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Requirements Engineering
Lecture 16 and 17
Introduction to Requirements Analysis and Specification

FALL 2020

Dr. Anam Mustaqeem
Office: Cabin #2, F303 Building A
OFFICE HOURS: Monday : 10:00 AM- 02:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM- 02:00 PM
RE process model
(suggested by Bray)
Again, this diagram shows
• RE activities (elicitation, analysis,
specification, HMI design)
• subsequent design activity (internal design)
• RE documents (requirements, specification,
HMI specification)

Important point:
Distinction between
• Problem domain (described by requ. doc.)
• System (to be built) (described by spec. doc.)
Note: one has to distinguish between current
(problematic) version of the problem domain,
and the projected future version which includes
the system to be built.
4 Table of Contents

 Introduction to Requirements Analysis

 Structuring Requirements

 External design

 Modeling
Introduction Structured Analysis OO Analysis Problem Frames State Machine-Based Analysis Triage/Prioritization

5 What is Requirements Analysis

The process of studying and analyzing the customer and the user needs to arrive at a definition of the
problem domain and system requirements
 Objectives
 Discover the boundaries of the new system (or software) and how it must interact with its environment within
the new problem domain
 Detect and resolve conflicts between (user) requirements
 Negotiate priorities of stakeholders
 Prioritize and triage requirements
 Elaborate system requirements, defined in the requirement specification document, such that managers can
give realistic project estimates and developers can design, implement, and test
 Classify requirements information into various categories and allocate requirements to sub-systems
 Evaluate requirements for desirable qualities
Introduction Structured Analysis OO Analysis Problem Frames State Machine-Based Analysis Triage/Prioritization

6 Questions
 We have seen how to specify requirements in terms of structure, standards, and writing rules, but:
 How to identify the real problems to solve in the elicitation results?
 How to detect conflicting aspects?
 How to negotiate to resolve conflicts?
 How to decide what is important and a priority?
 How to ensure that nothing is forgotten?
 How to validate that the findings of the analysis are good?
 How to use models in this context?
Introduction Structured Analysis OO Analysis Problem Frames State Machine-Based Analysis Triage/Prioritization

7 How to Find the Real Problems?

 Ask: Why?
 Root cause analysis
 Determine (recursively) the factors that contribute to the problem(s) found by stakeholders

 The causes do not all have the same impact nor the same weight
 Some may perhaps not deserve to be corrected, at least for the moment
 Goal-oriented modeling can help understand these causes and their relationships

 This analysis identifies problems that need to be solved

Introduction to Requirements Specification Software Quality Classifications of NFRs Quality Measures

8 What is Requirements Specification?

 The invention and definition of the behavior of a new system (solution domain) such that it will produce
the required effects in the problem domain
 Start from a knowledge of the problem domain and the required effects determined by elicitation and
 Generally involves modeling
 Results in the specification document
 Precise expression of requirements, may include models


description of Solution
System needed to
satisfy Problem Domain


Domain 

Introduction Structured Analysis OO Analysis Problem Frames State Machine-Based Analysis Triage/Prioritization

9 Requirements Analysis
 Problem analysis
 Development of product vision and project scope
 Analysis and elicitation feed each other

Elicitation Questions and points
Notes to consider

Requirements Specification

 Analysis goes hand-in-hand with modeling

Introduction to Requirements Specification Software Quality Classifications of NFRs Quality Measures

10 Requirements Modeling
 Elicitation/analysis and modeling are intermixed

Introduction to Requirements Specification Software Quality Classifications of NFRs Quality Measures

11 Requirements Modeling
This is an essential task in specifying requirements
 Map elements obtained by elicitation to a more precise form
 Help better understand the problem
 Help find what is missing or needs further discussion

 Different modeling languages

 Informal:
natural language
 Goal-oriented modeling (GRL)
 Functional modeling:
UML (Unified Modeling Notation)
SDL (Specification and Description Language)
Logic, e.g. Z, VDM (Vienna Development Method)
UCM (Use Case Maps)
Introduction Simple Checks Prototyping Functional Test Design User Manual Formal V&V Reviews and Inspections

12 Requirements Verification and Validation

 Need to be performed at every stage during the (requirements) process
 Elicitation
 Checking back with the elicitation sources
 “So, are you saying that . . . . . ?”

