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abbreviation (n.)
EN: the act of making shorter
TR: kısaltma
e.g. -Do you know the long form of the
abbreviation "ASAP,"?
-Yes, it means as soon as possible!

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advice (n.)
EN: opinion given by one person to another on how
that other should behave or act for a particular

TR: öğüt
e.g. He asked me for my advice.

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assign (v.)
EN: to appoint to a job
TR: atamak, görevlendirmek
e.g. The trainees in the Air Force language
school will be assigned to different bases after
the graduation.

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clue (n.)
EN: something that helps to find an answer to a
TR: ipucu
e.g. The police haven’t found any clues to find
the criminal.

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column (n.)
EN: one of two or more divisions of a page, lying
side by side and separated from each other by a
narrow space in which lines of print are arranged
TR: gazete sütunu, sütun
e.g. Please match the words on the left column.

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figure (n.)
EN: the shape of a whole human body as shown
in art or seen in reality
TR: vücut şekli, boy pos
e.g. She is on a diet to keep her figure.

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opportunity (n.)
EN: a favorable moment or occasion for doing something

TR: imkan, şans

e.g. I took the opportunity to visit my parents.

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serve (v.)
EN: to work faithfully for
TR: görev yapmak, hizmet etmek
e.g. I have been serving the Air force for five

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promotion (n.)
EN: an advancement in rank or position
TR: terfi
e.g. The military offers you a certain promotion.

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enlist (v.)
EN: to cause to enter the armed forces
TR: silahlı kuvvetlere girmek
e.g. I have enlisted, then I start basic training
in 3 weeks.

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raise (v.)
EN: to produce; bring up
TR: yetiştirmek
e.g. He raises wheat on his farm.

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cattle (n.)
EN: large four legged farm animals
TR: sığır, büyükbaş hayvan
e.g. The catte along the road are grazing in the

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destroy (v.)
EN: to tear down or apart; ruin
TR: yıkmak, ortadan kaldırmak
e.g. A long year without rain really destroyed
the crops.

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reflect (v.)
EN: to throw back
TR: yansıtmak
e.g. The lake reflects the sky.

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plant (v.)
EN: to put plants or seeds in the ground to grow
TR: dikmek, ekmek
e.g. April is the best time to plant.

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take care of (v.)
EN: be responsible for; look after; protect
TR: ilgilenmek
e.g. Take care of the baby while I’m out.

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feed (v.)
EN: to give food to
TR: beslemek, yemlemek
e.g. Will you feed my cat while I’m away?

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afford (v.)
EN: to be able to buy or pay for
TR: parasal gücü yetmek
e.g. Now I can’t afford a vacation in Miami.

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wrap (v.)
EN: to cover in a material folded around
TR: sarmak, paket yapmak
e.g. My wife likes to wrap the gifts in pretty

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blow out (v.)
EN: to cause to stop burning
TR: üfleyip söndürmek
e.g. Everybody likes to blow candles out on
their birthdays.

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look forward to (v.)
EN: to expect to feel pleasure in something
TR: dört gözle beklemek
e.g. My son is looking forward to receiving a
letter from you.

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be over (v.)
EN: to be finished; to be ended
TR: bitmek, sona ermek
e.g. The game is over at 7 p.m.

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beside (prep.)
EN: at or close to the side of
TR: yanında
e.g. I was sitting beside the colonel in the

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besides (prep.)
EN: in addition to
TR: ek olarak
e.g. What did you do at the beach besides

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believe in (v.)
EN: to have faith
TR: inanmak
e.g. I believe in God.

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congratulations (interj.)
EN: an expression of joy for someone’s success
TR: tebrikler
e.g. Congratulations!!! I knew you would be a
good player.

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by accident (exp.)
EN: accidentally
TR: kazayla, şansa, tesadüf
e.g. The mailman put your mail into my mailbox
by accident.

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on and on (exp.)
EN: without stopping
TR: sürekli durmadan
e.g. He went on and on telling me that we should
take a chance sometimes.

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fare (n.)
EN: the price charged to carry a person
TR: bilet ücreti
e.g. What’s the one way trip fare to İzmir?

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cancel (v.)
EN: call off
TR: iptal etmek
e.g. The chairman has canceled the meeting
because of his health problems.

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across (adv.prep.)
EN: to or on the opposite side (of)
TR: karşıdan karşıya; öbür tarafa, çapraz
e.g. They built a house across the road.

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aloud (adv.)
EN: in a voice that may be heard
TR: yüksek sesle, sesli bir şekilde
e.g. The pain caused him to cry aloud.

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blank (adj.)
EN: without writing, print, or other marks, an
empty space
TR: boş, boşluk
e.g. This is a blank page.

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conversation (n.)
EN: informal talk in which people exchange news,
feelings, and thoughts
TR: sohbet, konuşma
e.g. This conversation takes place in a room.

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emphasis (n.)
EN: special force given to certain words in
speaking, writing to show something is important
TR: vurgu
e.g. I put a special emphasis on pronunciation of
African accent.

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habit (n.)
EN: customary behavior
TR: alışkanlık
e.g. It is my habit to take a shower after I get
home from work.

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intend (v.)
EN: to plan; to mean (to do)
TR: niyetlenmek, tasarlamak, niyet etmek
e.g. I didn't intend to hurt your feelings.

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line (n.)
EN: a telephone connection or wire
TR: telefon hattı
e.g. Please, hold the line.

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missing (adj.)
EN: not to be found; lost
TR: kayıp
e.g. A plane was missing after the operation.

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order (v.)
EN: to ask for something, command
TR: emir vermek, sipariş vermek
e.g. The officer ordered to fire.

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probability (n.)
EN: the state of being probable; likelihood
TR: olasılık
e.g. There's a little probability that we might
reach Ankara tonight.

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trainee (n.)
EN: a person who is being trained
TR: kursiyer, öğrenci, acemi er
e.g. The trainees were very tired after a long
and tiring day of drilling.

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tough (adj.)
EN: strong; difficult to do; hard
TR: zor, sıkı, güçlü
e.g. Basic training in the military is pretty tough.

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instruction (n.)
EN: an order (to a person/machine), direction
TR: emir, talimat
e.g. The commander gave some instructions.

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drill (n.)
EN: the training of soldiers
TR: eğitim, tatbikat, uygulama
e.g. The soldiers do the drills again and again
to do it better.

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at attention
EN: in a military position in which a person
stands straight and still
TR: hazır olda, esas duruşta
e.g. We never move when we are standing at

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march (v.)
EN: to walk with a regular step like a soldier
TR: uygun adım yürümek
e.g. People watched the soldiers marching.

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yell (v.)
EN: to make a loud cry or shout
TR: bağırmak, (argoda) fırçalamak
e.g. The NCO yelled at the soldiers not to move
at attention.

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iron (v./n.)
EN: to cause the clothes to become smooth
TR: ütü, ütülemek
e.g. The trainees iron their uniforms.

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attend (v.)
EN: to be present at; go to
TR: (derse, kursa, toplantıya…) katılmak
e.g. They attend classes 6 days a week.

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invite (v.)
EN: to ask sb. to come to a social occasion
TR: davet etmek
e.g. We invited our friends to our wedding.

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guest (n.)
EN:a person in one's home by invitation
TR: misafir
e.g. I'm expecting guests from my hometown.

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celebrate (v.)
EN: to enjoy oneself on a special occasion
TR: kutlamak
e.g. Officer's Club is a good place to celebrate.

