Analysis and Design of Transport Equipment: Anwar Ilmar Ramadhan, S.ST, MT

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Analysis and Design of

Transport Equipment
Anwar Ilmar Ramadhan, S.ST, MT

Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers

Shellside correlations
Macroscopic balances in heat exchangers

Mass balance:

 1,in = m
 2,out ; m
 3,in = m
 4,out

Mechanical energy balance:

Q  p2  p1    EV
Viscous dissipation rate equation:
L v2
p h = f  ; pc = F(N Re , geometry)
D 2
Macroscopic Thermal Energy Balance

 Assume:
 steady-state

 neglect E v

dt V
 U dV =   U v  n dA - 
Ain A out
 U v  n dA + Q - E c + E v

Tubeside balance:
 1 Cp,1-2 ( Tb out
 Tb in
)= -Q
Shellside balance:
 3 C p,3-4 ( Tb out
 Tb in
) = Q - Q loss
Thermal energy balance and rate equations

Thermal energy balance:

Watt=kg/s * J/kg K * K Power!

 1 C p,1-2 (T1  T2 ) = Q
m   m
 3 C p,3-4 (T4  T3 )
Thermal energy transfer rate equation:
Q = U o A o TM
Minimum approach temperatures

Assume m
 c C p,c < m
 h C p,h
 cCp,c (T4 -T3 ) = m
 h Cp,h (T1 -T2 )

Thus: (T4 -T3 ) > (T1 -T2 )

From the inequality we can show: (T2 -T3 ) > (T1 -T4 )
(T -T )-(T2 -T3 )  Minimum
TLn = 1 4 
 (T1 -T4 )   approach temperature
ln  
(T -T )  Process: T  10 o
C  20 F
 2 3  min
Cryogenic: T  5 o
C  10 F

Q = U A Tln

Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers: Basic layout
Diameter of tube bundle and shell
Perry, Chem Eng Hand. 7th p. 11-41
C  0.75  DOTL / Do   36 ;  24  C  24
Triangular pitch:

1 tube pass:

N t  1298  74.86 C  1.283 C 2  0.0078 C 3  0.0006 C 4

2 tube pass:

N t  1266  73.58 C  1.234 C 2  0.0071C 3  0.0005 C 4

Square pitch:

2 tube pass:

N t  578.8  33.36 C  .3847 C 2  0.0013 C 3  0.0001C 4

Flow and heat transfer in
N  # of baffles in shell
LB  t B

DS  1  2 LC / DS 
NC   # of cross rows

0.8 LC
NCW   # effective cross flow

RB  correction for leakage

Pressure drop and heat transfer rates:
Bell-Delaware Method (1963)
 Vmax D o
Shellside Reynolds number: N Re =

D o = outside diameter of tubes

Vmax = maximum velocity =
 Sm
S m = flow area near the shell centerline
Square or triangular pitch:
Sm = LB
D - D +
D OTL - D o
(PT - D o )
D s = shell internal diameter
D OTL = tube bundle diameter
L B = distance between baffles
Forced Convection Outside Tubes
• Different from inside tubes due to
differences in fluid flow mechanisms
• Variation in local heat transfer at different
points in circumference usually negligible
• Heat transfer is analogous to friction
– ie, higher heat transfer is obtainable at the
expense of added friction by increasing fluid
For Fluids Flowing Normal to a
Single Tube
• Coefficient affected by Do, cp, , k, and G

ho Do  Do G c p  
  0  , 
k   k 

Heat transfer to air

Heat Transfer Correlations
N Nu = a N m
Re N 0.34
Pr F1 F2
 Vmax D o
Shellside Reynolds number: N Re =

D o = outside diameter of tubes

= G
N I 0.26

F1 = correction for physical properties

F2 = correction for the number of rows

Heat transfer coefficient in shellside

N Nu = a N m
Re N 0.34
Pr F1 F2
hc Do
Nusselt number: N Nu =
D o = outside diameter of tubes (m)
hc = heat transfer coefficient
for ideal crossflow (W / m 2 o K)
k f = thermal conductivity of fluid (W / m o K)

