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(Person & animal)
Let’s talk about this person
What is descriptive text?
descriptive text is a meaningful text that describes
particular person or animals. It is about sensory experience,
how something looks, sounds, shapes.Mostly it is about visual
experience, but description also deals with other kinds of
Social Function of descriptive text:
To give information about a particular entity by describing its
features, history, and special characteristics.

To give information about things by describing physical

attributes,behaviors, uses, etc
Generic Structure of descriptive text
 Identification or general statements. It introduces or identifies
specific object (a person and animal).
 Descriptions: The parts of a text describe the object characteristics
appeareances, personality, habits or qualities (Derewianka, 2004;, 2000; Gerot & Wignell, 1994; Knapp and Watkins, 2005,
p.149; Emilia & Christie, 2013)
Language Features of descriptive text
• Focus on specific participants as the main character;
• Use present tense as dominant tenses;
• Use linking verbs or relational process frequently (is, are, has, have,belongs to) in order to classify and
describe appearance or qualities and parts or functions of phenomena;
• Use action verbs or material process and behavioural process in giving additional description regarding
action and behaviour done by the participants in text
• Use mental verb or mental process when describing feelings;
• Use nominal group frequently to describe;
• Use adjective and adverbs to add information to nouns and add information to verbs to provide more
detailed description about the topic;
• Use adverbial phrases to add more information about manner, place,or time and sometimes realized
inembedded clause which functions as circumstances
/ s he?
o i s
- Wh - Name
- Ag
His hobby is singing
- Heig
He likes practicing yoga
- H ht
Hobby/ air
what does Body -
he like?
- E
Appearance yes
- nos - Skin
He likes eating healthy food

He often wears white T-shirt

Lets write
Anjasmara is the senior Indonesian
actor. He was born in Blitar, East Java on
13 November 1975. He is a good actor. He Identity
is a Yoga instructor. He is a good husband
and also a good father for all his children.
Anjasmara has tall body, his height is
about 1,75 meters. He has white and clear
skin. He has beautiful dark brown eyes, Appearance
sharp nose and straight hair. His face is
perfect and look so handsome. He has
muscular body.
Anjasmara is friendly to his fans. He
so kind and helful. As a father he is really personalities
kind compassionate man. He always work
hard for the best possible result.
Anjasmara loves modelling, acting and Hobby
practicing yoga.
I have a pet. It is a cat. Its name is Winkie. I found it
in front of our house. I love my cat.

Winkie has whisker. It has long tail. It has black and

white fur. It is very soft and furry . It eats fish and
drinks milk. Winkie is an active cat. It likes to play
with ball in the garden. It loves me and shows it’s
love by licking me when I come back from school. It
sleeps in a small basket in front of our house. I love
my pet very much and take care of it.
Vocabulary to describe animals

whisker kumis tail ekor

beak paruh gill insang
big ears telinga besar pada gajah scale labirin
horns tanduk fins sirip
teeth gigi paw cakar
fangs taring claw kuku
wings sayap fur bulu pada kucing atau anjing
feather bulu pada ayam atau bebek spots titik titik pada macan tutul
humps punuk pada stripes belang pada zebra
shell cangkang pada kura-kura legs kaki
trunk belalai
a mane surai

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