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The coherence the text and the integrity of the text.

pragmatics: ways of speech influence. Language features
of the business style in the text.Journalistic speech as a
type of discourse.

By: Yermukhambet A.
Tolesova A.
Dauletova A.
• The coherence of the text
• Text pragmatics
• Business style
• Journalistic speech as a type
• Conclusion
Text is a statement made up of two or more sentences. The text can be
oral and written. The sentences in the text are in a certain order and are
interconnected in meaning. Any text is, first of all, a coherent statement.
The coherence of the text is manifested in the fact that each next
sentence is built on the basis of the previous one.
This connection can work like this: some information is taken from
one sentence and develops in the next sentence.
Here the word "sun" is used in the first sentence, and in the second it is
replaced by the word "it. In order for two statements to connect with
each other, they must repeat any words or they must talk about the same
TEXT - one of the aspects of
the text as a sign formation,
fixing the relationship between
the text and the subjects of
textual activity. Traditionally
P.T. suggested taking into
account the communicative
interests of the reader and
observing the fundamental
principles of verbal
Formal business style is a style that serves the legal and
administrative-public spheres of activity. It is used when writing
documents, business papers and letters in government agencies, in court,
as well as in various types of business oral communication.
Formal business style is the style of documents of different genres, such as:

• international treaties,
• state acts,
• legal laws,
• regulations,
• statutes,
• instructions,
• official correspondence,
• business papers, etc.
But, despite the differences in content and the variety of genres, the formal business style
as a whole is characterized by common and most important features. These include:

• 1) accuracy, excluding the possibility of interpretation;

• 2) locale.

These features find their expression:

• a) in the selection of linguistic means (lexical, morphological and syntactic);

• b) in the preparation of business documents.

Many linguists agree that we must study all linguistic categories in real
discourse. But what has not received so much theoretical attention, and what
will be dealt with here, is the fact that the general types of discourse provide a
framework that defines the functional nature of the categories used in that
framework. This will be illustrated by the stated speech in journalistic
discourse. In the news, communicated speech functions differently from, for
example, fictional storytelling and conversation
• According to our presentation, we can conclude that in the text,
sentences should develop the same topic, be related to each other
using different linguistic means. In addition, the text must be
completed, the topic in it must be fully disclosed, there must be a
beginning and an end.
• Нow many reformulations, condensations and logical conclusions
were made. We can conclude that the general functional nature of the
type of discourse in which linguistic categories occur affects the
functional nature of these categories.
Thank you for attention!

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