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A noun clause has a subject and verb. It is used
as the subject or object in a sentence.
A noun clause is a dependent clause that works
like a noun. You can find it as a subject or
• I read what she wrote.
• What she wrote is interesting.


Subject of a Verb

Subject complement


Object of a Verb
Object of a preposition
Adjective Complement
Noun Clauses Beginning with Question
• Wh- clauses begin with
• what(ever), what (time, kind, day, etc),
• who(ever),
• whose,
• whom(ever),
• which(ever),
• where(ever),
• when(ever),
• how (long, far, many times, old, etc)
 What is a noun clause?
I need to explain what a noun clause is.
 Where does Mary live?
I don't know where Mary lives.
 How old is she?
Tell me how old she is.
 The class listened carefully what the teacher
 The kitten followed wherever the woman
(Anak kucing mengikuti kemanapun wanita
itu pergi.)
 Many people imagine how many time the
man was failed before success.
(Banyak orang membayangkan berapa kali
pria itu gagal sebelum sukses.)
Noun Clauses Beginning with Whether or If

When a Yes/No question is changed to a noun clause,

whether or if is used to introduce the noun clause.
Example :
I don't know whether you have studied noun clauses
I don't know if you  have studied noun clauses before.
I wonder if it will rain tomorrow.
I wonder if it will rain tomorrow or not.
• Where does Andy live?
(Dimana Andy tinggal?)
if he lives in West Jakarta.
(Saya pikir dia tinI wonder ggal di Jakarta Barat.)Is Andy
live on Dewi Sartika Street?
(Apakah Andy tinggal di jalan Dewi Sartika?)
I don’t know if he live on Dewi Sartika Street or not.
• atau
• I don’t know whether or not he lives on Dewi Sartika
(Saya tidak tahu jika dia tinggal di jalan Sartika atau tidak.)
• She wanted to know if he lived on Dewi Sartika street.
[indirect speech dari yes-no question]
Where does Andy live?
(Dimana Andy tinggal?)
I wonder if he lives in West Jakarta.
(Saya pikir dia tinggal di Jakarta Barat.)
Is Andy live on Dewi Sartika Street?
(Apakah Andy tinggal di jalan Dewi Sartika?)
 I don’t know if he live on Dewi Sartika Street or not.
 I don’t know whether or not he lives on Dewi Sartika
street.(Saya tidak tahu jika dia tinggal di jalan Sartika
atau tidak.)
Indirect speech :
She wanted to know if he lived on Dewi Sartika street.
Noun Clauses Beginning with That
Biasanya that-clause untuk mental activity.
Berikut daftar verb pada main clause yang
biasanya diikuti that-clause:
assume, believe, discover, dream, guess, hear,
hope, know, learn, notice, predict, prove,
realize, suppose, suspect, think
I think that the war will end soon. (object of the verb
I know (that) he will be successful.
Teachers claim that grammar is fun.
That Mary studied very hard was obvious to John.
(That Mary studied very hard) is the subject of the
That smoking is an unhealthy habit is a known fact.
It is a known fact that smoking is an unhealthy habit.
• 1. Last week, our cat gave birth to a litter of
kittens, but we didn't know where ________.
• a. is our cat
• b. our cat was
• c. our cat is
• d. was our cat
• 2. Now, our cat is home again, and we can't
believe how many ________.
• a. kittens does she have
• b. kittens has she
• c. she has kittens
• d. kittens she has
• 3. Can you imagine ________ ?
• a. how cute they are
• b. how cute are they
• c. how they are cute
• d. are they cute
• 4. The kittens are so noisy that I can hardly
hear what ________.
• a. are saying you
• b. that you are saying
• c. are saying you
• d. you are saying
• 5. He told us ________ sad, and that it would
be better for everyone.
• a. don't be
• b. doesn't be
• c. not be
• d. not to be
• 1. Was – what – cooked – she – delicious
• 2. Einstein – know – how – to – I – want –
• 3. Her – believes – that – life – Diana – happier
– will – be
• 4. Still alive – is – he – that – is – it – a miracle
• 1. What she cooked was delicious.
• 2. I want to know how Einstein thought.
• 3. Diana believes that her life will be happier.
• 4. It is a miracle that he still alive.

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