Biography Text 1

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As presented by: Nadya Salsabila Nanda Karuna and Nadiah Balquista Kaufua
General Understanding
What is I. Generic
Biography? Structure

A Biography, or simply Bio, is a detailed

description of a person's life. It involves The purpose of a biographical recount is to
more than just the basic facts like education, inform by retelling past events and
work, relationships, and death; it portrays a achievements in a person’s life, usually that
person's experience of these life events. of a famous public figure. The text consist of
Biographical works are usually non-fiction. three parts:
a. Part 1: Orientation
The difference between a biography and an b. Part 2: Series
autobiography is that autobiographies are c. Part 3: Reorientation
written by the person themselves.
A. PART 1:
It gives the reader the background information as to why this person is noteworthy and should have a
biography written about them. The opening paragraph should answer the questions: who, what, where, when,
and how. This part usually contains an initial description of the characters or actors in biographical texts.
B. PART 2:
This part consists of series of events, most likely told in a chronological order. Here the writer might refer to
a certain time on line. Also contains events containing explanations that occurred or was experienced by the
characters, including the problems it faces in achieving its goals and ideals. The interesting, memorable,
amazing, and moving things experienced by the characters are also described in the series section.
C. PART 3:
This part contains a type of conclusion with a comment on the contributions this person has made or a
summary and evaluation of the person’s achievement. This part might also tell about the author’s view on the
characters told. Reorientation is optional, it may exist, but may also not exist depending on the author.
II. Language Features
Language features is the structure or arrangement of a paragraph (for example, sentence
structure, noun group/phrase, vocabulary, punctuation, grammar, etc.) Choices in language
features and text structures together define a type of text and shape its meaning. These choices
vary according to the purpose of a text, its subject matter, and audience.

A biography’s language features are none other than:

1. A biographical recount uses specific names of the people involved in the biography
2. It is mainly written in simple past tense (the final paragraph could also include present tense)
3. A biographical recount also uses words that have connections to do with a sense of time
4. A biographical recount describes events, so it uses many verb or action verbs.
There are some characteristics of biographical recount text that you have to know, such as:

I. It is not written by the subject. It means that a biography is written by

someone else who wants to write about the subject. It usually will be
written based on the needs. Some writer could write it in either short or
long length.
2. It is always written in a third
person’s point of view
3. It is based on research, not on imagination, when someone wants to
make a biography, she or her must do some researches. What kind of
researches are they? Reading all books related to the subject is one of
the ways of the research, besides reading, interviewing subject relation
(if it is possible) also can be as a research before writing a biography.
4. Describing the subject’s
surroundings (where, when, and
how the person lived.)
5. Showing how the person affected
other people’s lives through their
behavior, discoveries, social reform,
6. Supplying details that
illustrate the person’s
7. Using vivid language to
narrate the events
8. It is arranged
An example of Biography
Recount Text
Albert Einstein was born near the end of the
1800s in Ulf, Germany. He graduated from the
University of Zurich in Switzerland at age 26.
That was also when he did his famous work in
physics. Fourteen years later he won the Nobel
Prize for Physics.
For the next ten years he lived in Germany and
traveled a lot to talk to other scientists. Then in
the early 1930s he had to leave Germany
because of Hitler and the Nazi party. He moved
to the United States. From that time until his
death he lived in Princeton, New Jersey. He
died at the age of 74.

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