 Analysis
 Checking that the domain description and requirements are correct

 Specification
 Checking that the defined system requirement will meet the user requirements under the assumptions of the
 Checking conformity to well-formedness rules, standards…
Introduction Structured Analysis OO Analysis Problem Frames State Machine-Based Analysis Triage/Prioritization

13 Requirements Classification
In order to better understand and manage the large number of requirements, it is important to organize them in
logical clusters
 It is possible to classify the requirements by the following categories (or any other clustering that appears to
be convenient)
 Features
 Use cases
 Mode of operation
 User class
 Responsible subsystem
 This makes it easier to understand the intended capabilities of the product
 And more effective to manage and prioritize large groups rather than single requirements
Introduction Structured Analysis OO Analysis Problem Frames State Machine-Based Analysis Triage/Prioritization

14 Requirements Classification – Features

 A Feature is
 a set of logically related (functional) requirements that provides a capability to the user and enables the satisfaction of
a business objective

 The description of a feature should include1

 Name of feature (e.g. Spell check)
 Description and Priority
 Stimulus/response sequences
 List of associated functional requirements

[1] Source: K.E. Wiegers

Introduction Structured Analysis OO Analysis Problem Frames State Machine-Based Analysis Triage/Prioritization

15 Requirements Classification – Feature Example (1)

 3.1 Order Meals
 3.1.1 Description and Priority
 A cafeteria Patron whose identity has been verified may order meals either to be delivered to a specified company location or to be picked up
in the cafeteria. A Patron may cancel or change a meal order if it has not yet been prepared.
 Priority = High.
 3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences
 Stimulus: Patron requests to place an order for one or more meals.
 Response: System queries Patron for details of meal(s), payment, and delivery instructions.
 Stimulus: Patron requests to change a meal order.
 Response: If status is “Accepted,” system allows user to edit a previous meal order.
 Stimulus: Patron requests to cancel a meal order.
 Response: If status is “Accepted, ”system cancels a meal order.

 3.1.3 Functional Requirements

 The system shall let a Patron who is logged into the Cafeteria Ordering System place an order for one or more meals.
 The system shall confirm that the Patron is registered for payroll deduction to place an order.
 ......
Source: K.E. Wiegers
16 Requirements Specification = External Design
 Requirements Specification is «The invention and definition of the behavior of a new system (solution
domain) such that it will produce the required effects in the problem domain »
 During Requirements Analysis, one finds the existing properties of the problem domain, as well as the
requirements that should be satisfied in the domain-to-be. We assume that the domain-to-be will include a new
system-to-be-built and other aspects of the domain may also be changed.
 The determination of this domain-to-be, including the system-to-be) is a typical design process. It is called
external design because the system-to-be is considered during this process as a black-box and the external
environment of it is designed (in a white-box manner) – the domain-to-be.
Introduction Simple Checks Prototyping Functional Test Design User Manual Formal V&V Reviews and Inspections

The World and the Machine1

17 (or the problem domain and the system)
Specification (S)

properties (D)
these are assumptions
about the environment
of the system-to-be
Hardware (C)

Requirements (R)
Software (P)

 Validation question (do we build the right  Verification question (do we build the
system?) : if the domain-to-be (excluding the system right?) : if the hardware has the
system-to-be) has the properties D, and the properties H, and the software has the
system-to-be has the properties S, then the properties P, then the system
requirements R will be satisfied. requirements S will be satisfied.
D and S  R C and P  S
 Conclusion:
D and C and P  R

[1] M. Jackson, 1995

Introduction Simple Checks Prototyping Functional Test Design User Manual Formal V&V Reviews and Inspections

18 Example
 Requirement ea
b ssu
 (R) Reverse thrust shall only be enabled
h eca mpt
when the aircraft is moving on runway. ydr use ion
opl the D3
 Domain Properties ane p la is f
on ne al s
we ma y e
 (D1) Deploying reverse thrust in mid-flight
t ru
has catastrophic effects. nw
 (D2) Wheel pulses are on if and only if wheels are turning.
 (D3) Wheels are turning if and only if the plane is moving on the runway.
 System specification
 (S) The system shall allow reverse thrust to be enabled if and only if wheel pulses are on.

