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Hawassa University

Department of Computer Science

Advanced Software Engineering

Topic: RUP(Rational Unified Process)

Group Members

Submitted to: Dr. Degif T

04/19/2021 RUP(Rational Unified Process)

RUP(Rational Unified Process)
Phases of RUP
 Building Blocks Of RUP
Waterfall Vs RUP
RUP Best Practices

04/19/2021 RUP(Rational Unified Process)

RUP(Rational Unified Process)
It is an iterative, agile software development methodology.
Firstly introduced by the Rational software corporation
which was acquired by IBM in 2003
It is the most popular and extensively documented refinement
of the Unified Process.
It was developed to ensure the production of high quality
software by development team in providing
 guidelines,
 tool mentors
04/19/2021 RUP(Rational Unified Process)
Phases of RUP
It Includes
I. Time Dimension
 is horizontal axis that represents the dynamic aspects of process
 It expresses time in terms of phases and iterations.
II. Process dimension
 is vertical axis that represents the static aspects of process
 It expresses workflows in terms of six core and three supporting

04/19/2021 RUP(Rational Unified Process)

Time Dimension
Inception Phase
 To establish the project’s scope and boundary conditions
 To estimate the overall cost and schedule for the project
 To estimate the potential risks
 To produce detailed estimates for the elaboration phase
Elaboration Phase
 To establish a base-lined architecture (Project Shape)
 To address all architecturally significant risks
 Scope and risks revised
 To produce the best evolutionary prototype of
production-quality component
04/19/2021 RUP(Rational Unified Process)
Time Dimension cont…

Construction Phase
 To iteratively and incrementally develop a complete product
based on the base-lined architecture.
 It avoids unnecessary scrap and rework through Parallelism
 It minimizes development costs
Optimizes resource utilization

04/19/2021 RUP(Rational Unified Process)

Time Dimension cont…
Transition Phase
 To ensure the availability of software to end users
 To validate the new system against user expectations (by beta-
 To train the end users and maintainers
 Deployment done in this phase

04/19/2021 RUP(Rational Unified Process)

Process dimension

There are six core and three supporting disciplines:

1. Business Modelling Workflow
 The business context (scope) of the project should be
2. Requirements Workflow
 Define all potential requirements of the project.
3.Analysis & Design Workflow
 Takes requirements and transforms them into a design.

04/19/2021 RUP(Rational Unified Process)

Process dimension cont…
4. Implementation Workflow
 majority of actual coding takes place.
5. Test Workflow
 Testing of all kinds takes place within this workflow.
6. Deployment Workflow
 constitutes the entire delivery and release process,
ensuring that the software fits the customer interest.

04/19/2021 RUP(Rational Unified Process)

Process dimension cont…
The three supporting disciplines
 Project Management Workflow
 Configuration & Change Management Workflow
 Environment Workflow

04/19/2021 RUP(Rational Unified Process)

RUP Phase diagram

04/19/2021 RUP(Rational Unified Process)

Building Blocks of RUP
Workers, the ‘Who’
 group of responsible individuals who are working together
 in order to produce artifacts(products).
Activities, the ‘How’
 A unit of work that a worker is to perform
Artifacts, the ‘What’
 represents any tangible output that emerges from the
Workflows, the ‘When’
 represents a diagrammed sequence of activities, in order to
produce observable value

04/19/2021 RUP(Rational Unified Process)

Waterfall Vs RUP
Waterfall Phase Characteristics RUP Phase Characteristics

In any given phase, the activities are In any given RUP phase, depending on
performed from a single area of concern. which phase it is, there will be activities
No code is produced and no testing is from across multiple disciplines.
carried out.
Not all phases result in an executable With the exception of early Inception
deliverable. iterations, each iteration within each phase
produces an executable deliverable.

A given waterfall phase employs a subset Producing an executable deliverable at the

of team members who are skilled to end of most iteration within RUP phases
perform related activities. This might lead requires activities from across multiple
to less than optimal resource utilization. disciplines to be performed and therefore
engages the entire team.
Most waterfall phases result in document- Most iterations within RUP phases result
based deliverables. in an executable deliverable.

04/19/2021 RUP(Rational Unified Process)

RUP Best Practices
 Develop Software Iteratively
 Manage Requirements
 Use Component-Based Architectures
 Visually Model Software
 Verify Software Quality
 Control Changes to Software

04/19/2021 RUP(Rational Unified Process)

Advantages of RUP
 Allows for the adaptive capability to deal with changing
 Emphasizes the need of accurate documentation
 It is easier to control the risks

04/19/2021 RUP(Rational Unified Process)

Disadvantages of RUP
 It heavily relies on proficient and expert team members
 It emphasis on integration throughout the development process
 RUP is a fairly complicated model

04/19/2021 RUP(Rational Unified Process)

Thank You!
Thank You!

04/19/2021 RUP(Rational Unified Process)

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