PJJ - Pertemuan 5

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CHAR6020 - CB: Kewarganegaraan

Week 5
The Archipelago of Indonesia
Indonesian Archipelago

The logical consequence is the cause of Indonesia into a

pluralistic nation, both in religion, ethnicity, language, local
culture, etc. Therefore, the Indonesian national diversity
must be seen as a natural reality which is a gift of God to
be grateful and faced with a wise and correct attitude
Indonesian territory
Indonesian nation perspective about themselves and the
environment are appropriate national ideology of Pancasila
and UUD 1945, as the aspirations of an independent
nation, sovereign and useful in the middle of the
environment that animates follow wisdom in achieving the
objectives of the national struggle.
Essence Indonesian
• In connection with the Indonesian efforts
in realizing the ideals and national
objectives (Pembukaan UUD 1945).
• Indonesian national aspirations (Alinea 2
Pembukaan UUD 1945), which
embodies the Indonesian state united
and prosperous.
• National objectives (Alinea 4
Pembukaan UUD 1945), which protects
the whole Indonesian nation, promote
the general welfare, the intellectual life
of the nation and come to realize world
peace based on freedom, lasting peace
and social justice
Factors that
• Geographic factors: Indonesian area of
8.5 million km2, consisting of thousands
of islands and surrounded by oceans
and continents.
• The human factor: 220 million
population consists of various tribes,
customs, and religion.
• Environmental factors: Indonesian
territory surrounded by the ocean which
can be particularly vulnerable point in
terms of socio-cultural aspects and
The elements of
Indonesian archipelago
1. Contour
2. Content
3. Conduct
Principles Indonesian
• Same interests
• Fairness
• Honesty
• Solidarity
• Cooperation
• Loyalty
Objective Indonesian
• Into: to realize the unity
and integrity in all
aspects of the life of the
nation and the state,
both in the natural
aspects and social
• Out: participated realize
happiness, order, and
peace for all mankind.

• Modul CB: Kewarganegaraan

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