Introduce corrections to h c : ho = hc J c J L J B
J c = correction for baffle configuration
J L = correction for leakage
J B = correction for bundle - shell gap
0.3 0.52
ho Do  cp f   DoG 
   0.35  0.56 
kf  k    
 f   f 
• Subscript f refers to values at the average film
temperature, Tf, midway between the wall
temp. and the mean bulk temp. of the fluid
Tf = ½ (Tw + Tbulk)

• An alternate correlation
n 1/ 3 0.14
ho D  DG   c p ,b  b   b 
N Nu   C      
kb  b   kb   w 
See text, p. 434 for
values for n, C
Natural Convection
• Equation dependent on Nusselt no.,
Prandtl no., and Grashof no.
• Plot of NNu vs. NGr * NPr
  is the coefficient of thermal expansion
hDo  c p  f Do3  2f gTo 
  , 
kf  k  2 
 f f 
 v / T  P

v / T

1   2

1 For an ideal gas, T in K
v v  a (T2  T1 ) T
For liquids

N Nu  0.53( N Gr N Pr ) 0f.25
Effects of Natural Convection in
Laminar Flow
• Found almost entirely in laminar flow
• Turbulent regimes overcome gentle
• For laminar flow in horizontal tubes
hi * 
2.25(1  0.010 N Gr
1/ 3
n 
log10 N Re
Pressure drop in shellside:
Bell-Delaware method
  N CW 
pS   N  1  2 RB 1    pC
  NC 
N  # of baffles in shell
LB  t B

DS  1  2 LC / DS 
NC   # of cross rows

0.8 LC
NCW   # effective cross flow

RB  correction for leakage

Pressure drop in shellside (Hewitt)
p C =  N C K f  
2 Ds (1 - 2 L c /Ds )
NC =
K f = loss coefficient due to tube rows PT
N C = number of cross rows
L C = baffle-cut distance

For in - line square arrays: Zukauskas & Ulinskas (1983)

for 3 < N Re < 2,000

207 102 286
K f = 0.272 + + -
N Re N 2Re N 3Re

for 2,000 < N Re < 2,000,000

2490 9270 103 1 1010
K f = 0.267 + - 2
N Re N Re N 3Re
Estimating P – Shell Side
• KS = 1.1(1 + no. of baffles)
• NR = no. of tube rows across with shell
fluid flows
• f’ = modified friction factor, depending on
' 2
2N R f G
Pin  Pout  K S S
g c 
See p. 434-435 of text
Example Heat Exchanger
Properties Tubeside Shellside
Fluid Water Hydrocarbon
Mass flow Kg/s 5.52
Density 997 730
Tin o K 288 340
Tout o K 300
Thermal cond.W/mK 0.63 0.1324
Heat Cap. kJ/kg K 4.183 2.47
Viscosity 10-3Pa.s 0.9 0.401
Prandtl #(avg) 5.98 7.48
Thermal Energy Balance: Case I
 h C p,h (T1  T2 ) = Q  m
m  c C p,c (T4  T3 )
Q = 5.52 kg/s 2.47 kJ/kg K (340-300) K= 545 kJ/s
Assume Tout water
 20 o C = 293.2 o K
Q  545 kW
 water    25.1kg/s
Cp  Tout -Tin  water 4.183 kJ/kgK  293.2-288  K

q water =  0.0252 m3 /s
 T inHC  T outW    T outHC  T inW 
T ln 
 T inHC  T outW 
ln 
 T outHC  T inW
 Tln  25.56 K
Temperature approach: Tout=20C

THC ,in  67 C : THC ,out  27 C 

 Tln  25.56 C
Tw,out  20 C : Tw,in  15 C 
Initial Design I: Size and number of tubes

