m6 Flowchart Team2

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Team #2

Suggestions for solar panel i

Team members: Tuoxin Li, Kamila Hernandez, Camila Del Sol Pina, Karl
Moody, Jr.
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History data


History data

• Data one: Reitz union​

• Data two: West library​

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History data: R
eitz union
Suggestion: ​
Installing solar panel is highly reco
mmended, because as of now our
MWH consumption  is an average
of 350MWh in the months of Janu
ary-September and the installatio
n of solar panels would reduce the
se numbers drastically. 
More information on the reitz uni
on energy consumption history is
given here: 
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History data: West library
Suggestion: ​
Installing solar panel is highly recommended
, because solar Power is a renewable energy
source that reduces our dependence on no
n-renewable energy sources such as the co
mbustion of combustion. Switching to solar
power would help reduce carbon emissions
and make the University of Florida energy in
dependent. With over 200 computers and s
canners, library west's power consumption l
eave a big print.
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History data: Energy Usage
Energy Usage 
The productivity of solar panels decreases 
at an exponential rate. They typically have
a lifespan of 25-30 years. 
During that time, the initial investment in t
he panels is lowered, but they can still be b
etter than traditional energy. 

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History data: Crystalline Silicone vs Amorphous Silico
ne for Solar Panel usage 
Amorphous Silicone Properties: 
Crystaline Silicone Properties: 
• The cells are manufactured by vapour
• Crystalline silicon is the most common material u depositing silicon in a very thin film
sed in solar cells. (approximately 1µm) onto a metal or
• The lifespan of crystalline silicon cells is more tha glass frame. 
n 25 years without deterioration, making it ideal • Amorphous silicon solar panels only
for industrial solar power generation.  achieve an efficiency of around 7%, due
• It yields an  to a degradation of the material when
energy conversion efficiency of up to 22%, the hi first exposed to sun rays.
ghest of all the currently mass-produced panels.

Due to the data given I suggest using crystalline silicone, since our solar panels
will be used to power a large facility and we will require a lot of energy. 

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• Developer and contact​

• Citation

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Power cost(User input)
• Input: [building]​

• Input: [Power cost/power usage​]

• Input: [Floor space]

• Input: [Expected payoff period]

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Suggestion of Solar Panel Quantity
User Suggested
• Input based on menu of options: [building]​ Amount Amount
Amount Amount
Cost Cost 
• Number of Solar panels: Power Power 
produced produced

0 [number of 250
panels suggested]

[Description of amount of power

this number of panels can provide]

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User inputs (Name & cost2) Power produced by each solar panel (power= #) Cost per solar panel (price= #)


Process to calculate suggested amount

Cost of installation ( [solar Create slider bar with limits

Number of solar panels Create 2 column blank *Power

panel amount * price] + Display values on chart of [0 (amount of solar produced*
suggested (cost2 / power) chart
installation cost) panels suggested*2)]

User Suggested
Amount Amount

Process of user selection [if loop] *Amount* *Amount*

*Cost* *Cost*
If user amount does Cost of amount Create bar graph to
Make value selected a Power produced Display values on *Power *Power
not equal suggested selected show quantitative
variable (variable *power) chart produced* produced*
amount (variable*price) data
• Installing the solar panels is ....

• Graph

• Download result?
         [Yes]     [No]

• Saving as history data?

         [Yes]     [No] Back to interface
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