Choline and Lecitine: Dr. Evi Susanti, S.Si., M.Si Untuk Kuliah Kimia Pangan Fungsional

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Dr. Evi Susanti, S.Si., M.Si untuk Kuliah Kimia Pangan Fungsional
CHOLINE (Ind. Kolin)

Choline is a water-soluble, nitrogen-containing compound

found in many foods.
Choline is abundant in many plant and animal foods,
particularly eggs, liver, poultry, and fish, also choline as
lecithine in mayonnaise and dressing salad.
Digestion of the choline as a part
of the digestion of human food
• Free (unbound) choline found in
food is absorbed in the small
intestine and circulates to the
liver via the blood.
• However, the choline
component of lecithin must be
cleaved from the glycerol
backbone by pancreatic enzymes
before it can be absorbed.
• Choline is then taken up by
intestinal cells and reconstituted
(reformed) into lecithin
molecules, which are released
into the lymph.
Major Functions of Cholin as precursor of phospholipids (lecitine)

• Phospolipid adalah jenis lipid yang banyak dijumpai pada sel selain
triasilgliserida dan sphingomielin
Fosfotidilkolina atau lesitin
Biosintesis phosphotidilkoline

• In eukaryotes, phosphatidic acid

is converted directly either to
diacylglycerol or to cytidine
diphosphodiacylglycerol (or
simply CDP-diacylglycerol.
• From these two precursors, all
other glycerophospholipids in
eukaryotes are derived.
• Diacylglycerol is a precursor for
synthesis of triacylglycerol,
phosphatidylethanolamine, and
Fungsi Biologis Fosfatidilkolin

• Lipid tidak larut dalam air

• Transportnya terutama
kolesterol memerlukan
kendaraan pembawa yang
disebut lipoprotein
• Gambar disamping
menjelaskan bagaimana
keseluruhan transport
lipid oleh lipoprotein
Karakteristik Lipoprotein
Mengapa transport kolesterol menjadi

• Of the five lipoprotein classes, LDL is by far the richest in cholesterol. The
amounts of cholesterol and cholesterol esters associated with LDL are
typically about two-thirds of the total plasma cholesterol. In normal
adults, total plasma cholesterol levels range from 3.5–6.7 mM (equivalent
to of human plasma; total plasma cholesterol above 200 mg/100 mL is a
major risk factor for heart disease). Approximately 40% of the weight of
the LDL particle is cholesterol esters, and the total of esterified and free
cholesterol approaches half the total weight. The LDL particle contains a
single molecule of apoprotein B-100 as its primary protein component.
Because cholesterol biosynthesis is confined primarily to the liver with
some occurring also in intestine, LDL plays an important role in delivering
cholesterol to other tissue
Phospotidil kolin dalam sintesis kolesterol ester
(lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT))

Bukan satu-satunya jalur biosintesis kolesterol ester

Major Functions of Cholin as precursor of
acetylcholine (one of the neurotransmitter)
• About 100 different substances, including amino acids,
biogenic amines, and peptides, have been identified as
neurotransmitters in the brain. The most widely used, and
best understood, neurotransmitters are acetylcholine,
glutamate, glycine, GABA, dopamine, serotonin,
norepinephrine, and epinephrine.
• Acetylcholine is synthesized by the coenzyme-A
dependent acetylation of choline, which in turn was
formed by breakdown of phosphatidylcholine.
Fungsi Biologis Asetilkoline
• Asetilkolin disintesis di ujung terminal serat saraf kolinergik.
Sebagian besar sintesis ini terjadi di aksoplasma di luar vesikel.
Selanjutnya, asetilkolin diangkut ke bagian dalam vesikel, tempat
bahan tersebut disimpan dalam bentuk kepekatan tinggi sebelum
akhirnya dilepaskan.
• Asetilkolin begitu disekresikan oleh ujung saraf kolinergik, maka
akan menetap dalam jaringan selama beberapa detik, kemudian
sebagian besar dipecah menjadi ion asetat dan kolin oleh enzim
asetilkolinesterase yang berikatan dengan kolagen dan
glikosaminoglikan dalam jaringan ikat setempat.
• Kolin yang terbentuk diangkut kembali ke ujung saraf terminal,
tempat bahan ini dipakai kembali untuk sintesis asetilkolin yang

• Setelah sajian materi tadi bagaimana menurut kalian

konsumsi koline? Apakah sangat penting menjadi bagian
dari diet kita sehari-hari? Atau tidak?

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