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High School Transition Plan

College & Career Readiness

SENIOR My Career Goal
Use this space to identify your career goal(s). • My career goal is to become a
It can be a specific goal, like mechanical
engineer or occupational therapist. If you LPN and later on own on my own
don't have a career goal in mind, select a clinic. 
career cluster that interests you. You can
view a list of career clusters at
SENIOR Education/Training Needed to Achieve My
List the type of training you need to meet • A high school diploma or GED
your career goals. You can learn about
education and training requirements for Equivalent.
careers in the Occupational Outlook
• Be at least 18 years of age.
• Completion of a board-
approved LPN program or Army
• Completion of a criminal
background check.
• Passing required testing—the
• Submitting proof of license from
current state and state of origin
SENIOR Post-Secondary Options
Select the option that will allow you to Why is this post-secondary option a good fit
achieve your career goals. for personal and career goals? How does it
help you accomplish personal and career
Technical/Career College
2-year/Community College Post-secondary school helps me better my
4-year College or University education and get me hands on learning with
that career specifically. The more I learn the
Military better my salary will be. Also, going to college
Employment/On-the-Job Training will give me a taste of what it feels like to be
on my own and help me gain some
AmeriCorps or other Service/Gap Year management skills. 
SENIOR Tasks to Achieve Goals
I need to complete the following tasks to - Start networking 
achieve my post-secondary goal
In the box to the right, list each task you need - Work on my professional online
to complete to achieve your post-secondary presence
goal. Be sure to add the due date for each
task and check them off as you complete - Have good communication
- Learn to manage time
Visit to learn important
tasks that need completing to successfully - Self evaluate yourself
transition into an education institution, the
workplace, or the military.
SENIOR Support System
People that can help me complete my tasks:  As of right now, a lot of my support
For each task determine who can help you with my goals comes from my
complete it by answering questions, providing
advice, helping you register, recommending family and school. I am able to ask
you, etc. Be sure to thank those who help any questions I have to teachers,
you achieve your goals. counselors , and coaches. Although,
List the people you’ve identified in the text at home when I need advice or help
box to the right and be sure to add what
specific task they can help you with! my mom is always in my corner.

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