 Does D1 and D2 and D3 and S  R?

 Are the domain assumptions (D) right? Are the requirement (R) or specification (S) what is really needed?

based on P. Heymans, 2005

19 Requirement specifications including assumptions
 Often the requirements for a system-to-be include assumptions about the environment of the system.
 The system specification S, then, has the form:

S=A G
where A are the assumptions about the environment and G are the guarantees that the system will provide as long as A

 If these assumptions (A) are implied by the known properties of the domain (D), that is D  A, and we
can check that the domain properties (D) and the system guarantees (G) imply the requirements (R), that
is D and G  R, then the “validation condition” D and S  R is satisfied.
20 Specification with assumptions and guarantees (exemple)

Example: A power utility provides electricity to a client. The problem is that the monthly invoice is not
related to the electricity consumption, because there is no information about this consumption.
 Idea of a solution: introduce an electricity counter.
 Specification of the electricity counter
 Inputs and outputs
 input power from utility (voltage, current) – voltage supplied by utility
 output power to client (voltage, current) – current used by client
 Reset button (input)
 consumption (output - watt-hours of electricity consumption)
21 Example (suite)
 Assumptions
 Input voltage < 500 Volts (determined by utility)
 Output current < 20 Amps (determined by client)

 Guarantees
 Output voltage = input voltage
 Input current = output current
 Consumption output shall indicate the consumption since the last reset operation, that is, the integral of (output voltage x
output current) over the time period from the occurrence of the last reset operation to the current time instant.

 Software example
 Specification of a method providing the interface “List search(Criteria c. Assumption: c is a data structure
satisfying the Criteria class properties. Guarantee: the returned result is a list satisfying the List class
properties and includes all items from the database that satisfy c.
Introduction Simple Checks Prototyping Functional Test Design User Manual Formal V&V Reviews and Inspections

22 Formal Verification and Validation

 Evaluating the satisfaction of “D and S  R” is difficult with natural language
 Descriptions are verbose, informal, ambiguous, incomplete...
 This represents a risk for the development and organization

 Verification of this “validation question” is more effective with formal methods (see below)
 Based on mathematically formal syntax and semantics
 Proving can be tool-supported

 We can also reduce this risk by using semi-formal modeling

Introduction Structured Analysis OO Analysis Problem Frames State Machine-Based Analysis Triage/Prioritization

23 Models
 According to B. Selic, a model is a reduced representation (simplified, abstract) of (one aspect of) a system
used to:
 Help understand complex problems and / or solutions
 Communicate information about the problem / solution
 Direct implementation

 Qualities of a good model

 Abstract
 Understandable
 Accurate
 Predictive
 Inexpensive
Introduction Structured Analysis OO Analysis Problem Frames State Machine-Based Analysis Triage/Prioritization

24 Modeling Notations
 Semi-formal notation (URN, UML...)
 Natural language (English)
+ Syntax (graphics) well defined
+ No special training required
+ Partial common understanding, reasonably easy to
- Ambiguous, verbose, vague, learn
obscure ...
+ Partial automation
- No automation
- Meaning only defined informally
 Ad hoc notation (bubbles and arrows) - Still a risk of ambiguities
+ No special training required
 Formal notation (Logic, SDL, Petri nets, FSM ...)
- No syntax formally defined
+ Syntax & semantics defined
- meaning not clear, ambiguous
+ Great automation (analysis and transformations)
- No automation
- More difficult to learn & understand
Introduction to Requirements Specification Software Quality Classifications of NFRs Quality Measures