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stale (adj.)
EN: no longer fresh
TR: bayat
e.g. - Where did you buy this box of cookies?
- They are stale.

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overseas (adv./adj.)
EN: to, at or in somewhere across the sea
TR: deniz aşırı
e.g. Have you ever been assigned to an overseas

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application (n.)
EN: the act of requesting forms or documents
to be filled out
TR: başvuru; evrak, form
e.g. I’ll keep the applications confidential.

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around (adv.)
EN: near in time, number, etc.; about
TR: etrafında, civarında
e.g. Istanbul from Izmir takes around 9 hours.

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postpone (v.)
EN: to delay; move to some later time
TR: ertelemek
e.g. The soccer match was postponed.

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swollen (adj.)
EN: of an increased size which is unusual
TR: şişmiş, şişkin
e.g. His eyes are swollen.

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treat (v.)
EN: to try to cure by medical means
TR: tedavi etmek
e.g. They know how to treat your problem.

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pharmacy (n.)
EN: a shop where medicines are sold
TR: eczane
e.g. We bought aspirin from the pharmacy.

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dizzy (adj.)
EN: having a feeling that things are going round
and round
TR: başı dönmüş
e.g. When I stand up quickly, I feel dizzy.

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pulse (n.)
EN: the regular beating of blood in the main
blood vessels carrying blood from the heart
esp. as felt by a doctor at the wrist
TR: nabız
e.g. His pulse seems fast after training.

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injure (v.)
EN: hurt seriously
TR: yaralamak
e.g. She was injured badly in the accident.

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bark (v.)
EN: to make the sound that dogs make
TR: havlamak
e.g. The dog barked at the cat and ran after it.

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pollution (n.)
EN: the state of being polluted
TR: kirlilik
e.g. Our world suffers from pollution.

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locked (adj.)
EN: closed and fastened by means of a key
TR: kilitli, kilitlenmiş
e.g. You can't open a locked door without a

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jog (v.)
EN: to run steadily for exercise
TR: sürekli ve yavaş koşmak
e.g. I usually jog on the weekend.

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convenient (adj.)
EN: near, easy to reach
TR: yakın
e.g. The hotel is convenient to the school.

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nap (n.)
EN: short sleep during the day
TR: şekerleme
e.g. I take a nap after lunch.

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equipment (n.)
EN: set of things
TR: ekipman
e.g. Which equipment do you need?

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weight (n.)
EN: heaviness of something
TR: ağırlık
e.g. The weight of this equipment is a lot.

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active (adj.)
EN: able to take action
TR: aktif
e.g. He is over 80 but still very active.

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health (n.)
EN: state of being well
TR: sağlık
e.g. Health is the greatest wealth.

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swimming pool(n.)
EN: place to swim
TR: yüzme havuzu
e.g. There is no swimming pool.

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closed (adj.)
EN: not open to the public
TR: kapalı
e.g. Today the banks are closed.

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sleep (n.)
EN: the natural resting state of the body and
TR: uyku
e.g. I love a good sleep.

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doubtful (adj.)
EN: uncertain, doubtful
TR: şüpheli
e.g. It is doubtful that she will come.

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kid (n.)
EN: a child
TR: çocuk
e.g. He is only a kid.

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admiral (n.)
EN: the highest rank in the Navy
TR: amiral
e.g. His mother is an admiral.

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general (n.)
EN: a high rank in the Army or Air Force.
TR: general
e.g. The general will visit the base tomorrow.

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salute (n.)
EN: a military sign of recognition
TR: selam
e.g. You must salute the officers.

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courtesy (n.)
EN: polite behavior
TR: nezaket
e.g. Courtesy is a virtue.

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installation (n.)
EN: military base or fort
TR: üs
e.g. America has many installations all over the

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honor (n.)
EN: great respect for a person or group
TR: onur
e.g. It is an honor to serve the Air Force.

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commissioned officer(n.)
EN: middle ranking officer
TR: subay
e.g. He is a commissioned officer in the Army.

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behavior (n.)
EN: way of behaving
TR: davranış
e.g. His behavior was really rude at the party.

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loyal (adj.)
EN: faithful to friends, country, principle
TR: sadık
e.g. Dogs are loyal animals.

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theater (n.)
EN: special building for the plays
TR: tiyatro
e.g. İzmir has an open air theater.

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comedy (n.)
EN: a type of funny play
TR: komedi
e.g. I prefer comedy to drama.

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drama (n.)
EN: play for the theater
TR: drama
e.g. I do not like drama.

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prefer (v.)
EN: to choose one thing to another
TR: tercih etmek
e.g. I prefer tea to Coke.

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row (n.)
EN: neat line of people
TR: sıra
e.g. We sat in the first row.

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actor (n.)
EN: man who acts in a play
TR: aktör
e.g. He is a great actor.

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actress (n.)
EN: woman who acts in a play
TR: aktris
e.g. Winona Ryder is my favorite actress.

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serious (adj.)
EN: important, not easy to deal with
TR: ciddi
e.g. I have a serious headache.

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kind (adj.)
EN: caring about the feelings of others
TR: nazik
e.g. Everyone likes kind people.

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scary (adj.)
EN: fearful
TR: korkunç
e.g. I hate scary movies.

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performance (n.)
EN: an act of performing
TR: performans
e.g. His Othello performance was perfect.

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adventure (n.)
EN: mostly dangerous journey
TR: macera
e.g. Our trip was a total adventure.

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funny (adj.)
EN: making people laugh
TR: komik
e.g. It was quite a funny movie.

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concert (n.)
EN: performance of musicians
TR: konser
e.g. James Blunt concert was the greatest

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rock music (n.)
EN: a music type
TR: rock müzik
e.g. I love rock music.

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musician (n.)
EN: person who performs on a musical instrument
TR: müzisyen
e.g. I admire musicians.

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ballet (n.)
EN: musical and theatrical performance
TR: bale
e.g. Ballet is not so popular inTurkey.

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opera (n.)
EN: musical play
TR: opera
e.g. Opera was born in Italy.

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antique (adj.)
EN: made in earlier times
TR: eski, antika
e.g. Antique coins were stolen from the museum
last night.

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walk (n.)
EN: short journey on feet
TR: yürüyüş
e.g. I love to take a walk whenever possible.

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fight (n.)
EN: use of physical power
TR: kavga, dövüş
e.g. Peace is always better than fight.

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audience (n.)
EN: people watching or listening a performance
TR: izleyiciler
e.g. The audience applauded in admiration.

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war (n.)
EN: armed fighting between nations
TR: savaş
e.g. War is the greatest man-made disaster.

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handle (n.)
EN: part of an object made for handling things
TR: kol, sap
e.g. The handle of the door is broken.

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dumb (adj.)
EN: stupid
TR: aptal
e.g. He is so dumb!

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battery (n.)
EN: apparatus for producing electricity
TR: akü, pil
e.g. The battery is dead.

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radiator (n.)
EN: an apparatus which keeps the engine cool
TR: radyatör
e.g. We replaced the radiator.

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air-conditioner (n.)
EN: an apparatus which keeps the room cold
TR: klima cihazı
e.g. Air-conditioner is broken.

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capable (adj.)
EN: having capability to do something.
TR: becerikli
e.g. She is a capable teacher.

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typewriter (n.)
EN: a machine that types letters
TR: daktilo
e.g. Typewriters are hard to find nowadays.

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computer (n.)
EN: electronic machine to store data
TR: bilgisayar
e.g. Computers are smart machines.

