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After Jesus had been crucified and buried in a tomb, his friends discovered that

after three days, Jesus’ body had disappeared. He had risen from the dead. He
appeared to them at different times over the next few days.
However, one disciple called Thomas had not been with the others when Jesus
appeared to them.
“We have seen the Lord!” the disciples excitedly said to Thomas.
“Until I see the nails marks and put my finger where the nails were, and put my
hand into his side, I will not believe it!” replied Thomas.
A week later, the disciples were all together in a house. As they were afraid they
could be arrested, they made sure all the doors were locked.
Suddenly, Jesus came and stood among them.
He said “Peace be with you.”
He turned to Thomas and said,
“Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my
side. Stop doubting and believe.”
Thomas was amazed. He cried,
“My Lord and my God!”
Jesus said,
“Because you have seen me, you believe. Blessed are those who have not seen
and yet believe.”

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