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Levels of

Levels of Curriculum
Implementation at the Basic
Education Level
1. National Level
Secretary of Education,
Undersecretaries, Assisstant
Secretaries, Bureau Officers
National Level
+ formulating national educational policies
+ formulating a national basic education plan;
+ enhancing the total development of learners
through local and national programs and/or
Regional Level
+ defining a regional educational policy
framework which reflects the values, needs and
expectations of communities they serve.
+ developing regional educational standards.
+ monitoring,evaluating and assessing regional
learning outcomes;
+ developing a regional basic education plan
+ undertaking research projects and developing
and managing region-wide projects.
+ determining the organization component of the
division and districts and approving the
proposed staffing pattern.
Division Level
+ developing and + ensuring compliance of
implementing division quality standards for basic
education development education programs and for
plans. this purpose, strengthening
+ monitoring the utilization of the role of division
funds provided by the supervisors as subject area
national government and specialist.
local government.
District Level

+ District Supervisor is
Local School level
+ School Heads are responsible.
+ setting the mission, vision, goals and objectives
of the school.
+ creating an environment within the school that
is conducive and conductive to teaching and
learning .
Levels of Curriculum
Implementation at
the Higher
Educational Level

Commission on Higher Education
(National Level)
two levels of ched that is responsible for
implementation on higher education level
1. Central Office 2. Regional Office
(national level) - monitoring and
- development of implementation of
policies. policies and guidelines.
who will approved on the changes of
curriculum and curriculum proposal in
state and universities?
- Academic Council
- Board of regents
Where does State and Universities sent the

- Commission on Higher
Education ( CHED )
Things to consider in implementing the
1. Government Requirements
2. School Philosophy, Vision, Mission and Core Values
3. Learning Environment
4. Needs and Demands of the Society
5. Needs of the Students
Things to consider in implementing the
6. Faculty Expertise
7. The Changing Nature of Knowledge
who are the contributary on the
Implementation of the Curriculum?
- Curriculum Leaders
- Curriculum Members
- School Resources
- Implementers at the School Level
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