25 Modeling notations (2)

 Informal language is better
understood by all stakeholders
 Good for user requirements, contract
 But, language lacks precision
 Possibility for ambiguities
 Lack of tool support
 Formal languages are more precise
 Fewer possibilities for ambiguities
 Offer tool support (e.g. automated verification and transformation)
 Intended for developers

Source (for decision table): Easterbrook and Callahan, 1997

Introduction to Requirements Specification Software Quality Classifications of NFRs Quality Measures

26 Modeling Structure
Concepts of Entities and their Relationships. Use one of the following notations:
 ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram – the traditional version)
 UML class diagrams
 Relational tables
 Can be used for the following
 Model of the problem domain (called “domain model”)
 The two versions: existing and to-be

 Model of input and output data structures of system-to-be

 Model of the stored data (database)
 not necessarily an image of the domain data
 Additional data is introduced (e.g. user preferences)

 Architectural design of the system-to-be

Introduction to Requirements Specification Software Quality Classifications of NFRs Quality Measures

27 Modeling inputs and outputs

 Nature of inputs and outputs:
 IO related to problem (problem data)
 Additional data related to solution (solution data)
 E.g., prompts, user options, error messages…

 Collected in Data Dictionary using

 Plain text (natural language)
 Code-like notations
 Logic (e.g., VDM)
 Structure charts
 …
 Graphical output (screens, forms)
 Iconic (representational) drawings, prototype screens or forms, printouts produced by operational prototype
Introduction to Requirements Specification Software Quality Classifications of NFRs Quality Measures

28 Modeling Dynamic Behavior

 Behavior modeling techniques
 Text (plain, function statements, use cases)
 Decision tables
 Activity Diagrams / Use Case Maps
 Finite state machines
 Simple state machines (FSM) : use state diagrams or transition table notation
 Extended state machines (e.g. UML State Machines – including SDL)
 Harel’s State Charts (concepts included in UML notation)
 Petri nets (allows for flexible concurrency, e.g. for data flow, similar to Activitity Diagrams)

 Logic (e.g. Z, VDM) for describing input-output assertions and possibly relationship to internal object state that is
updated by operations)
 It is important to chose what best suits the problem
Introduction Structured Analysis OO Analysis Problem Frames State Machine-Based Analysis Triage/Prioritization

29 Model Analysis
 By construction
 We learn by questioning and describing the system
 By inspection
 Execute/analyze the model in our minds
 Reliable?
 By formal analysis
 Requires formal semantics (mathematical) and tools
 Reliable (in theory), but expensive (for certain modeling approaches)
 By testing
 Execution, simulation, animation, test...
 Requires well-defined semantics and execution/simulation tools
 More reliable than inspection for certain aspects
 Possible to interact directly with the model (prototype)
Introduction Structured Analysis OO Analysis Problem Frames State Machine-Based Analysis Triage/Prioritization

30 Typical Modeling Approaches

 Many approaches involve modeling to get a global picture of the requirements
 Structured Analysis (1970)
 Object-Oriented Analysis (1990)
 Problem Frames (1995)
 State Machine-Based Analysis
 Conflict Analysis
 E.g. with mis-use cases or with GRL/UCM models and strategies/scenarios

 It is important to distinguish between

 Notation used for defining the model
 Process defining a sequence of activities leading to a desired model
 Note: Analysis can be on individual requirements as well
 Remember tips and tricks on how to write better requirements
Requirements Specification Document IEEE 830 Standard Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207

31 Requirements Specification Document (1)

 Clearly and accurately describes each of the essential requirements (functions, performance, design
constraints, and quality attributes) of the system / software and its external interfaces
 Defines the scope and boundaries of the system / software

 Each requirement must be described in such a way that it is feasible and objectively verifiable by a
prescribed method (e.g., by inspection, demonstration, analysis, or test)

 Basis for contractual agreements between contractors or suppliers and customers

 Elaborated from elicitation notes

Requirements Specification Document IEEE 830 Standard Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207

