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Mechanism of Blood
Learning outcome
At the end of this session the students should be able to:
• Describe blood rheology
• Distinguish elastic, plastic and continuous deformation
• Recall the different Stress types
• List the functions of blood
• Describe each blood components
• Explain the functions of cell types
• Relate haematocrit and blood viscosity
• Distinguish erythrocyte indices
• Solve problems on Erythrocyte indices
Blood Rheology
• Rheology is the scientific field that deals with the flow
and deformation behaviour of materials, with the
materials under consideration being solids or fluids,
including liquids and gases
• Deformation can be defined as the relative displacement
of material points within the body
• Solids react to the application of a force by a given
What is the difference
between elastic, plastic
and continuous
• If a solid is elastic, the deformation is proportional to
the applied force, and, if the deformation is not too
large, the original shape is recovered when the force is
• If a permanent deformation remains after the removal
of force, the solid is said to be plastic.
• Fluids continuously deform or flow because of the
application of applied forces.
• Some materials exhibit viscoelastic behaviour, which is
a combination of fluid-like and solid-like behaviour.
• In studying the degree of deformation (or flow) of a
material, the force applied per unit area must be
• This deforming force, termed stress, may have several
components, including
What are the stress

1. Shear stress, the force per unit area acting parallel to
the surface, and
2. Normal stress, the force per unit area acting
perpendicular to the surface.
• The latter is defined as pressure in a fluid.
• The degree of deformation is termed strain, which also
has various components associated with the different
stress components.
• For example, shear stress results in shear strain, often
termed shear rate, in which the layers of material move
parallel to each other in a progressive manner
• Blood rheology also known as Hemorheology is the
scientific field working on the biophysical properties and
flow properties of blood
• Hematologic system encompasses the production and
the transport of blood throughout the body
What are the functions
of blood

Function of Blood
1. Respiratory
• Transport o2 from lungs to tissues
• Transport CO2 from tissues to lungs
2. Nutrition
• Transport “food” during digestion process to tissues
3. Excretory
• Transport waste from tissues to kidney(urea, uric acid)
4. Protective
• White blood cells, antibodies

5. Regulatory
• Regulate body temperature
What are the
compositions of blood

Composition of Blood
• 55% plasma
- Plasma is the strew-colored
Liquid in which the bloods
are suspended

• 45% formed elements

- Red blood cells(Erythrocytes)
- White blood cells(leukocytes)
- Platelets(thrombocytes)
• Blood is a connective tissue, which means it consists of
cells and a matrix surrounding those cells.
• The composition of blood can be analyzed by using
• Placing blood into test tube and spinning it at a very
high velocities separates it into two distinct layers.
• The layers closer to the bottom contains the cells while
the top layer contains the blood plasma.
Blood plasma
• This is the matrix of the blood and makes up 55% of
blood’s volume.
• It is the fluid portion of our blood that consists of

1. Water, which makes up as much as 95% of blood

2. Proteins such as albumin, fibrinogen, immunoglobulins,
3. Nutrients such as glucose, fatty acids, amino acids
4. Electrolytes such as sodium, calcium, magnesium,
bicarbonate, etc.
5 Waste products such as lactic acid, carbon dioxide, urea,
6. Hormones such as ADH and Aldosterone
• The blood plasma functions as the fluid like matrix that
transports essential nutrients, minerals and waste
products in the body.
What are the functions
of each cell types

Cell Types
• Cells make up the remaining 45% of the blood by
• There are three types of cells

• Erythrocytes(red blood cells)

• Leukocytes(White blood cells)
• Thrombocytes(Platelets)

