melakukan kontrol kualitas, dimana batasan diterima atau ditolaknya
sebuah produk didasarkan atas rancangan detail ; toleransi, suaian
dan spesifikasi geometri yang telah ditetapkan.
 Rancangan detail ini selanjutnya akan dibawa ke shop floor untuk
dibuat. Sedemikian hingga keterkaitan dan integrasi di antara
komponen-komponen manufaktur sangat penting dan akan
menentukan produk yang dihasilkan.
Aspek yang dipertimbangkan dalam
perancangan sebuah produk
 Aspek kekuatan
 Aspek fungsional
 Aspek pembuatan dan perakitan
 Aspek keindahan
 Apsek kekuatan ; dari perancangan
perhitungan kekuatan – sifat mekanik
 Aspek fungisional : dimensi , spesifikasi
geometrik (kebenaran bentuk), kekasaran,
toleransi dan suaian
 Aspek produksi dan perakitan
 Aspek estetik
 Sebuah produk manufaktur harus memenuhi
 Produk manufaktur memiliki sifat INTER-CHANGE-
ABILITY (dapat dipertukarkan) dan untuk dapat
memeuhi sifat ini sebuah produk manufaktur
harus memiliki batas toleransi.
 Dalam design(rancangan) seharusnya terdapat
toleransi agar bagian produksi memiliki acuan
untuk membuat produk dan mengetahui batasan
yang tidak boleh dilanggar.
 https://rekadayaupaya.wordpress.com/2013/04/24/2-4-organization-and-information-

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