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keyboard (n.)
EN: a row of keys on machine
TR: klavye
e.g. The keyboard is broken.

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smart (adj.)
EN: clever
TR: zeki
e.g. Einstein was a smart man.

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violin (n.)
EN: musical instrument
TR: keman
e.g. I want to learn how to play the violin.

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ribbon (n.)
EN: a piece of ornament
TR: kurdele
e.g. She wore a red ribbon on her hair.

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used (adj.)
EN: second hand
TR: kullanılmış, ikinci el
e.g. I bought a used car.

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depend on/upon (v.)
EN: to trust , to have confidence in
TR: güvenmek, itimat etmek
e.g. He told me a lie. I don't depend on him

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elderly (adj./n.)
EN: of a person getting near old age.
TR: yaşlı, ihtiyar, yaşını başını almış
e.g. We have to leave our seats to elderly
people on the bus.

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bald (adj.)
EN: with little or no hair on the tread
TR: kel, saçsız
e.g. He is as bald as a coot.

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appearance (n.)
EN: an example of the act of appearing
TR: görünüş
e.g. His appearance has changed a lot during all
those years.

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mustache (n.)
EN: hair growing on the upper lip
TR: bıyık
e.g. Most of Turkish men would rather wear

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beard (n.)
EN: hair on the face below the mouth, often
including the jaws, chin and neck
TR: sakal
e.g. Men have beards.

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selfish (adj.)
EN: concerned with or directed towards one's
own advantage without care of others
TR: bencil
e.g. He never gives a dime to the poor. He is
very selfish.

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generous (adj.)
EN: showing readiness to give money, help,
kindness; unselfish
TR: cömert, eli açık
e.g. It was generous of you to lend money to

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neat (adj.)
EN: in good order, showing care in appearance,
TR: temiz, düzenli
e.g. He is a neat person; he dresses very well.

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deny (v.)
EN: to declare untrue, refuse to accept as a fact

TR: inkar etmek

e.g. She denies any involvement in the robbery.

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curly (adj.)
EN: having curls or tending to curl
TR: kıvırcık
e.g. African people usually have curly hair.

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observation (n.)
EN: an action of noticing or watching
TR: gözlem, inceleme
e.g. She is in hospital under observation.

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stingy (adj.)
EN: having or showing unwillingness to give esp.
money; mean
TR: cimri
e.g. He is too stingy to give money to the
charity funds.

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hardworking (adj.)
EN: industrious, diligent
TR: çalışkan
e.g. I want hardworking students in my class.

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irresponsible (adj.)
EN: not responsible
TR: sorumsuz
e.g. It was irresponsible of you to leave the
children alone in the swimming pool.

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dresser (n.)
EN: a chest of drawers, used esp. for clothing,
often with a mirror on top
TR: elbise dolabı
e.g. I bought a new dresser for my daughter.

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spark plug (n.)
EN: an electrical device for making contact or
closing a circuit

TR: buji
e.g. We must keep the spark plugs dry.

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residence (n.)
EN: the place where one lives; a house
TR: konut
e.g. That building is our prime minister's official

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classified section (n.)
EN: a part of the newspaper used for advertisements

TR: küçük ilanlar sayfası

e.g. You can find advertisements in the
classified section.

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appliance (n.)
EN: an electrical machine that is used in the
TR: elektrikli ev aleti
e.g. Dishwasher, dryer, stove, etc. are appliances.

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argument (n.)
EN: a disagreement esp. one that is noisy,
TR: tartışma, münakaşa
e.g. They were having an argument about the

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efficiency (n.)
EN: a one-room apartment
TR: tek odalı daire
e.g. I don't want to spend much more money for
an apartment, so an efficiency is enough for me
and my wife.

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dye (v.)
EN: to give a different color to something by
means of dye
TR: boyamak
e.g. She usually dyes her hair every two weeks.

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real estate (n.)
EN: a large piece of land in the country with one
large house on it and one owner
TR: emlak, gayri menkul
e.g. I want a nice piece of real estate to
purchase as soon as possible.

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academy (n.)
EN: a school for training in a special art or skill

TR: akademi
e.g. He has been attending an academy of
music for two years.

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acquire (v.)
EN: gain
TR: elde etmek
e.g. I managed to acquire two tickets for the
jazz concert.

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graduate (v.)
EN: to complete an educational degree
TR: mezun olmak
e.g. I graduated from Hacettepe University
ten years ago.

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reach (v.)
EN: to get
TR: ulaşmak, elde etmek
e.g. If you study hard, you will reach your goal.

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scientist (n.)
EN: the person who works in a science
TR: bilim adamı
e.g. Einstein is a very famous scientist.

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flash flood (n.)
EN: a sudden flood
TR: ani sel baskını
e.g. We expect flash floods after heavy rains.

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lightning (n.)
EN: a powerful flash of light in the sky
TR: şimşek
e.g. The lightning struck the tower.

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hazard (n.)
EN: danger
TR: tehlike
e.g. Smoking is a hazard to health.

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evacuate (v.)
EN: to take all the people away from a dangerous place

TR. tahliye etmek

e.g: The village was evacuated because of

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damage (n.)
EN: harm
TR: hasar
e.g. The earthquake caused great damage in
Gölcük in 1999.

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drizzle (v.)
EN: to rain in very small drops
TR: çiselemek
e.g. It’s drizzling.

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hail (v.)
EN: to fall of hail
TR: dolu yağmak
e.g. It is hailing outside.

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fog (n.)
EN: very thick mist
TR: sis
e.g. She got lost in the fog.

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grill (n.)
EN: an arrangement of a metal shelf under a gas
flame or electric heat, used to cook food quickly.

TR: ızgara
e.g. She put the meat on the grill.

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interrupt (v.)
EN: to break the flow of the speech
TR: birinin sözünü kesmek
e.g. The senior student usually interrupts my
speech by asking questions.

ALC/Book 18
get rid of (v.)
EN: to free oneself from something unwanted
TR: kurtulmak
e.g. I have finally got rid of my moles on my

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agree (v.)
EN: to have or share the same opinion

TR: anlaşmak
e.g. She agreed on a price for the car.

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concerned (adj.)
TR: endişeli
e.g. The children’s mother was very concerned
about them when they didin’t come home.

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EN: one who supervises
TR: müdür
e.g. Our supervisor is a very demanding man.

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unemployed (adj.)
EN: not having a job
TR: işsiz
e.g. My brother is unemployed at present.

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blind (adj.)
EN: unable to see
TR: görme özürlü
e.g. He is blind from birth.

deaf (adj.)
EN: unable to hear
TR: duyma özürlü
e.g.The deaf use their hands to get their
speech to other people.

safe (adj.)
EN: secure
TR: güvenli
e.g. Your money will be safe in a bank.

in-law(s) (n.)
EN: one's relatives by marriage, esp. the father
and mother of one's husband/wife:
TR: kanunla oluşan akrabalık, kayın:
enişte,yenge vb.
e.g. My wife's father is my father in-law.

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relationship (n.)
EN: a friendship or connection between people

TR: hısımlık, akrabalık, ilişki, münasebet

e.g. His relationship to me is that he is my

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eager (adj.)
EN: marked by strong interest or impatient desire

TR: pek istekli, can atan, sabırsız

e.g. My students are eager for success.

