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Because light frogs will be It produces a change in

easier to be eaten by populations since

predators it will mean individuals themselves
there will be less light cannot change their DNA.
frogs which means that
more dark frogs will

The organism with the more fitness get's to

reproduce more which means that these
traits get passed down.

The age of the organism

does not matter it
matters how much they
were able to reproduce.
Fitness is a measurement of survival if an animal has a lot of
fitness it has a lot of advantages. Fitness is not the driving
force of survial though. Animals don’t survive because they
are fit but they are considered fit because they survived.

No, because the enviornment will

not have the same conditions.

I agree with Dominique because antibiotics are initally molecules

naturally synthesized by microorganisms to fight competing bacteria
competing in their enviornment. This creates a strain on pressure of
selection on the bacteria leading to restraint strains.

Natural selection is the process in which

organisms with higher fitness survive while
unfavorable organisms die. Natural selection just
works with the traits present in an organism and
it selects the favorable ones.

The population needs to

adapt to the changes or
else they will go extinct.
Genetic drift is the change in the
frequency of alleles in a
population. There are many
different genes on the
chromosomes all of the mare
made up of different alleles. 

If no allele is favored in a
enviornment there will
be a equal ammount of
traits and attributes
expressed throughout
the population.

If a certain allele is favored

in the enviornment most of
the organisms will poses
this trait because of natural
selection and that type of
organism having more
Bottle necking Founder 
Sometimes animal survival rate doesn’t
fully depend on alleles and doesn’t
represent the population as a whole. The seeds are being blown into
If a fire starts in a forest and some survive a new place where they can
it may not be because some were better grow which is by random
adpoted to fire but just because they were chance. This is an example of
lucky. the founder effect


Genetic drift changes

alleles by chance while
natural selection changes
them by reproductive

large random

A genotype is the organisms

complete set of genetic material.

Homozygous recessive
Homozygous dominatn heterozygous

 Individual Individaul
Frequency of homozygo heterozygo Individuals homo
Frequency of first allele
second allele us for first us for second allele





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