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A Look at Security Guard Training

A security guard is someone who protects assets and maintains order in a private entity.
He may also be known as a protective agent employed by a firm to guard against criminal
activities such as robbery. Therefore the main objective of the guard is being alert and
maintains a high visibility. In addition a security guard has been entrusted to look after
the property on behalf of the owner. Hence the agent reports any incidents that may occur
and also have the right to take preventative actions.

Therefore it is the best of interest to the owner of the premises to get the highest qualified
guard for the job. As a result training plays an integral part in ensuring that the guard is
well equipped to handle any undesirable activities. Furthermore it is a requirement for
people interested in security to go through a training course.

In this context, the article has summarized the basic training course that you have to go
through in order to become a competent protective agent.

Course requirements

To be able to attend the training more so to be employed as a security guard you need to
pass the following requirements.

 18 years and above

 A minimum of high schools certificate or an diploma
 Pass the criminal background check
 To be physically fit

In the preceding paragraphs are briefly expounded courses that people training as guards
go through. In addition the training includes practical exercise and models for better
understanding of the course.

Introduction to Security Industry

The course will include the duties and responsibilities of a security officer. Therefore you
will be able to learn your role in the job, requirements in that industry and occupational

Security acts and law

Secondly the training will enlighten you on the various acts of law that you are expected
to follow. In other words they are known as the code of conduct which must be followed.
Security procedure

Here the students are impacted with knowledge and skills of handling themselves
correctly at their work post. Particularly safety skills are the main focus, where they are
taught protective procedures.

Surveillance and observation

These exercises involve practical demonstrations. Moreover the main task of a security
guard is monitoring. Therefore the trainee will be taught on all the available avalanche
tools and methods. In addition the course will include the different surveillance

Report writing

Next the gourds are to be equipped with report writing skills. Objective and standardized
form of writing report will be the main focus on the course. In addition writing skills will
be applicable since the guards maybe required to document any incidents.

Healthy and safety skills

Risks and hazards are the main focus under this unit. Generally in involves the means and
ways to keep the environment safe and healthy all around.


In addition to the above units of the training there includes others. Therefore in
conclusion a training course is of outmost importance. Therefore if you want to be a
guard you will have to finish the security guard training program.

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