Wall e

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A108033059 Justin

• Andrew Stanton
• Also directed Finding Nemo, Finding Dory and
co-writing four Toy Story Films and Monsters, I
• WALL-E: the last working robot Waste Allocati
on Load-Lifter: Earth-class
• EVE: the Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator s
ent to scan the planet for human-sustainable li
• The Captain: B. McCrea
• The Robotic steering wheel of the captain: AU
• Gopherbot: GO-4
• In the 29th century, rampant consumerism an
d environmental neglect have turned Earth int
o a garbage wasteland.
• One day, WALL-E's routine of compressing tras
h and collecting interesting objects is broken b
y the arrival of an unmanned probe carrying a
n Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator (EVE) ro
• The two begin to connect until EVE goes into s
tandby(sleepmode) when WALL-E shows her h
is most recent find: a living seedling.
• The probe then collects EVE and the plant, and
—with WALL-E clinging on—returns to its mot
hership, the starliner Axiom.
• The captain McCrea is unprepared to receive t
he positive probe response, but discovers that
placing the plant in the ship's Holo-Detector w
ill trigger a hyperjump back to Earth so human
ity can begin recolonization.
• Frustrated, EVE tries to send WALL-E home in
an escape pod, but they witness AUTO's goph
erbot GO-4 stowing the stolen plant in a pod s
et to self-destruct. WALL-E saves the plant.
• However, AUTO is revealed to be loyal only to
his own secret no-return directive A113—issu
ed after BnL incorrectly concluded that the pla
net could not be saved—even when McCrea c
ountermands it.
• After a series of fighting against AUTO, McCrea
eventually overpowers and turns off AUTO, an
d the plant is inserted into the Holo-Detector, i
nitiating the hyperjump. However, WALL-E is al
most broken.
• Arriving back on Earth, EVE repairs WALL-E but
finds that his memory has been reset and his p
ersonality is gone. Sadly, EVE gives WALL-E a fa
rewell kiss, which sparks his memory and rest
ores his original personality.
• At the end, human successfully return to their
homeland. EVE and WALL-E can be together fo
Box office
• WALL-E grossed $223.8 million in the United S
tates, and $521.3 million for a worldwide tota
l. It made the ninth-highest-grossing film of 20
• 81st Academy Awards
• Won the Academy Award for Best Animated F
• Nominated for Best Original Screenplay, Best
Original Score, Best Original Song, Sound Editi
ng, and Sound Mixing
The part I like the most
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf9ZTdrs
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