Questions in Context: Asmita Ghimire

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Questions in Context

Asmita Ghimire
Let us revise five writing
1. The Purpose of academic writing is to win an
2. Academic writing is a place to express your opinion
3. Academic writing involves the writer choosing the
topic of interest.
4. The purpose of academic writing is to tell the reader
what we should do.
The purpose of academic writing is to win an argument.
Academic writing does not adopts adversarial tone,

polarizing the issues, ignoring all other piece of

information that does not support argument.
 As communication theorist as Sonja Foss, Cindy Griffin

and Josina Makau describe an invitational argument , the

kind that aim not to win over another person or group but
to invite others to enter a space of mutual regard and
Academic writing invest the genuine curiosity in the

issue, persuade the audience through the honest inquiry.

By looking at all side on the issue it response to the others
point of view thus making an overt conversation.
Academic Writing is the place to express your opinion.
Critical thinking and critical writing is never the place for
Opinion and belief have no place for an academic writing.
Academic writing is the place for the reasonable
exploration of ideas.
Academic Writing involves agreeing or disagreeing on
the issue.
Academic writing is specifically designed to answer a

question, solve a problem or resolve an issue.

Academic writing is not a persuasion and call for an

action instead it involves “Rogerian Argument” i. e

finding a common ground and establishing trust among
those who disagree on the issue.
It involves a “formidable degree of critical
Asking the right question that has not been asked
A value system of moral judgment for the test of truth
than logic.
A complicated issue cannot be solved only by one or
two reasons.
Academic writing involves writing choosing the topic
of interest.
Academic writing involves becoming curious about a
“pathos” can sustain your ideas in the first run, but it
will eventually surrounds your reasons blocking
critical questioning and yours ability to examine the
The purpose of academic writing is to tell the reader
what we should do.
The purpose of academic writing is to tell the reader
what we have come to understand.
Nice Day

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