32 Requirements Specification Document (2)

 Specifications are intended to a diverse audience
 Customers and users for validation, contract, ...
 Systems (requirements) analysts
 Developers, programmers to implement the system
 Testers to check that the requirements have been met
 Project Managers to measure and control the project

 Different levels of detail and formality is needed for each audience

 Different templates for requirements specifications

 e.g. IEEE 830
Requirements Specification Document IEEE 830 Standard Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207

33 Example Specification (1)

12 cm

Causal Input Timing Output

relationship relationship

 When the switch lever is moved down, then, within 0.1 seconds, the lamp illuminates.

 When the switch lever is moved up, then, within 0.2 seconds, the lamp goes out.

Source: Bray 2004

Requirements Specification Document IEEE 830 Standard Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207

34 Example Specification (2)

 Extract from the requirements specification
 R1: The system shall provide illumination of at least 500 candela.
 R2: The system shall fit within a cube with maximum width of 15cm.
 R3: The illumination can be switched on and off by a human operator.
 R4: The system shall respond to operator input within 0.5 seconds.
 R5: The system shall have a built-in power supply which should be capable of maintaining continuous
illumination for at least 4 hours.
 etc . . . . . . .

 Several alternative designs could satisfy these requirements

Source: Bray 2004

Requirements Specification Document IEEE 830 Standard Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207

35 IEEE 830-1998 Standard

 Title of Standard
 « IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications »

 Describes the content and qualities of a good software requirements specification (SRS)

 Presents several sample SRS outlines

Requirements Specification Document IEEE 830 Standard Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207

36 IEEE 830-1998 Standard – Objectives

 Help software customers to accurately describe what they wish to obtain

 Help software suppliers to understand exactly what the customer wants

 Help participants to:

 Develop a template (format and content) for the software requirements specification (SRS) in their own
 Develop additional documents such as SRS quality checklists or an SRS writer’s handbook
Requirements Specification Document IEEE 830 Standard Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207

37 IEEE 830-1998 Standard – Benefits

 Establish the basis for agreement between the customers and the suppliers on what the software product is
to do

 Reduce the development effort

 Forced to consider requirements early  reduces later redesign, recoding, retesting
 Provide a basis for realistic estimates of costs and schedules

 Provide a basis for validation and verification

 Facilitate transfer of the software product to new users or new machines
 Serve as a basis for enhancement requests
Requirements Specification Document IEEE 830 Standard Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207

38 IEEE 830-1998 Standard – Considerations

 Section 4 of IEEE 830 (how to produce a good SRS)
 Nature (goals) of SRS
 Functionality, interfaces, performance, qualities, design constraints

 Environment of the SRS

 Where does it fit in the overall project hierarchy

 Characteristics of a good SRS

 Generalization of the characteristics of good requirements to the document

 Evolution of the SRS

 Implies a change management process

 Prototyping
 Helps elicit software requirements and reach closure on the SRS

 Including design and project requirements in the SRS

 Focus on external behavior and the product, not the design and the production process (describe in a separate document)
Requirements Specification Document IEEE 830 Standard Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207

39 IEEE 830-1998 Standard – Structure of the SRS

 Section 5 of IEEE 830

 Contents of SRS
 Introduction
 General description of the software product
 Specific requirements (detailed)
 Additional information such as appendixes and index, if necessary
Requirements Specification Document IEEE 830 Standard Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207

IEEE 830-1998 Standard – Section 1 of SRS

•Describe purpose of this SRS
•Describe intended audience
 Title
 Table of Contents •Identify the software product
•Enumerate what the system will and will not do
 1. Introduction •Describe user classes and benefits for each
 1.1 Purpose
 1.2 Scope
 1.3 Definitions. Acronyms, and Abbreviations
 1.4 References •Define the vocabulary of the SRS
(may reference appendix)
 1.5 Overview
 2. Overall Description •List all referenced documents including sources
 3. Specific Requirements (e.g., Use Case Model and Problem Statement;
Experts in the field)
 Appendices
 Index
•Describe the content of the rest of the SRS
•Describe how the SRS is organized
Requirements Specification Document IEEE 830 Standard Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207