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complete (adj.)
EN: having all necessary, usual or wanted
parts; whole; all
TR: tam, noksansız, bütün
e.g. I want the complete list of students'

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end up (v.)
EN: to finish in a certain place or way; to be in
the end
TR: bitmek, nihayete ermek, son bulmak, ölmek
e.g. Their good relationship ended up with a

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assist (v.)
EN: to help or support
TR: yardım etmek
e.g. I need someone to assist me with my

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drop off (v.)
EN: to fall into a light sleep; to doze off
TR: uyuya kalmak , uykuya dalmak
e.g. You shouldn't drop off at the steering

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entire (adj.)
EN: complete; with nothing left out
TR: tam, bütün, tamam
e.g. He spent the entire day in bed.

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prevent (v.)
EN: to stop (something) happening or stop
(someone) doing something

TR: önlemek, mani olmak, meydan vermemek

e.g. The driver of the bus prevented the

ALC/Book 19
get through with (v.)
EN: to finish
TR: bitirmek
e.g. When you get through with your work,
let's go.

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bite (v.)
EN: to cut, crush, or seize something with the
teeth or to attack someone
TR: ısırmak
e.g. A dog bite can be dangerous to your

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little (adj.)
EN: absence of almost all quantity
TR: az, biraz
e.g. We have had little rain this year.

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attendance (n.)
EN: the act or fact of attending, esp. regularly
TR: katılım
e.g. Attendance at school is demanded by law.

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confide (v.)
EN:to tell (information, personal matters, etc.)
secretly to a person one trusts
TR: güvenmek, itimat etmek, sırrını açmak
e.g. You should confide in your roommate.

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responsibility (n.)
EN: the condition or quality of being responsible

TR: vazife, sorumluluk, mesuliyet

e.g. It is not teacher's responsibility to clean
the board in class.

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achieve (v.)
EN: to finish successfully; succeed in doing
or reaching
TR: başarmak, üstesinden gelmek, kazanmak,
e.g. If you work hard, you can achieve your

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rush (n.)
EN: a sudden rapid and often violent movement
TR: koşma, acele etme, hız, hızlı hareket
e.g. I don't want to drive in rush hours.

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take off (v.)
EN: going towards to the sky
TR: havalanmak
e.g. The plane took off just in two minutes.

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helpful (adj.)
EN: providing help or willing to help; useful

TR: yardımsever
e.g. It was helpful of you to type three letters
for me.

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waste (v.)
EN: to use wrongly, not use or use too much of
TR: harap etmek, harcamak, israf etmek
e.g. Don't waste your money on silly things.

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lazy (adj.)
EN: disliking and avoiding activity or work
TR: tembel
e.g. You can not make him work; he is too lazy.

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lenient (adj.)
EN: not severe in judgement or punishment; gentle

TR: yumuşak huylu, nazik

e.g. The instructors of basic training are not

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strict (adj.)
EN: severe and demanding obedience
TR: sert
e.g. Fathers are more strict than mothers.

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stupid (adj.)
EN: silly or foolish
TR: aptal
e.g. It is a stupid idea to follow.

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lack (v.)
EN: to be without
TR: eksik
e.g. I lack of money these days.

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annoyed (adj.)
EN: angry
TR: kızgın
e.g. The teacher was annoyed by the students'

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a good deal of (exp.)
EN: a lot of
TR: çok
e.g. We spend a good deal of time studying

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call for (v.)
EN: to require
TR: gerekli olmak, ihtiyacı olmak
e.g. This job calls for a person with excellent
typing skills.

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can’t help (exp.)
EN: to be unable to stop yourself from doing
TR: kendini alamamak
e.g. The program was terribly boring; we
couldn’t help falling asleep.

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combine (v.)
EN: to put together, to mix
TR: birleştirmek
e.g. Two small classes were combined to make
one large class.

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give away (v.)
EN: to make a gift of something
TR: armağan etmek, bağışlamak
e.g. She gave away all of her old toys.

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ingredient (n.)
EN: one of the items which are combined to
make a food.
TR: malzeme, içerik
e.g. Eggs, oil, lemon juice, and salt are the
ingredients in mayonnaise.

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put off (v.)
EN: to postpone
TR: ertelemek
e.g. The soccer match has been put off until
next Saturday.

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quantity (n.)
EN: an amount
TR: miktar
e.g. Army cooks prepare huge quantities of
food every day.

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recipe (n.)
EN: a list ingredients and directions for preparing food

TR: yemek tarifi

e.g. I have a good recipe for cooking fried

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purchase (n.)
EN: anything that is bought
TR: satın alma
e.g. Ellen made only three purchases while she
was at the mall.

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alert (v.)
EN: to warn to be ready
TR: uyarmak, harekete geçirmek
e.g. The signal will alert the men when it is time
to go.

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ally (n.)
EN: person or country that agrees to help or
support another, a friend
TR: müttefik
e.g. That country has been a strong ally of our
country for many years.

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border (n.)
EN: a line that seperates nations.
TR: sınır
e.g. You will need to show your passport at the

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call up (v.)
EN: to summon for duty
TR: göreve çağırmak
e.g. The National Guard can be called up when

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nevertheless (adv.)
EN: however
TR: yine de, fakat
e.g. Nicole likes her new job; nevertheless, she’s
still looking for a better one.

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notify (v.)
EN: to tell or inform
TR: bilgilendirmek
e.g. Please notify me when my car is ready.

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property (n.)
EN: anything that is owned, especially land
TR: mal, mülk
e.g. My neighbor is building a tall fence around
his property.

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take over (v.)
EN: to begin controlling
TR: kontrolü devralmak
e.g. SGT Black will take over our platoon next

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take sides (exp.)
EN: to support one group or person over another
TR: taraf olmak
e.g. I am not going to take sides in the argument
between my two friends.

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take steps (exp.)
EN: to begin to act
TR: adım atmak, harekete geçmek
e.g. What steps will you take in order to
prepare for the move?

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accelerate (v.)
EN: to increase the speed of
TR: hızlanmak, hızlandırmak
e.g. I accelerated my car to 90 mph when I
entered the highway.

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clutch (n.)
EN: a device used for connecting or disconnecting gears

TR: debriyaj
e.g. The clutch on my car needs to be repaired.

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combustion (n.)
EN: the act or process of burning
TR: yanma
e.g. Combustion in the engine is caused by the
spark plug.

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exhaust (n.)
EN: hot gas produced by an engine as waste
TR: egzoz
e.g.Clean exhaust produced from a car’s engine
should be very hard to see.

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ignition (n.)
EN: electrical starting system of an automobile or
other machine
TR: ateşleme
e.g. The car won’t start because the ignition
switch is defective.

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internal (adj.)
EN: of or on the inside
TR: iç
e.g. The heart is an internal organ of the body.

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pump (v.)
EN: to move fluids or gases to and from
TR: pompalamak
e.g. Most gas stations in the US require
customers to pump their own gas.

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purpose (n.)
EN: reason or objective
TR: neden, sebep
e.g. What is your purpose in studying English?

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spark plug (n.)
EN: device which produces an electrical spark
TR: buji
e.g. You should change the spark plugs in your
car every 100.000 miles.

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transmission (n.)
EN: system of gears that sends power to the engine

TR: şanzıman
e.g. Does your car have a manual or an automatic

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align (v.)
EN: to bring into a straight line
TR: hizalamak, aynı hizaya getirmek
e.g. I need to have the front wheels on my car

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coolant (n.)
EN: fluid used for cooling engines
TR: soğutucu
e.g. You should check the coolant level on a
regular basis.

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estimate (n.)
EN: general guess
TR: tahmin
e.g. What was the estimate for the repairs to
your roof?

