Bhs Inggris - Kel 6

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Frontline health

workes in covid-19
During this COVID-19 pandemic, the corona medical team is at
the forefront of facing positive cases. Of course, their hard work
made people feel bad. In fact, not infrequently provide support,
such as sending medical aid to food consumption
However, it is often forgotten that there is a fact that the corona
medical team is working closest with the coronavirus. Of course,
the risk of being infected with the virus that originally came
from the city of Wuhan, China is high.
For that, medical officers must also take care of their health. If
they are sick and infected, who else will take care of us?
Departing from this reason, medical officers should know
several ways to improve the quality of life and health while on
How do they maintain their physical and mental health while
they are at the forefront of handling the corona virus, huh?
set the time to sleep well

Medical officers who work with corona virus patients

in hospitals will usually work with a shifting system.
This is because health care services must be running
24 hours.
This condition can make medical workers lack sleep
hours. In fact, not getting enough sleep can increase
the risk of various health problems.
"Therefore, as much as possible adjust the hours of
sleep as well as possible so that the body becomes
more powerful while working. Also make sure to get
quality sleep, "
keep the time to exercise

As workers with a shift system, medical officers are

required to be in prime condition. Especially when
you have to face the corona virus pandemic. Of
course, there are more and more patients and the
corona medical team needs a strong immune system.
To make this happen, doing regular and regular
exercise is an obligation that should not be forgotten.
Even though it is difficult to choose a time to exercise
when the body is "crushed" due to working all day, it
is still necessary to do small exercise.
healthy and nutritious diet
It is undeniable that working shifting can indeed make your diet
messy. Moreover, seeing the increasing number of positive
victims of the corona virus, it feels difficult to sit back and relax
for just 5 minutes.
In fact, as long as they use complete PPE, medical personnel
cannot eat food. Coupled with the scarcity of medical
equipment to deal with COVID-19.
So, in order for the body to stay healthy and powerful, medical
personnel need to eat foods that contain lots of vitamins and
Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables, and meet
your daily protein needs through meat, chicken, fish, eggs, tofu
and tempeh. The quantity of food can be added when the shift
time is over.
do not be short of water
Don't forget to meet your daily fluid needs so you don't become
dehydrated. The average adult needs about 40 millimeters of
fluid per kilogram of body weight.
"If you weigh 50 kilograms, then the total fluid needed for the
body is about 2000 milliliters or 2 liters. The need for this fluid
could be more, depending on the condition of your body at that
time, “.
Unfortunately, when using PPE, it is difficult for medical
personnel to consume water. So, they have to endure hunger
and thirst for about 8 hours of shift time. This condition is
similar to Muslims who fast in the month of Ramadan.
The difference is, the corona medical team must wear PPE in
layers that feel hot in the body. Even for sweating and difficult to
move. The mask is used in layers.
Usually, they fulfill these fluid needs before and after the shift is
the corona medical team is also looking for
medical personnel are also obliged to do fun things. This is to
improve mental health while working with COVID-19 patients.
"Medical officers are in direct contact with infected patients or
people almost every day. They are also in the hospital
environment, coupled with the rampant news about colleagues
who died while on duty. This clearly depresses them and leads
to psychological trauma, ”.
Therefore, medical workers need to do “crazy” things as a
medium of entertainment in order to feel calmer, more relaxed,
and happy.
For example, like a video that went viral on social media some
time ago, which showed several medics being seen parodying
the film Kera Sakti and Titanic.

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