IEEE 830-1998 Standard – Section 2 of SRS

•Present the business case and operational concept of the system
 Title •Describe how the proposed system fits into the business context
•Describe external interfaces: system, user, hardware, software, communication
 Table of Contents •Describe constraints: memory, operational, site adaptation
 1. Introduction
 2. Overall Description •Summarize the major functional capabilities
•Include the Use Case Diagram and supporting narrative
 2.1 Product Perspective (identify actors and use cases)
•Include Data Flow Diagram if appropriate
 2.2 Product Functions
 2.3 User Characteristics
•Describe and justify technical skills
 2.4 Constraints and capabilities of each user class
 2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies
 3. Specific Requirements
 4. Appendices
 5. Index
•Describe other constraints that will limit developer’s
options; e.g., regulatory policies; target platform,
database, network software and protocols, development
standards requirements
Requirements Specification Document IEEE 830 Standard Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207

IEEE 830-1998 Standard – Section 3 of SRS (1)

Specify software requirements in sufficient
detail to enable designers to design a system to satisfy
 … those requirements and testers to verify
 1. Introduction requirements

 2. Overall Description State requirements that are externally perceivable by

users, operators, or externally connected systems
 3. Specific Requirements
 3.1 External Interfaces Requirements should include, at a minimum, a
 3.2 Functions description of every input (stimulus) into the system,
every output (response) from the system, and all
 3.3 Performance Requirements functions performed by the system in response to an
 3.4 Logical Database Requirements input or in support of an output

 3.5 Design Constraints (a) Requirements should have characteristics of

 3.6 Software System Quality Attributes high quality requirements
(b) Requirements should be cross-referenced to
 3.7 Object Oriented Models their source.
 4. Appendices (c) Requirements should be uniquely identifiable
(d) Requirements should be organized to
 5. Index maximize readability
Requirements Specification Document IEEE 830 Standard Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207

IEEE 830-1998 Standard – Section 3 of SRS (2)

•Detail all inputs and outputs

 … (complement, not duplicate, information presented in section 2)
 1. Introduction •Examples: GUI screens, file formats

 2. Overall Description •Include detailed specifications of each

use case, including collaboration and
 3. Specific Requirements
other diagrams useful for this purpose
 3.1 External Interfaces
 3.2 Functions •Include:
 3.3 Performance Requirements a) Types of information used
b) Data entities and their relationships
 3.4 Logical Database Requirements
 3.5 Design Constraints
•Should include:
 3.6 Software System Quality Attributes a) Standards compliance
b) Accounting & Auditing procedures
 3.7 Object Oriented Models
 4. Appendices •The main body of requirements organized in a variety of
 5. Index possible ways:
a) Architecture Specification
b) Class Diagram
c) State and Collaboration Diagrams
d) Activity Diagram (concurrent/distributed)
Requirements Specification Document IEEE 830 Standard Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207

44 IEEE 830-1998 Standard – Templates

 Annex A of IEEE 830

 Section 3 (Specific Requirements) may be organized in many different ways based on

 Modes
 User classes
 Concepts (object/class)
 Features
 Stimuli
 Organizations
Requirements Specification Document IEEE 830 Standard Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207

45 Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207 (1)

 12207
 Common framework for « Software life cycle processes »
 ISO/IEC 12207 = IEEE/EIA 12207

 IEEE 830-1998 and IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997 both place requirements on documents describing software
 Annex B of IEEE 830 explains the relationship between the two sets of requirements for those who want to
produce documents that comply with both standards simultaneously
 Such compliance may be required by customers when requesting proposals or issuing call for tenders
Requirements Specification Document IEEE 830 Standard Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207

46 Relationship of IEEE 830 and ISO/IEC 12207 (1)

 Note: Table B.3 is more detailed and shows the correspondence between the two standards at the level of
requirements types

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