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for the purpose of (prep.)
EN: with the goal of
TR: amacıyla
e.g. The men were sent outside for the purpose
of physical training.

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in order to (prep.)
EN: for the purpose of
TR: -mek, -mak için
e.g. You must study in order to pass the test.

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look over (v.)
EN: to examine quickly
TR: gözden geçirmek
e.g. Have you had the opportunity to look over
my plans?

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lubrication (n.)
EN: the state of being lubricated
TR: yağlama
e.g. Engines which lack proper lubrication
doesn’t run smoothly.

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maintenance (n.)
EN: the act of maintaining or being maintained
TR: bakım, onarım
e.g. Who is responsible for the maintenance of
the aircraft?

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overhaul (n.)
EN: a major repair job
TR: ağır bakım
e.g. An engine overhaul for your car will be very

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wear out (v.)
EN: to reduce to a useless state
TR: yıpranmak, eskimek
e.g.The tires on my car seem to wear out very

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contribute (v.)
EN: to help in causing a situation
TR: katkıda bulunmak
e.g. Fresh air contributes to good health.

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rapid (adj.)
EN: doing something at great speed; fast
TR: hızlı
e.g. The patient made a rapid recovery.

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dense (adj.)
EN: closely packed or crowded together
TR: sık, yoğun
e.g. The traffic is dense in Guzelyalı Street

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peak (n.)
EN: a sharply pointed mountain top
TR: doruk, zirve
e.g. He has reached the peak of his career in

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spread (v.)
EN: to make known
TR: (haber v.b.) yaymak
e.g. Who is spreading this rumor about me?

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occur (v.)
EN: happen, take place
TR: olmak, meydana gelmek
e.g. The earthquake occurred late at night.

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pick up (phr.v.)
EN: to get; find, or learn by chance
TR: kulaktan duyarak ögrenmek, toplamak
e.g. Where did you pick up that idea?

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drain (v.)
EN: to (cause to) become gradually dry
TR: kurutmak, boşaltmak
e.g. I'm sure that the city council will drain
this field to avoid the mosquitoes.

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keep up with (phr.v.)
EN: maintain the pace
TR: geri kalmamak, ayak uydurmak
e.g. I didn't keep up with the news while I was
traveling abroad.

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take after (phr.v.)
EN: to look or behave like; resemble
TR: benzemek, izinde gitmek
e.g. Idil takes after her mother; she has the
same eyes, ears and nose.

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flexible (adj.)
EN: that can bend or be bent easily
TR: esnek, kolayca bükülen
e.g. Copper is a very flexible metal.

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rigid (adj.)
EN: stiff; not easy to bend
TR: sert, eğilmez, bükülmez
e.g. The rules at the Military Academy are very

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bounce (v.)
EN: to spring back or up again after hitting the
TR: zıplamak, sıçramak
e.g. The children were bouncing up and down on
the bed.

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seal (v.)
EN: to fix a seal; make certain, formal
TR: kapatmak, contalamak, mühürlemek
e.g. The envelope was firmly sealed.

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absorb (v.)
EN: to take or suck (esp. liquids) in esp.
TR: emmek, içine çekmek
e.g. The walls of the house absorb the heat
during the day.

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artificial (adj.)
EN: not real; made by humans
TR: suni, yapmacık
e.g. This drink contains no artificial flavoring .

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hardly (adv.)
EN: almost not
TR: hemen hemen hiç
e.g. I can hardly wait to hear the news.

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soak (v.)
EN: be completely covered by a liquid
TR: iyice ıslanmak, sırılsıklam etmek
e.g. First, soak the beans in water for two hours.

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soaked dog

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squeeze (v.)
EN: to press together from opposite sides
TR: sıkmak, sıkıştırmak
e.g. The crowds on the bus squeezed me.

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squeezed people

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such (adv./adj.)
EN: of that kind; like that
TR: bunun gibi, böyle, öyle
e.g. You can't do such foolish mistakes.

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resist (v.)
EN: to oppose; fight against
TR: karşı koymak, direnmek
e.g. The government is resisting the doctors'
wage demands.

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determine (v.)
EN: decide
TR: karar vermek, karar verdirmek, belirlemek
e.g. The court determined that the man was
guilty of murder.

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commit (v.)
EN: to do something wrong or illegal
TR: yapmak, işlemek
e.g. You committed a serious error by hiring
this man as a driver.

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represent (v.)
EN: to act or speak officially for (another
person or group of people)
TR: temsil etmek
e.g. The prime minister will represent the
president in the meeting.

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judicial (adj.)
EN: of or related to a court of law, judges, or
their judgements
TR: adli, hukuki
e.g. You have to depend on the judicial system
of Turkey.

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interpret (v.)
EN: translate
TR: tercüme etmek, yorumlamak
e.g. The judge interprets points of law in the

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enforce (v.)
EN: to cause (a rule or law) to be obeyed or
carried out effectively
TR: zorlamak, uygulamak, yerine getirmek
e.g. The commander must enforce discipline in
his unit.

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stand for (phr.v.)
EN: to tolerate; accept without complaining
TR: tahammül etmek, hoşgörü göstermek
e.g. I can’t stand for that migraine anymore.

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judge (v.)
EN: to decide the result of something
TR: yargılamak, hüküm vermek, kestirmek,
tahmin etmek
e.g. You couldn't judge whether I was right or

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abundance (n.)
EN: plenty, a great quantity
TR: bolluk, bereket
e.g.We, as Turkey, have an abundance of skilled
workers .

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no use ( exp.)
EN: be useless; is of no value
TR: boş, faydasız, nafile
e.g. It's no use talking over it; I'm not going
to change my mind.

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command (v.)
EN: formally order, esp. as a military leader
TR: emretmek, kumanda etmek
e.g.The general commanded his men to attack
the city.

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obligation (n.)
EN: duty; a condition that makes it necessary
for someone to do something
TR: ödev, yükümlülük, görev
e.g. Your attendance to the meeting is an

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inform (v.)
EN:to give information or knowledge to
TR: söylemek, bilgi vermek, haber vermek
e.g. I informed him that I would not be able to

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urge (v.)
EN: to try very hard to persuade
TR: ikna etmek, zorlamak, sıkıştırmak
e.g. You may urge your father to buy a new car
for you.

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be subject to (adj.)
EN: governed by or dependent on; tending or
likely (to have)
TR: idaresi altında, tasarrufunda, bağlı, tabi
e.g. You are subject to the military rules here.

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prohibit (v.)
EN: to forbid by a law or rule: prevent
TR: yasak etmek, men etmek, mani olmak
e.g. We are prohibited to read daily newspapers
during the working hours.

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EN: to pause before taking an action or making a
TR: tereddüt etmek, duraksamak, çekinmek
e.g. If you need any help; don't hesitate to ask.

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extend (v.)
EN: to make longer or greater
TR: uzatmak
e.g. She extended her contract for another five

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veteran (adj.)
EN: an old person who in the past has had
experience at war
TR: emekli asker, gazi
e.g. The short form of veteran is Vet.

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discharge (v.)
EN: allow or tell (a person) to go
TR: tezkere almak; serbest bırakmak
e.g. He was discharged from the prison this

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approach (v.)
EN: to come near to
TR: yaklaşmak
e.g. The airplane lost altitude as we approached
the city.

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breathe (v.)
EN: to take air into the lungs and then let it out
TR: nefes almak
e.g. Breathe deeply to relax.

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conscious (adj.)
EN: able to feel and think, awake, alert,
TR: ayık, bilinci açık, farkında
e.g. He was not conscious after the accident.

