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UFMFL8-15-2 Dynamics 2


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resonance bridge
Dynamics 2
• Revision
– Single degree of freedom, undamped natural


– Force   kx equation
mxbalance 0
Dynamics 2
• Revision

– Force balance equation mx  kx  0

– Solution gives: x (t )  X 0Cos (t   )

– See your first year notes for more detail

Dynamics 2
• Most systems we will be concerned with are
subject to external excitation forces.
• Maybe an input arising from imbalance,
causing vibration, or an external input such as
a rough road surface.
External Force
Applied k

Dynamics 2

External Force
Applied k

• Let’s assume that Fin is Sinusoidal to begin

with. mx  kx  FApp  F0 cos(t   )
• Where ω is the frequency of the driving force.
Dynamics 2

External Force
Applied k

• Before we solve this mathematically, let’s

suggest what we think the output will be..
• A sinusoidal excitation force sounds a bit like
shaking the system to me.... So what will
Dynamics 2

External Force
Applied k

• If I shake a system like this, I expect it to oscillate at
the frequency of shaking. (which isn’t necessarily
its natural frequency)
• How large a displacement depends on how hard I
shake it....
• Shaking something real....
Dynamics 2
External Force
Applied k

• Ok, so that was a bit dramatic, but let’s now

get on with the analysis.
Dynamics 2
mx  kx  FApp  F0 cos(t   )
there are a number of ways of solving this
second order differential equation:
An important way for engineers is to consider
the solution in two parts:
= Particular Integral +[Complimentary function]

• The particular integral is a solution to the equation in the long term

(steady state) condition.
• The complimentary function is that part of the solution that deals with the
transient, and can be found by setting the applied force to zero.
• Have a look in your year one Maths notes...
Dynamics 2
mx  kx  FApp  F0 cos(t   )......eq1
To find the PI, we have to try a trial solution, which
generally is of a similar form to the applied force.

x force
As the applied is atsinusoid,
X 0 cos .....eq 2 let’s try this:

x   X cos t   2 x.....eq3

2 driving force)
(Note that ω is the frequency of the

Hence, by (subsitution into

k  m 2 ) X cos t eq
F 1,
cos(t   )
0 0

This is a possible solution

Dynamics 2
(k  m ) X 0 cos t  F0 cos(t   )

We can now find the displacement amplitude X by

making the phase shift φ zero and rearranging the
equation. F
X0  0
k  m 2
Now with our solution for x..
x cos t
k  m 2

Note that the amplitude is a function of the forcing frequency

Dynamics 2
What if the phase shift isn’t zero?
x cos(t   )
k  m 2

(Note the magnitude term = X0)

 k  m 2 
  cos 1  
 k  m 2 
 

Note now that the output displacement is a function of

the frequency of the excitation force.
Dynamics 2
A different method...
Using phasor (complex number) diagrams to show the forces.

Reference direction –
positive real

ω ω

-mω2X0 kX0 F0
Inertial force Spring force Driving Force

Note – we are not using the imaginary axis yet....

Dynamics 2
Using phasor diagrams to show the forces.
k=100 N/m, m=0.5kg, F0=25 N
Find out the behaviour at a) f1=1 Hz and b) f2=2.251 Hz
a) ω1=2πf=6.28 Rad/s
ω ω

19.74 X0 100X0 80.26 x0 = F0

Inertial force Spring force =25N

thus X0 =0.31m and x=0.31cos ω1t m; φ=0

b) At f2 = 2.251Hz ? you try it....

Dynamics 2
• Summary
– At low frequencies, m 2 is small
So the spring dominates the response , x and F are in phase
and X  F0
 At very high frequencies, m 2 is very large
So the inertia dominates, x and F are 180° out of phase
and X  F0
m 2
 At resonance, stiffness and inertial forces balance

m 2  kX 0    n 
Dynamics 2
• Summary
– The phase can take values of 0° or 180°,
dependent on the relative size of k and m 2
– When k  m 2 the phase switches from 0° to
– This condition corresponds to the system
undamped natural frequency   k and is known
as resonance.
Dynamics 2
 Exercises
 Find, and plot on a graph, the “dynamic magnifier”
F0 k

for a system with m=0.5 kg and k=200 kN/m over a range

of frequencies 20Hz – 300Hz

The dynamic magnifier gives a measure of the amplitude

relationship between the dynamic amplitude x0 and the
static magnitude described by F/k (the input magnitude, if
you like)
Dynamics 2
 Summary
 We can model single degree of freedom systems, and solve their
output behaviour when subjected to a varying input forcing
 This behaviour depends strongly on the frequency of the forcing
function, both in amplitude and phase.
 We can use pictorial representations (phasor diagrams) to visualise
the phase phenomena of such systems.
 1 dof at MIT

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