Outside tube diameter: D o = 3/4"=0.01905 m

Carbon steel BWG 14
Inside tube diameter: D i =0.014 m
 Di2  0.0142
Ai =   0.000154 m 2
4 4
Assume v tube
 2 m/s : If N = 85

q water 0.0252 m3 / s
v tube
  2
 1.925 m/s
N A i 85 0.000154 m
Initial Design I: Size and number of tubes

Outside tube diameter: D o = 3/4"=0.01905 m

Carbon steel BWG 14
Inside tube diameter: D i =0.014 m
 Di2  0.0142
Ai =   0.000154 m 2
4 4
Assume v tube
 2 m/s : If N = 85

q water 0.0252 m3 / s
v tube
  2
 1.925 m/s
N A i 85 0.000154 m
Initial Design I: Passes and length of tubes

Assume: U o =700 W/m 2 o C

A o,exch   Do L
Q 545000 W
Ao    30.53 m 2

U o Tln 700 W/m 2o C 25.5 o C

Ao 30.53 m 2
L=   5.86 m
N  D o 85  0.01905 m
Adopt 2 pass of 10' long tubes: 20' = 6.096 m

A o = N Do L=85 x  x 0.01905 x 6.096= 31 m 2

Initial Design I: Heat exchanger

Do = 3/4" = 0.01905 m
L = 6.096 m = 20'  2 passes in tubes 
170 tubes in triangular pitch 1.25 x D o
Shell ID (tentative) 13.5"

Use equation in Perry 11-41 to get:

D B = 0.33 m = 13."
Heat Exchange Equipment
• TEMA – Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers
• ASME-API Unfired Pressure Vessel Code
• Must specify
– Materials of construction
– Tube diameter
– Tube length
– Baffle spacing
– Number of passes
• Compromise between heat transfer vs. capital
costs vs. operating costs
Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers: Basic layout

Correction factors must be introduced to take into account:

Leakage through the gaps between the tubes and the baffles and the
baffles and the shell.
Bypassing of the flow around the gap between the tube bundle and the
Effect of baffle configuration.
Effect of adverse temperature gradient on laminar flows (i.e. buoyancy).
Split-ring, floating-
head exchanger
with removable
channel and cover,
single pass shell,
591 mm ID (23”)
tubes 4.9 m long
(16 ft):
23-192 AES
Correction for Complex Heat
Exchanger Configurations
• In multipass and cross-flow heat
exchangers, correction to LMTD must be
• Values for F can be obtained from plots
specific for various types of heat
• Can also use equation derived by Nagel
and Underwood, pg.426 of text
Heat Transfer Media
• If possible, exchange heat between process streams
• Otherwise, use utilities such as cooling water, steam,
products of combustion, etc.
• Coolants – heat sinks, heat is transferred to them from
process streams
• Heat sources – heat is transferred from them to process
• Most often used utility – cooling water
– Enters at 90F, exits no higher than 120F
– Cooling tower returns temp. to 90F by contacting water with air
– Process streams can be cooled/condensed to ~100F
– Air can also cool, but only to ~120 F
Heat Transfer at High Temp.
• If process stream to be cooled is above
250F, some heat should be transferred to
boiler feedwater to produce steam
• If cooling below 100F is required, a
refrigerant is necessary
– Light hydrocarbon (ie., propane)
– R-717 (ammonia)
– R-134a (tetrafluoroethane)
– See Table 13.1 in text
Heat Sources
• For heating and/or vaporizing, utility is steam
• 50, 150, 450 psig
• 298, 366, 459F at 14.7 psia
• Steam enters as saturated vapor and exits
without pressure change as saturated liquid and
returned to a boiler
• Uncondensed steam is collected in a steam trap
• Can heat up to 700F, but due to extremely high
pressure, usually only used up to 450F
• For heating above 450F, see Table 13.1 in text

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