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Session 5
Identity & Image

Who am I?

What do they
think about
me ?
Identity & Image
respond Listen

What is their
Who are we? Identity image of us
Identity & Image


Symbolism Corporate Communication

Example :changing identity in response to what others think
Shell Company
 1995 --- shell’s role is strictly economic and commercial , the company lacked license
to interfere in politics, socieety or the sovereign mandate of government

 2006 –Hofmeister (Shell US) -in the world energy and as we speak about the business
energy, we can not divorce ourselves from public policy, politics, social responsibility
or environment responsibility, because energy touches all of above.
 To approach our business model simply as matter of revenue, cost, profit doesn’t
do it.
 it’s not good enough, because we touch too many lives, too many communities,
doing too many different things, which effect the totally of the business model.
 We believe at shell that we have to change the hearts, the minds, the values, and
the behaviors of americans toward culture of conservation, to use energy
diffeently and to use energy more efficiently in the world of tomorrow
identity- Mix
Culture Corporate Corporate
• Financial
history strategy reputations performance
• Sales
Behavior • Environment
• etc

Organizational identity/ corporate personality
 The values that members of an organozations share and
that describe key attributes of the organization

Corporate identity
 The picture of organizations that is presented to external
stakeholders (through symbolism, bahviour, products,
services and communication)

Corporate reputation
 A perceptual representation of a company’s past actions
and future prospects that describe the firm’s overall appeals
to all of its key constituents when compared to other rivals
Aligning Identity And Image

Who do we want to be?

How will we be known


Who are we? What is their

image of us?
Culture Identity Image
 Alignment or transparency is a state in which the internal
identity of the firm reflects positively the expectations of
key stakeholders and the beliefs of these stakeholders
about the firm reflect accurately the internally held
identity (Frombun & Rindova)
Toolkit to assess the allignment between vision, culture
and image ( 3 elemen) :

Vision – senior management aspirations for the

 culture – the organization’s values as felt and shared
by all employee organization
 image – the image or impression that outside
stakeholders have the organizations
Along these line, practitioners, consultant
and researchers stress the importance of
alignment between :

 The organizational culture as experienced by

 The corporate vision as articulated by senior
 Corporate image or reputation in minds of

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