Bahasa Inggris: Untuk Komunikasi Dan Bisnis

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Bahasa Inggris

untuk Komunikasi dan


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01 Tegar Galar Sunu Adi (19101003)

02 Raflian Bara Akbar (19101004)

Group 2 03 Ahmad Riyanto (19101005)

04 Muhammad Ihsan (19101006)

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Business Protocol
 How society culture will influencesomeone sends and receives messages.
Whensomeone communicates, they tend tousing its own cultural assumptions,
whereconsiders other people have a culture, language, andperception like himself.
 But it would be different if the other person also had his own culture, then that person
would receive a message like his own perception. So that treating other people as he
wants to be treated is not enough.
 This understanding gives rise to a new perspective inrelated to the audience, senders
need to understandaudience culture and treat as suchthey want to be treated. For that
the sender is necessaryincrease understanding of these foreign cultures fromseveral
 Several variations of business protocols need to be considered in order to achieve
business communication goals. These variations include initial relationships, greetings,
personal appearances, gift giving, and taboo conversation topics.
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The notion of international business has been put forward by
many experts as follows.

1. Rugman and Hodgetts (1995)International business is the study of transactions taking

placeacross national borders for the purpose of satisfying the needs ofindividuals and

2.Griffin and Pustay (1996)International Business is any business transaction

between partiesfrom more than one country is part of international business.

3. Ball and Wendell (2004) (translation of Syahrizal Noor)International

business is a business whose activitiesacross national borders.

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 When involved in international business, the ways in which the initial relationship is
established can include from sending e-mails, making phone calls, writing formal
letters or using an intermediary.

 American Business Culture is accustomed to what is known as cold calling, which is

to open a business relationship by calling an unknown prospect. Direct cold call to
the topic of conversation, namely business without preamble. This culture conforms
to the typical basic American who does not like to be pedantic and prioritizes

 The second variation to watch out for in business protocol is the way of greeting.
Different ways of greeting must also be considered, such as whether the culture to
be faced is accustomed to bowing, hugging, kissing on the cheek, eye gaze,
nodding, or the usual greeting.

 United States of America ; When a meeting is appointed, it is important to

familiarize yourself with the greetings in the host culture. Americans tend to be
informal and friendly. In the United States, both men and women shake hands when
meeting and parting ways. The first name is usually used when addressing
someone who is more senior or in formal situations.

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The next variation is self-appearance. Appearance in business has its
own way in every culture. The United States is an informal culture.
"Casual Friday" is used by organizations in America to allow employees
to dress casually.

A further variation is regarding gift giving, it deserves attention in doing

business across cultures. not paying attention to prevailing customs and
regulations can be a very serious problem in doing business. It is
necessary to pay attention to the applicable regulations, time, form and
method. Western cultureindividualists, especially the United States,
consider giving and paying money a form of bribery. So it is prohibited by
Foreign Corrupt PracticeAct which stipulates that bribing foreign
governments to acquire or retain business is against the law. Managing the global market for companies that will enter into global
business does not have to be a multinational company, what needs to be
understood is that all companies can enter the global market by starting to
The last variation that must be considered is the topic of discussion export and import goods and services needed from other countries. In
which is considered taboo. Selection of topics must follow cultural rules. today's interconnected world, any company, whether large, medium or small,
can become an international business. Managers must be able to
This rule guides understanding what topics areacceptable in the culture understand that leading a company that enters the global market is different
of business relations at hand. The topic of the most popular pleasantries. from a company that is only in the domestic market. The differences are
American businessmen consider talk of family to be commonplace in caused by differences in each country, culture, political system, economic
system, law, and the level of economic growth.
business, but Saudi Arabia does not consider it a taboo.

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