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The Emergence of USA and China as World Powers in the 21st Century: A

Comparative Study

Presented by:
GOURARI Mohamed Ilyas
The University of Dr. Moulay Tahar Saida
The Outline

 Introduction
 Research Objectives
 Research Questions
 Research Hypothesis
 Research Methodology and Design
 Research Findings
 Conclusion

 Super power definition: it is a state with a political, economic, military,

diplomatic, and cultural entity, which allows it to impose its opinion on smaller
nations, and can exert its influence globally.
 Background of the research work: since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991,
the United States has been considered the leader of the world and defined as
the world's unchallenged superpower; On the other hand, China is emerging as
a new superpower. Some analysts are confident that China will take over the
USA in the coming years, while others argue that there are no fears over the
leadership of the United States to the world.
Research Objectives

 The main aim is to investigate and analyse the emergence of the two-countries as world
 Shed light on their history and the reasons that led to their leadership and their substantial
technological advance.
 Compare the United States’ economic, cultural, political, and military forces with the
 Provide a glimpse of the consequences of their rivalry on the entire world.
Research Questions

 What led to the emergence of China and the USA as world

 What are the reasons that led to the rivalry between them?
 What are the consequences of this Rivalry on a global scale?
Research Hypotheses

 The emergence of the USA is due to the fall of all other superpowers, whereas
for China, it was due to the effective ruling system.
 Both nations seek global dominance and aspire for establishing a world order
that serves their interests.
 Their rivalry might lead to a new cold war or even a third world war. On the
other hand, it will create such fierce economic competition hence cheaper
products for the developing countries.
Research Methodology and Design

 This research work uses Comparative historical research to

compare the two-nation rises to power.
Research Findings
 The rises of the united states were due to: the immigration of the brightest mind to
the country, the adoption of freedom, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the
sincere and robust leadership, and finally, the immigration of Jews. Whereas, the
rapid growth of China's is due to the policy of opening up to the world, reliance on
technocrats, low-cost manufacturing, and finally, the effective ruling system and
decision-making process.
 The official purposes of the Us trade war against china have to do with China's
unfair competition strategy and intellectual property theft. In contrast, the unofficial
reasons are related to China's rapid technological rise and its pursuit for controlling
emerging digital technologies. On the other hand, the Chinese seek to restore the
power and wealth of their old empire. But, the essence of the trade war between
China and the United States is the battle for global economic domination.
Research Findings

 The effect of this trade war will be dangerous since it is not only harming
significant competitors but also jeopardizes global economic stability and future
growth. On the other hand, US tariffs on China have opened up to other players
in the US market, such as Mexico, Taiwan, and the European Union.

The United States and China are locked in a struggle over trade, technology, and
military control over the seas of southern and eastern China, and increasingly on
ideology and human rights. There is a military build-up on both sides ,however,
neither party sees it as in their self-interest to start a violent clash. In short, this is
a cold war, but it differs significantly from the cold war between the United
States and the Soviet Union.
Thank you for your

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