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Progressive Era More Imperialism More WWI

Progressive Era Imperialism

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investigative journalists who wrote about
corruption in business and politics, hoping to
bring about reform.

nominating election in which voters choose
the candidates who later run in a
general election

Direct Primary
Process of making damaged land protected, and
the government takeover of water programs for
irrigation and dam building projects

1904 presidential campaign slogan pledging
to balance the interests of business,
consumers, and labor

Square Deal
Woodrow Wilson’s progressive reform program;
proposed during the 1912 presidential election

law that gave the Interstate Commerce
Commission the authority to set railroad rates
and to regulate other companies engaged in
interstate commerce
Hepburn Act
author of The Jungle, which depicted the
unsanitary conditions at a meatpacking plant

Upton Sinclair
Lost Generation
act that created a national banking system to
help the government control and stabilize
the economy

Federal Reserve
Commission established in 1914 to investigate
corporations and to try to keep them from
conducting unfair trade practices

Federal Trade Commission

a radical workers union that opposed capitalism,
but did enlist those that were not allowed to
join the AFL

Industrial Workers of the World

(IWW) (Wobblies)
declaration made by Secretary of State John Hay that
stated that all nations should have equal access to
trade and investment in China

Open Door Policy

Two newspaper publisher that used yellow
journalism to sell newspapers and sway
American opinion

Hearst and Pulitzer

policy of influencing Latin American affairs
through economic influence rather than military

Dollar Diplomacy
When a particular country has
exclusive rights over mines, railroads,
and trade in a particular region

Sphere of Influence
country dependent on another for protection

American Commodore that opened trade
between American and Japan in 1854

Matthew Perry
catalyst for the Spanish-American War

U.S.S. Maine
granted Puerto Ricans U.S. citizenship and the
right to elect both houses of the legislature

Jones Act
4 leaders of the Mexican Revolution

Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata, Francisco Madero,

Victoriano Huerta, Venustiano Carranza
A military Historian and officer in the U.S.
Navy, he played a key role in transforming
America into a naval power. He urged the
U.S. to expand and modernize its navy by
building new steel-plated, steam powered

Alfred T. Mahan
strip of bombed-out territory that separated
the trenches of opposing armies along the
Western Front during WWI.

No Mans Land
armed vessels to escort unarmed merchant
vessels transporting troops, supplies,
or volunteers through the North Atlantic
during WWI

Convoy system
promise issued by German officials during WWI
not to sink merchant vessels without warning
or without assuring the passengers’ safety

Sussex Pledge
Leader of the WIB
Leader of the CPI

Bernard Baruch
George Creel
U.S. forces drove the Germans back into
German lands & weakened the Germany
Forces. German soldiers mutinied and
abandoned the military because they
were sick of war after this Allied campaign

Argonne Forest

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