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faint (v.)
EN: to pass out
TR: bayılmak
e.g. He fainted after he ran 10 miles under the

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give a hand (exp.)
EN: to help
TR: yardım etmek
e.g. John gave me a hand getting up on my
feet again.

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complicated (adj.)
EN: difficult
TR: zor, karışık
e.g. The math homework was complicated, I
couldn’t do it.

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flammable (adj.)
EN: easy to burn
TR: yanıcı
e.g. Gasoline is a very flammable liquid.

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goggles (n.)
EN: protective eye covering
TR: koruyucu gözlük
e.g. You should wear goggles when you are
working with power tools.

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drill (n.)
EN: a tool for boring holes
TR: matkap
e.g. Are you going to use the electric drill or
hand drill?

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hammer (n.)
EN: a tool for driving nails
TR: çekiç
e.g. A hammer is an important tool for a

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pliers (n.)
EN: a gripping tool
TR: kerpeten
e.g. Some pliers are used to cut and bend

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saw (n.)
EN: a sharp edged tool used for cutting
TR: testere
e.g. Saws are used to cut wood and metal.

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scissors (n.)
EN: a twin-bladed cutting tool
TR: makas
e.g. The barber uses scissors to cut hair.

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shovel (n.)
EN: a tool with a long handle and a wide blade
TR: kürek
e.g. We need a shovel to move sand, dirt, and

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ammunition (n.)
EN: cartridges
TR: cephane
e.g. The ammunition for our firearms will
arrive today.

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firearm (n.)
EN: a weapon
TR: ateşli silah
e.g. Rifles, pistols, and handguns are all

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cartridge (n.)
EN: a bullet and a case
TR: fişek
e.g. The bullet from a cartridge leaves the
weapon when it’s fired.

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bullet (n.)
EN: a projectile
TR: mermi
e.g. Bullets travel through the barrel when a
rifle is fired.

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case (n.)
EN: container
TR: kovan
e.g.The case of the cartridge contains

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shell (n.)
EN: a cartridge case
TR: kovan
e.g. Always pick up your shells after
practicing shooting.

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chamber (n.)
EN: a compartment
TR: mermi yuvası
e.g. The cartridge case is removed from the
chamber after the weapon is fired.

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sight (n.)
EN: an aiming device
TR: nişangah, arpacık
e.g. Adjust the sights of your weapon before
you start to fire.

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trigger (n.)
EN: a lever used to discharge a firearm
TR: tetik
e.g. Pull the trigger to shoot.
This gun’s trigger is stuck. It won’t move.

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barrel (n.)
EN: a tube-like part of rifle or pistol
TR: namlu
e.g. Always point the barrel of your gun in a
safe direction.

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magazine (n.)
EN: a compartment to hold cartridges
TR: şarjör
e.g. The magazine of the weapon holds the

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be composed of (v.)
EN: to be formed from various things
TR: tanzim etmek, düzeltmek, oluşturmak
e.g. The committee was composed of elected
leaders and citizens.

ALC/Book 23
compress (v.)
EN: to make something smaller, especially by
pressing it
TR: sıkıştırmak, sıkmak, basmak, ezmek
e.g. The course compresses two years' training
into six months.

ALC/Book 23
consist (v.)
EN: to be formed or made from two or more
TR: ... den oluşmak/meydana gelmek; müteşekkil
e.g. a dessert consists of fruit and cream.

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convert (v.)
EN: to change the appearance, form, or purpose of
TR: dönüştürmek, değiştirmek, döndürmek
e.g. The old warehouse was converted into

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exert (v.)
EN: to use authority, power, influence to make
something happen
TR: (yetki, güç, nüfuz vb.) uygulamak, kullanmak,
tatbik etmek
e.g. My parents exerted a lot of pressure on
me to do well at school.

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exhale (v.)
EN: to send air out of your lungs
TR: nefes vermek
e.g. Exhale slowly through your nose.

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inhale (v.)
EN: to breathe air, smoke, or gas into your lungs
TR: nefes almak, içine çekmek, solumak, teneffüs
e.g. People who had inhaled the fumes were
taken to hospital.

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melt (v.)
EN: to change from a solid into a liquid because of
TR: erimek
e.g. The sun soon melted the ice on the pond.

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occupy (v.)
EN: to fill a place or period of time

TR: işgal etmek, doldurmak, yer kaplamak

e.g. The baby seems to occupy all our time.

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surround (v.)
EN: to be or go everywhere around something or
TR: çevirmek, sarmak, kuşatmak
e.g. The police have surrounded the building.

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altitude (n.)
EN: the height of something above sea level
TR: irtifa, yükseklik, deniz seviyesinden yükseklik
..e.g. Swans fly at an altitude of 8000 metres.

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layer (v.)
EN: thin sheet of a substance
TR: yüzey, tabaka
e.g. We stripped several layers of paint off the

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lung (n.)
EN: one of the two organs inside your chest that are
used for breathing
TR: akciğer
e.g. She has lung cancer.

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particle (n.)
EN: a very small piece of something
TR: zerre, tanecik, parçacık
e.g. He choked on a particle of food.

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solid (adj.)
EN: hard and firm without holes or spaces, and
not liquid or gas
TR: katı
e.g. Our roof has a solid layer.

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space (n.)
EN: an empty area which is available to be used
TR: yer, alan, mahal, boşluk
e.g. There wasn't enough space for everyone

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steam (n.)
EN: the gas that water produces when you heat it

TR: buhar, istim

e.g. The laundry was full of steam.

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vapor (v.)
EN: many small drops of liquid in the air which
look like a cloud
TR: buhar
e.g. I can see the coffee
vapor on his desk

ALC/Book 23
apply (v.)
EN: to request something, usually officially, esp.
by writing or by sending in a form
TR: başvurmak
e.g. She applied for admission to law school.

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collapse (v.)
EN: to fall down suddenly, or to cause to fall
TR: yıkılmak, çökmek
e.g. A piece of the wall collapsed on top of

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carry out (v.)
EN: to perform or complete a job or activity;
to fulfill
TR: bir (işi) yapmak, uygulamak
e.g. I was elected to carry out a program.

ALC/Book 23
collide (v.)
EN: to hit something violently
TR: çarpmak, çarpışmak
e.g. He went off the road to avoid colliding with
another car.

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crush (v.)
EN: to press something very hard so that it
is broken or its shape is destroyed
TR: kırmak, parçalamak
e.g. Her car was crushed by a falling tree.

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elevate (v.)
EN: to give someone a higher or more important position

TR: yükseltmek
e.g. They hoped to elevate the position of
women in society.

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expose (v.)
EN: to make something covered or hidden able to be

TR: ortaya çıkarmak

e.g. The plaster was removed to expose the
original brick wall.

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infect (v.)
EN: to cause disease in someone by introducing
organisms such as bacteria or viruses
TR: mikrop kapmak, bulaşmak
e.g. Thousands of people were infected with
the virus.

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investigate (v.)
EN: to examine a crime, problem, statement,
etc. carefully
TR: araştırmak, incelemek
e.g. Police are investigating allegations of

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proceed (v.)
EN: to continue as planned
TR: planlandığı/tasarlandığı gibi devam
e.g. His lawyers have decided not to proceed
with the case.

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restrict (v.)
EN: to limit something

TR: kısıtlamak
e.g. I restrict myself to one cup of coffee a

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wound (v.)
EN: to injure someone
TR: yaralamak
e.g. He was badly wounded in the attack.

