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Wild Fire is Life

Kerri Haacke
Fire is Nature
• We have a tendency to look at fire
and think it’s bad, its dangerous
and we need to put it out as soon
as possible end of story.
• This is not the case as fire is natural
and necessary for a healthy
• Long before us fire was part of
earths cycle returning old dead
trees and plants to the earth for
nutrients to support new.
What happens if ?
• We have learned that if we continue
to put out fires as quickly as we can
and look at it as all around bad it
could mean bad news for the future.
• That bad news could come in the
form of an unhealthy forest and
ecosystem or…
• The big one, a monster wild fire that
tears through thousands of acers of
land creating other natural disasters
in the after math such as flooding and
So where is the balance?
• Prescribed fire, just like a prescription
from a doctor they are meant to help
heal or prevent a problem.
• An area is designated for controlled
burn, when the conditions are right a
controlled burn is preformed to help
thin out overcrowded brush and
debris while returning nutrients to the
ground and protecting against
uncontrolled fires in nature.
• it's basically fighting fire with fire
Why are controlled burns so important?
• Controlled burns are important all over the
nation but on a local font it can be very
• As housing expands more and more into the
mountains and forests the risk and expenses of
a wild fire grow as well.
• In order to protect areas from devastating wild
fires controlled burns can be done to clear an
area of over crowding and dead debris using up
possible fuel that could have carried a wild fire
into a neighborhood.
• Its also good for the ecosystem and can even be
the thing that is needed for new life and more
Was Smokey wrong?
• No but also yes?
• While wild fires are bad, a controlled
burn can make a big difference.
• Controlled burns are usually done by
professionals or those that are able to
get a permit to perform one on their
land and know what they are doing.
• So its still just as important to make
sure that you aren’t causing a wild fire
and that precautions are taken when
you are out in nature. Don’t be the
person to burn down the forest…
Interesting videos and facts
• “More than 126 wildfires have
occurred across the state and burned
a combined 6,200 acres of land. State
fire officials say that's "well above"
the normal average of this time of
year. For the past five years, Utah
would have seen an estimated 46 fires
so far and 189 acres burned.”
• Of the 1,547 fires in Utah during 2020,
1,202 (78%) were human-caused,
burning a total of 100,000 of the
329,732 total acres in.
Sources : In order of appearance
1. New Life Emerging Photo by moran nachshony
-- National Geographic Your Shot | Amazing photography, National geographic photos,
Photo (
2. Firefighters make progress on early season fires and urge public to use caution (klamat
3. Why Wildfire Risk Is Increasing In Evergreen, CO & Surrounding Areas - LAM Tree Servic

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