Inducting and Socializing

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Inducting and Socializing

new employees
• Organisations like individuals have their unique
• They have their own culture. This includes
longstanding and often:
- unwritten rules and regulations,
- a special language that facilitates communication
among members,
- Shared standards of relevance regarding the
critical aspects of the work that is to be done,
- Matter-of-fact prejudices,
- standards for social etiquette and behavior,
- Established customs for how members should
relate to peers, subordinates, superiors, and
outsiders, and
- Other traditions that clarify to members what
is appropriate and smart behavior within the
organisation and what is not.
• This calls for giving proper orientation to the new
employees on socializing norms to shape their
behavior and actions in line with the philosophy
and culture of the org.
• This is basically molding people to internalize the
systems and practices of the org. to feel
comfortable with.
• A new employee irrespective of his knowledge and
competencies needs to understand, appreciate and
acclimatize himself with the culture of the org. in
order to become effective at work.
• The process of welcoming, acclimatization,
acculturation and indoctrination.
• It involves in introducing a new employee to
the activities of the org. and to his work unit
to make him more comfortable and effective
in the new environment.
• It helps the new entrants to get rid of their
apprehensions, anxiety and unknown feeling
in a new org.
• A good induction prg. will familiarize the org.’s
objectives, history, philosophy, procedures
and rules, communicate relevant HR policies
such as working hours, pay procedures,
overtime requirements and fringe benefits,
review the specific duties and responsibilities
of the new entrants, provide information on
the organisation’s physical facilities and
introduce the employee to his or her superior
and co-worker.
• Induction programme is a formal exercise with
a systematic programme drawn for new
entrants which they follow religiously as they
give maximum importance to this activity.
Content of Induction prg.
• Brief history and operations of the company.
• Products and services of the company.
• The company’s organisation structure.
• Location of departments and employee
• Policies and procedures of the company.
• Rules, regulations and daily work routines.
• Grievance procedures
• Safety measures
• Standing orders and disciplinary procedures
• Terms and conditions of service including wages,
working hours, overtime, holidays etc.
• Suggestion scheme.
• Benefits and services for employees
• Opportunities for training, promotions, transfers,
Induction process
• A general induction
• A departmental induction
• A specific job induction

The duration varies from organisation to

Advantages of Induction
• It helps to build up 2-way channel of
communication between mgmt and employees.
• Proper induction facilitates informal relations and
teamwork among employees.
• Effective induction helps to integrate the new
employee into the org. and to develop a sense of
• Induction is helpful in supplying information
concerning the org., the job and employee facilities.
• Proper induction reduces employee
grievances, absenteeism and labour turnover.
• A formal induction prg. Proves that the
company is taking a sincere interest in getting
him off to a good start.
• Socialization in an organisational context is
basically a process of adaptation to a new
culture, values and believes of the org.
Types of socialization programme
• Formal/ Informal programme
• Individual/ collective programme
Issues in socialization
• It is essential to create team spirit among the
newcomers by assigning different team based
• It gives opportunity to all the participants to
interact with each other and to develop good
interpersonal relationship among themselves.
• Senior executives should be invited to address
the newcomers to share their experiences. Both
in formal and informal ways.
• The views and comments of the new comers
should be addressed with patience and utmost
priority is to be attached to the seriousness to
the whole prg.
• It is essential to dram an alignment between
the organisational goal and the individual goal.
Process of Socialization



Productivity Commitment Turnover

Pre-arrival Stage:
• It happens before joining the org., pre-
conceived notion or developed while selection
• In case of experienced people, they come with
the cultural mindset of their previous org.
• each individual enters with a set of values,
attitudes and expectations of their own.
• Matching expectation.
Encounter Stage
• Its upon joining the org.,
• Individuals confront with the reality which may be
just the reverse to their expectations about their
job, their co-workers, their boss and the org.
• In case of experienced people, its essential to
make them unlearn before they learn new values,
philosophies, and culture.
• If not done properly, employee may feel
suffocated and incline to quit the job.
Metamorphosis Stage
• The new members must work out any problems
discovered during the encounter stage.
• This may mean going through change.
• The metamorphosis is complete when the new
members have become comfortable with the
org. and their job.
• They have internalized the norms and practices
of new org. and work.
Outcomes of metamorphosis stage
• Increase or decrease of productivity
• Commitment
• Turnover.

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