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conscious (adj.)
EN: to know that something is present or that
something is happening
TR: farkında/bilincinde olmak
e.g. I'm very conscious that a lot of people
disagree with me.

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firm (adj.)
EN: not soft, but not completely hard
TR: katı, sert
e.g. A firm bed is better for your back.

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initial (adj.)
EN: first, or happening at the beginning
TR: ilk, başta olan
e.g. My initial reaction was giving him a cardiac

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steady (adj.)
EN: happening at a gradual, regular rate
TR: devamlı, sürekli, düzenli
e.g. She has had a steady flow/stream of

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artery (n.)
EN: one of the tubes in your body that carries
blood from your heart
TR: atardamar
e.g. I had a serious problem with one of my

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fracture (n.)
EN: to break something hard such as a bone,
or a piece of rock
TR: çatlak
e.g. She's fractured her ankle.

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sequence (n.)
EN: a series of related events or things that
have a particular order
TR: dizi, zincir, silsile
e.g. the sequence of events that led to his death

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victim (n.)
EN: someone who has suffered the effects
of violence, illness, or bad luck
TR: kurban
e.g. Victims was found chained to a rock.

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converge (v.)
EN: to become similar or identical
TR: birleşmek, yakınlaşmak
e.g. Our previosly opposed views are beginning
to converge.

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correspond (v.)
EN: to be similar, match
TR: karşılığı olmak, benzemek
e.g. A bird’s wings correspond to the arm and
hand in humans.

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distribute (v.)
EN: to hand out, divide something
TR: dağıtmak
e.g. He distributed sweets to all the students
in the class.

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endorse (v.)
EN: to give approval; sign
TR: onaylamak; imzalamak
e.g. The court endorsed the judge’s decision.

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fold (v.)
EN: to double over (material, paper)
TR: katlamak
e.g. She folded the paper in half.

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go over (v.)
EN: to study or examine carefully
TR: incelemek
e.g.l want to go over the work you have done.

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intersect (v.)
EN: to divide something by going across it
TR: kesişmek, kesmek
e.g. Where do the two roads intersect?

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look in on (v.)
EN: have a short visit
TR: uğramak, kısa ziyaret yapmak
e.g. I decided to look in on John yesterday.

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transport (v.)
EN: to carry goods
TR: taşımak
e.g. The goods were transported by air.

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run short of (v.)
EN: to decrease
TR: azalmak, bitmek, tüketmek
e.g. We are running short of gas.

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beneath (prep.)
EN: under, below
TR: altına, altında
e.g. There is a cat beneath the desk.

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by means of (v.)
EN: through, along, via
TR: vasıtasıyla, yoluyla
e.g.We got there by means of ship.

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meanwhile (adv.)
EN: during this time
TR: bu sırada/arada
e.g. Meanwhile, his mother was searching for
him in the street.

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arrow (n.)
EN: a thin, straight stick with a point
TR: ok
e.g. You can’t get lost if you follow the arrows.

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destination (n.)
EN: the place someone is going
TR: gidilecek yer
e.g. We arrived at our destination at last.

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track (n.)
EN: a mark left, a path
TR: iz , patika
e.g. They followed the lion’s track.

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tray (n.)
EN: a flat piece of wood or metal to serve
TR: tepsi
e.g. She brought in tea on a tray.

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advance (v.)
EN: to move forward
TR: ilerlemek, gelişmek
e.g. The army advanced toward the town

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aim (n.)
EN: purpose, intention
TR: amaç, gaye
e.g. My aim is to be in the team.

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demonstrate (v.)
EN: to show clearly
TR: açıklamak, göstermek
e.g. Can you demonstrate what you mean by

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depress (v.)
EN: to make someone feel very unhappy, especially
about the future
TR: mutsuz etmek, canını sıkmak, keyfini/tadını
e.g. This place really depresses me.

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give out (v.)
EN: to give something to a large number of people

TR: dağıtmak, vermek

e.g. He gave out copies of the report at the
end of the meeting.

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give up (v.)
EN: stop doing something
TR: bırakmak, vazgeçmek
e.g. All of us should give up smoking for our

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get on with (v.)
EN: If two or more people get on, they like each
other and are friendly to each other
TR: iyi anlaşmak, iyi geçinmek
e.g. I never knew that Karen didn't get on
with Sue.

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improve (v.)
EN: to get better or to make something better
TR: iyileş(tir)mek, geliş(tir)mek, ilerle(t)mek,
e.g. Scott's behaviour has improved a lot lately.

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inspect (v.)
EN: to officially visit a building or organization, in
order to check that everything is correct and legal

TR: denetlemek, teftiş etmek, araştırmak

e.g. Schools will be inspected regularly to
maintain standards.

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interfere (v.)
EN: to try to control or become involved in a
situation, in a way that is annoying
TR: karışmak, burnunu sokmak
e.g. I know he's worried about us, but I wish
he wouldn't interfere.

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progress (v.)
EN: to develop and improve skills, knowledge, etc.
TR: ilerleme, gelişme
e.g. He has progressed in French this year.

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accurate (adj.)
EN: correct or exact
TR: doğru, tam
e.g. She was able to give police a fairly accurate
description of the man.

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awfully (adv.)
EN: very
TR: çok, ziyadesiyle, aşırı, müthiş, acayip
e.g. That book quiz was awfully difficult.

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barely (adv.)
EN: only just
TR: hemen hemen, ancak, sadece
e.g. He was barely alive when they found him.

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expert (n.)
EN: someone who has a lot of skill in something
or a lot of knowledge about something
TR: uzman, usta, bilir kişi
e.g. He's an expert on scoring goals.

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immediate (adj.)
EN: happening or done without waiting or very
soon after something else
TR: acil, ivedi, derhal yapılması gereken
e.g. The government has promised to take
immediate action.

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satisfactory (adj.)
EN: good enough
TR: tatminkâr, memnuniyet verici
e.g. We hope very much to find a satisfactory
solution to the problem.

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skilled (adj.)
EN: having the abilities needed to do an activity
or job well
TR: usta, becerikli, marifetli
e.g. He has become skilled in dealing with the

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artillery (n.)
EN: large guns, especially those fixed on wheels
used by an army
TR: top
e.g. We’ll need many artilleries during the

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event (n.)
EN: happening
TR: olay
e.g. Local people have been shocked by recent
events in the town.

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failure (n.)
EN: no success
TR: başarısızlık
e.g. Their attempt to climb Everest ended in

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infantry (n.)
EN: soldiers who fight on foot
TR: piyade, piyade askeri
e.g. We have less infantry
than our enemy.

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phase (n.)
EN: a stage or period which is part of a longer
TR: evre, aşama, safha, kademe
e.g. The first phase of the project is scheduled
for completion next year.

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target (n.)
EN: something or someone that you attack,
shoot at, try to hit, etc
TR: hedef
e.g. It's very difficult to hit a moving target.

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construct (v.)
EN: to build something from several parts
TR: inşa etmek, yapmak, kurmak
e.g. The building was constructed in 1998.

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erect (v.)
EN: to set up; to build
TR: dikmek; dikine koymak
e.g. They erected a statue in his memory.

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liquefy (v.)
EN: become liquid
TR: sıvılaştırmak
e.g.The butter had liquefied in the head.

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turn into (v.)
EN: to change and become someone
TR: çevirmek; dönüştürmek
e.g. There are plans to turn her latest book
into a film.

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utilize (v.)
EN: to use something in an effective way
TR: yararlanmak, faydalanmak
e.g. The vitamins come in a form that is easily
utilized by the body.

