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Attitudes Cognitive component

The opinion or belief segment
Evaluative of an attitude.
statements or
judgments Affective Component
concerning The emotional or feeling segment
objects, of an attitude.
people, or
events. Behavioral Component
An intention to behave in a certain
way toward someone or something.

Attitude and Consistency
Does Behavior Always follow from attitude.

Cognitive Dissonance Theory

Desire to reduce dissonance can be determined by the
importance of the element creating it(fundamental
values, self interest, social pressure) , degree of
influence(experience) the individual believes he has
over the elements and reward for dissonance.

Job Satisfaction

Job Involvement
Psychological empowerment

Organizational Commitment
Affective commitment
Continuance commitment
Normative commitment 3–4
Perceived Organizational Support: the degree to
which employees believe the organization value their
contribution and cares about their well-being.

Employee engagement :
High engaged employee have high level of customer
satisfaction, more productive, high profits, low
turnover and accidents.

An Application: Attitude Surveys
Attitude Surveys
Eliciting responses from employees through
questionnaires about how they feel about their jobs,
work groups, supervisors, and the organization.

Using attitude survey on a regular basis provides

managers with valuable feedback on how employee
perceive their working conditions, policies and
practices that management view as objective and fair
may be seen as inequitable by employees.
Job Satisfaction
Measuring Job Satisfaction
Single global rating
Summation score
 What determines job satisfaction
Mentally challenging work, equitable rewards, supportive
Work conditions and colleagues, harmonious cooperation
Between employees and management, empowerment,
training, variety, independence, control, they prefer
work that is challenging and stimulating.
Personality also plays a role (core self evaluation)
Employee Responses to
Dissatisfaction Active

Destructive Constructive


See E X H I B I T 3–4
See E X H I B I T 3–4

Counterproductive Work

Actions that actively damage the organization,

including stealing, behaving aggressively toward
coworkers or being late or absent.

The Effect of Job Satisfaction on
Employee Performance

Job Satisfaction and Job performance

Happy workers are more productive workers?
Satisfied workers aren’t necessarily more
Organizations with more satisfied workers tend to
be more effective.
Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism(negative
Satisfied employees have fewer avoidable absences.

Job Satisfaction and Turnover(stronger)

Satisfied employees are less likely to quit.

Organizations take actions to retain high performers
and to weed out lower performers
Turnover is affected by alternative job prospects, labor
market condition.( employment opportunities)
Job Satisfaction and OCB.
Job Satisfaction and Customer satisfaction
Job Satisfaction and Life satisfaction
Summary and Managerial
Managers should watch employee attitudes:
They give warnings of potential problems
They influence behavior
Managers should try to increase job satisfaction and
generate positive job attitudes
Reduces costs by lowering turnover, absenteeism, tardiness,
theft, and increasing OCB
Focus on the intrinsic parts of the job: make work
challenging and interesting
Pay is not enough


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