• All three cell types arise from the same precursor cell
in the bone
1. Erythrocytes
• Oxygen is a non-polar molecule, which means it can’t
easily dissolve in the aqueous blood plasma.
• Erythrocytes are specialized cells that pick up oxygen in
in the lungs and carry it to the proper destination
• Red blood cells have two special properties that make
perfect for carrying oxygen
1. They have a biconcave shape.
• These maximizes their surface area and makes them
very efficient in exchange of oxygen
• This shape also give them the ability to squeeze
through tiny capillary
2. They have no nucleus and no organelles.
• this is to maximize the space inside so that they can
store more hemoglobin
• Hemoglobin is a special protein that can hold four
oxygen molecules
2. Leukocytes
• only about 1% of the cells in the blood are white blood
• However, this number can increase during infection
• These are our immune cells that help us fight off
bacterial and agents.
• Leukocytes are larger than erythrocytes and unlike red
blood cells they have normal nucleus.
• White blood cells come in five major types, and these
are divided in to two different group
1. Granulocytes: includes neutrophils, eosinophils and
basophils, all of which have granules in their
cytoplasm, when stained and viewed on a microscope.
2. Agranulocytes: includes monocytes and lymphocytes,
which don’t have granules in the cytoplasm.
• Also know as platelets, these are cells that also have no
nucleus like red blood cells and function in the blood
clotting process.
• They are produced when large cells called
megakaryocytes break into pieces
• They move through blood vessels and stick to torn
regions of endothelium.
• Once they bind, they release chemicals and initiate the
blood clotting cascade
• Hematocrit is defined The percentage by volume of
packed red blood cells in a given sample of blood
• The hematocrit may also be referred to as Packed Cell
Volume (PCV) or erythrocyte volume fraction (EVF).
• The percentage by volume of packed red blood cells in a
given sample of blood after centrifugation
Male – 40 - 54%
Female - 36-48%
• Blood is made up of red and white blood cells, platelets,
and plasma.
• A decrease in the number or size of red cells also
decreases the amount of space they occupy, resulting in
a lower hematocrit.
• An increase in the number or size of red cells increases
the amount of space they occupy, resulting in a higher
Blood viscosity

•   equation
Where - u is the blood viscosity
- up is plasma viscosity
- Φ is hematocrit
• This equation provides a tool for estimating blood
viscosity at various temperatures and hematocrits
based on the viscosity of the plasma in which the red
blood cells are suspended
••  α is defined in the equation below
α=0.076 exp[2.49Φ+exp(-1.69Φ)]
• where Φ is haematocrit and T is the absolute
temperature of the blood in degrees Kelvin.
•   blood viscosity using Poiseuille's law
• Recall from chapter 3 that Poiseuille’s law relates the
flow through a tube to the pressure drop that drives the
flow. In fact, that flow is also dependent on viscosity.
Poiseuille’s law is represented in
• By solving equation for viscosity,
Erythrocyte indices
• There can be a number of reasons to cause a person to
have a lower than normal quantity of haemoglobin
- It could be that the person has a normal
number of erythrocytes but lower than normal
haemoglobin in each erythrocyte
- It could be that the person has a normal amount of
haemoglobin in each erythrocyte, but a very low
• These parameters are quantified and those values are
known as erythrocyte indices.
• The indices include these measurements:

• Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)

• Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and

• Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC).

  corpuscular volume (MCV)
• The MCV can be calculated from the haematocrit of
whole blood and the concentration of red blood cells per
unit volume as

• It is the measure of average value of RBCs
• Normal value 80 – 96 fL (fL=um3)
Sample Problem 1

A patient has a haematocrit of 45 percent

red blood cells and has 5 million red blood
cells in each cubic millimetre of blood.
Estimate the MCV
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)
• A second index measures the average weight of
haemoglobin in a red blood cell.
• That index is known as the mean corpuscular
haemoglobin (MCH) index. MCH may be calculated as
• Normal range: 25.4-34.6 pg

Sample Problem 2

If a patient has a haemoglobin

concentration of 15 g/100 mL of whole
blood and also has 5 million red blood cells
in each cubic millimetre blood, then
calculate in the MCH:
  corpuscular hemoglobin concentration(MCHC).
• This index indicates the amount of haemoglobin per unit
• In contrast to MCH, MCHC correlates the haemoglobin
content within the volume of the cell
• Normal Range 31-36 g/dl

Sample Problem 3

For a patient with a haemoglobin

concentration of 15 g/100 mL of whole
blood and a haematocrit of 0.45, then
calculate in the MCHC:

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