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vary (v.)
EN: If things of the same type vary, they are
different from each other.
TR: değişik olmak, farklı olmak
e.g. Car prices vary greatly across Europe.

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abundant (adj.)
EN: existing in large quantities
TR: aşırı, çok fazla
e.g. There is an abundant supply of food

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comparatively (adv.)
EN: when compared to something else or to
what is usual
TR: nispeten ucuz/kolay/küçük vs
e.g.It’s comparatively easy for me;it was more
difficult for Jim.

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extensive (adj.)
EN: large in amount or size
TR: büyük, geniş, geniş çaplı
e.g. The hurricane caused extensive damage.

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fixed (adj.)
EN: decided already and not able to be changed
TR: sabit, değişmez
e.g. The new TV is fixed on the wall.

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overall (adv.)
EN: considering everything or everyone
TR: tümü, hepsi, toplamı, geneli
e.g. We lost the first game, but won overall.

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various (v.)
EN: many different
TR: muhtelif, bir çok farklı biçim
e.g. I started learning Spanish for various

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access (n.)
EN: when you have the right or opportunity
TR: bir şeye ulaşım hakkı, fırsatı
e.g. I don't have access to that kind of

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cement (n.)
EN: a grey powder used in building which is
mixed with water and sand
TR: çimento
e.g. Make the surface of the cement smooth
before it dries.

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source (n.)
EN: where something comes from
TR: kaynak, memba, köken
e.g. Oranges are a good source of vitamin C.

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steel (n.)
EN: a very strong metal made from iron
TR: çelik
e.g. Steel is a very strong metal.

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concentrate (on) (v.)
EN: to think very carefully about something
TR: konsantre olmak
e.g. I can't concentrate on my work. It's too
noisy here.

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discard (v.)
EN: to throw something away
TR: atmak, ıskartaya çıkarmak
e.g. Let’s discard these worn out shoes we can’t
wear them anymore.

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dive (v.)
EN: to jump into water
TR: suya dalmak/atlamak
e.g. He dived off the side of the boat into the

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ignore (v.)
EN: to pay no attention to something
TR: gözardı etmek
e.g. They just ignored him and carried on with
the game.

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navigate (v.)
EN: to find the right direction to travel by using maps

TR: rota belirleyerek doğru yolda ilerlemek

e.g. We navigated using a map and compass.

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aircraft (n.)
EN: a vehicle that can fly
TR: uçak, uçan araç
e.g. They are repairing a defective engine in the
aircraft so it can take off as scheduled.

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attitude (n.)
EN: behavior, conduct, manner
TR: tavır, davranış
e.g. He has a very bad attitude to work.

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aviation (n.)
EN: flying aircraft or producing aircraft
TR: havacılık
e.g. He wants to study aviation and become a

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compass (n.)
EN: a device used to find directions
TR: pusula
e.g. If he had carried a compass he would not
have lost his way on the hills.

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disaster (v.)
EN: something that causes a lot of harm
TR: felaket, afet
e.g. The holiday ended in a disaster.

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fuselage (n.)
EN: the main body of an aircraft
TR: uçak gövdesi, gövde
e.g. The fuselage is the body of an aircraft.

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missile (n.)
EN: an explosive weapon which can travel long
distances through the air
TR: füze
e.g. The missile shot through the air when the
pilot pushed the firing button.

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precaution (n.)
EN: care taken to avoid accidents
TR: önlem
e.g. Driving alone at night can be dangerous, so
always take precautions.

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velocity (n.)
EN: the speed at which something moves
TR: hız, sürat
e.g. Jets with turbojet engines can travel at a
velocity of 500 to 600 miles an hour.

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windshield (n.)
EN: the window at the front end of a car, bus
TR: araçlarda ön cam
e.g. A rock hit the windshield of my car as I
was driving.

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accumulate (v.)
EN: to collect or bring together
TR: biriktirmek, bir araya gelmek
e.g. Clouds are accumulating quickly it looks like
it’s going to rain.

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dissolve (v.)
EN: become liquid, melt
TR: eri(t)mek, çöz(ül)mek
e.g. Before you take this medicine, dissolve it in
some water or juice.

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eventually (adv.)
EN: happening at last as a result
TR: sonunda
e.g. After years of patience and hard work,
he was eventually accepted on the team.

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excessive (adj.)
EN: exceeding the usual number
TR: aşırı
e.g. There’s an excessive load of work waiting
for me.

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fertile (adj.)
EN: fruitful, productive
TR: verimli, bereketli
e.g. The land near the river is a fertile region
in which to grow crops.

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fluent (adj.)
EN: speaking or writing in an easy
TR: akıcı (konuşan)
e.g. He is a fluent speaker in three languages.

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look into (v.)
EN: to investigate
TR: incelemek, araştırmak
e.g. The police are looking into the crime.

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moisture (n.)
EN: dampness
TR: nem , rutubet
e.g. These plants need a lot of moisture and light
in order to grow.

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penetrate (v.)
EN: to enter, force the into something
TR: batmak, saplanmak, girmek
e.g. Dr.Thomas said that the bullet penetrated
Al’s left lung.

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precipitation (n.)
EN: rain,snow
TR: yağış
e.g. My dad has a special gauge which measures
the precipitation in our town.

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prior (to) (adj.)
EN: earlier, before
TR: önce/evvel
e.g. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to attend the 10:30
meeting. I had a prior appointment at 9:30.

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admit (v.)
EN: agree to the truth of something
TR: itiraf etmek
e.g. He admitted that he lied to us.

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assure (v.)
EN: promise, give confidence
TR: inandırmak, garanti vermek
e.g. I assure you we’ll have a profitable
relationship between our companies.

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break down (v.)
EN: to go out of working order
TR: bozulmak, çalışmamak
e.g. My car broke down on the highway.

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digest (v.)
EN: to change food taken into the body into an
absorbable form
TR: hazmetmek, sindirmek
e.g.Some people can’t digest dairy products.

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disease (n.)
EN: illness
TR: hastalık, rahatsızlık
e.g. Some diseases can be cured; others are

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dismiss (v.)
EN: allow others to leave; fire from place of
TR: serbest bırakmak; kovmak
e.g. The students will be dismissed from class
early to attend a special meeting.

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ensure (v.)
EN: to make sure; protect
TR: temin etmek, garantiye almak
e.g. The doctors want to ensure that everything
possible has been considered before the

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erratic (adj.)
EN: irregular
TR: düzensiz, değişken, kararsız
e.g. His behavior has been very erratic lately.

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eyesight (n.)
EN: vision
TR: görme yeteneği
e.g. Wearing glasses will improve your eyesight.

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faith (n.)
EN: belief, trust, confidence
TR: güven, itimat
e.g. Have faith in the pilot’s skill; he has had a
lot of experience flying.

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fluctuate (v.)
EN: to change irregularly
TR: dalgalanma, değişim
e.g. The prices fluctuate greatly in the market.

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manner (n.)
EN: a method, way, behavior
TR: tavır, davranış
e.g. This salesman has a very persuasive manner.

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mild (adj.)
EN: not harsh
TR: yumuşak, ılıman
e.g. She prefers foods that have a mild flavor.

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surgery (n.)
EN: a medical operation
TR: ameliyat, operasyon
e.g. He ‘ll spend several days in the hospital
recovering from heart surgery.

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cure (v.)
EN: to get rid of an illness
TR: iyileştirmek
e.g. An aspirin should cure this slight headache.

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