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Project Report

 Page limit: 7 (not 8!!) double spaced pages in

Times Roman 12 point font (including tables)

 Due date: May 21, 5 pm

 Very strict on page limit and due date!

Project Report

 2 major issues:
 WHAT YOU FOUND: comparisons of “your” brand
with competing brand (bi, ei, other measures)
 Include tables in body of report
 Discuss some possible reasons for your findings
(especially if some surprising findings)

 RECOMMENDATIONS: 4P strategy based on your

 special focus on advertising strategy
Project Report…

First, tell me what you found

One key component: Fishbein

Attitude Measurement: Brand A
Belief Eval
Beliefs biei
Strength (bi) Score (ei)
High Shock-Absorbence +3 +2 +6
High Durability +3 +2 +6
Fashionable Styling +1 +3 +3
High Price +3 -2 -6
Large Number of Sizes +2 -1 -2
Overall attitude = +7
Attitude Measurement: Brand B
Salient Belief Eval
Beliefs Strength (bi) Score (ei) biei
High Shock-Absorbence +2 +2 +4
High Durability +3 +2 +6
Fashionable Styling -1 +3 -3
High Price 2 -2 -4
Large Number of Sizes -2 -1 +2
Overall attitude = +5
Describing your Findings…
 Present your tables in the body of the report
 Just describe what you think are the major interesting
findings from these tables
 E.g., very poor performance on one attribute.
 Differences between segments

 Talk about why you’re getting some of these

findings…for example, why is your brand doing
badly on some attribute? (e.g,. if Bi on Fashionable
styling is low)
 What are the marketing reasons that have led to this?
Next: Recommendations…
 For each recommendation
 Identify which number (or numbers) in the tables that you
want to change
 Identify whether you are changing b or e
 Identify which P or P’s you will need to use to change that
number or numbers
 Do this for each recommendation you make
 Make sure the different recommendations are
internally consistent (not high price; but huge ad
 Make sure it’s realistic (shouldn’t change –3 to + 3;
shouldn’t act as if unlimited budget)
 Not compulsory, but would be good if you
included at least some advertising-based
recommendations (since we have talked a lot
about advertising issues)

 E.g., a rough draft of an ad that you might create

to implement your desired changes

 The rationale for such an ad (what kind of

advertising tactic; what media, repetition
required?, etc.)
General Points

 Appropriate use of CB concepts (+ other marketing classes) will

be rewarded!
 Attitude change: classical conditioning; peripheral cues
 How to increase memory?
 What type of decision making would you encourage (e.g., CDM,
habit…) and how? (maybe involvement scores will help here)
 In general, think about role of involvement
 Price can be a crucial variable -- changing ei/bi. Can build a
coherent strategy around price

 Do not try to address all weaknesses!

 But don’t just make one recommendation!
Any Questions?
Last topic in the course…
Miscellaneous Influences
 Marketer Influences
 Communications

 Consumer Influences (background)

 Personality and Lifestyle

 Environmental Influences
 Family
 Important others (Reference groups)
 Culture
 Culture = set of values accepted by
society as a whole (e.g., US:
individualism; materialism; East:
harmony, collectivism)
 Values are learnt: how?
 Values can change (example?)
Values differ across cultures
 Value of time: how late is late?
 California: 19 minutes
 Brazil: 34 minutes
The reason cross-cultural
differences are important is….

Rise of Global Marketing

Many reasons for this… for instance?

Rise of Global Marketing
 Decrease of trade barriers (NAFTA; Europe;
China; India)
 Market saturation in own countries; huge
market potential in others (China; India)
 Worldwide media available (CNN; MTV)
 Universal trends in lifestyle and
 example??
So Global Marketing Is Here to

But when you do global

Cultural Problems in
Global Marketing
 Customs and Values
 Left hand drive cars in Japan
 HK, Japan = steering wheel on right of car
 USA = left
 Camay soap
 Language
 “Nova” car in Spain
 Physical differences
 Mattel: Barbie dolls in Japan

 Careful Market Research Needed to Avoid Cultural

How to do Global Marketing
 Standardization: keep the same marketing
strategy: Levis; Coke
 successful because of glamour attached to American way
of life
 Localization: make major changes to strategy
across cultures
 Maggi Noodles in India
 Flexible globalization: keep several elements same;
adjust a few
 Pizza Hut in Hong Kong (sea food toppings)
 McDonald’s in India (no beef)
In General, Need to be
Sensitive to the Local Culture

Will watch tape in a little while to

illustrate this…
Quiz 4
 May 6th (Next Tuesday)
 LTD, 7 to 8 pm
 Materials
 Communications (Chapter 11: 350-367)
 Lifestyle and Personality (Chapter 13: pg. 421-449)
 Family Influences (Chapter 17: pg. 565-582)
 Reference Group Influences (Chapter 16)
 Culture (Chapter 14: pg. 457-473) and Cross-Cultural
Issues (Chapter 15: pg. 492-508)
 No need to learn facts (e.g., “American lifestyle
trends” -- just skim them for interest)
Presentation Order: L1
 May 8th:
 Group 4
 Group 3
 Group 7

 May 13th:
 Group 9
 Group 2
 Group 1

 May 15th
 Group 6
 Group 8
 Group 5
Presentation Order: L1
 May 8th:
 Group 24
 Group 21
 Group 22

 May 13th:
 Group 25
 Group 27
 Group 28

 May 15th
 Group 23
 Group 29
 Group 26
Presentation Guidelines: 15 mts
 Introduction: (3 minutes)
 product category; 2 brands; attributes selected from depth
interviews; who was interviewed
 Major Findings (6 minutes; use tables)
 Average bi, ei and attitudes about the 2 brands on various
 any other measures you have taken (optional)
 what did you conclude about your brand’s current position
(why is it doing badly?)

 Marketing Recommendations: Overall Strategy (6

Criteria for Presentations
 Keeping to time limit: Most Important!!
 Style
 Being confident; not nervous
 Conversation (not lecture!)
 Clarity: Slides and Speaking
 Structure
 should have good organization of slides
 Answering questions: questions to be asked at
end: (5 minutes kept for this)
 Content
Other Points
 Overhead projector recommended: setup time is part of your 15
minutes time: So be here a few minutes before time!!!

 Attendance compulsory
 contribute to other groups; will lose marks if absent
 learn from their presentations
 Relax!
 Don’t just read out
 Walk around a bit while talking

 Not compulsory for everyone to speak (but good if you can)

 Informal dress is fine!

 We will start presentations exactly on time – don’t be late!!!

Tape: Going International

Ingratiation techniques… making

people like you

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