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How can we avoid

malpractices in

Team 41
Team Number = 41

Ankit Shukla Anjali George

Abhijeet Patil Ann Mary Augustine

Arjun Priyanka

Fathima Tushar
 Workplace malpractice is an unprofessional way of behaviour in a organisation
 It can involve illegal, unethical or immoral behaviour or breach of process,
codes or polices
 Can cause financial and reputational damage to the organisation
 It adversely effect the well being of employees, reduce productivity and make
workplace unattractive
Causes Of Malpractice

 Malpractice can be caused by sharing our username and

password to others
 Sharing sensitive business information on social media like
 Taking screenshot of any official information and keep it on
your personal devices
 Opening e-mails ,URLs & file attachement received from
unknown sources
 Installing any software on any company computers
Causes of Malpractices:

 Lack of data security

 Improper security configurations
 Data loss
 Miscommunication about what functionality is offered by an
IT solution
 Improper training
 Missed deadlines
 Breach of duty
Causes of malpractice in workplace

 Insider trading is the trading of a public company's stock or other securities (such as

bonds or stock options) based on material, nonpublic information about the company.
In various countries, some kinds of trading based on insider information is illegal.

 Immoral behaviour which can damage the reputation of the employer.

 Data security breaches include both confirmed and suspected incidents. A personal
data breach is one that leads to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss alteration,
unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data. In short it is any breach of
security that affects the confidentiality, reliability or availability of personal data. Data
that is even temporarily unavailable can be seen as a breach and may need us to notify
the local regulatory authority if it could have a significant negative effect on
How To Avoid
 Do not share clients information as it can be
 Do not send any business information to personal
email id’s.
 Validate the recipient’s email id when sending the
confidential information
 Never post any business information or clients
data on social media sites or technical forums.
 Avoid business conversations in places where others
can overhear you.
How To Avoid Malpractice

 Don’t leave any documents on desk while you leave the

 If you observe any kind of malpractices going on just inform
your mangers or higher authorities.
 When you take a break you should logout your system.
 Failing to understand the legal significance of your
 Avoid having conflict with your subordinate and maintain a
peaceful relationship
Communicate, communicate, communicate

 There is no element more

important in avoiding a
malpractice claim than a
healthy relationship built
on clear and effective
communication between
one another.

 Malpractice in a workplace can negatively impact the

employee wellbeing, reduce productivity and make the
workplace unattractive.
 Every employee should be aware of the four Ds of
malpractice – duty, deviation, damages and direct cause.
 Every employee should be aware of the causes of
malpractices and should know about the necessary steps to
be taken
 Malpractice at workplace can be avoided by having a good
network security, managed IT services, good software
support and high privacy about the data

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