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New Job, New Me

Faith, Jessie, Celia, and Griffin

Case Study Overview

Who is Jason? Jason’s New Job

● Work and school ● PINE Inc.
● Expectations
● Character traits
● Work tasks
Case Study Overview cont.

Work Committee Jason’s Coworkers Jason’s Goals

● Market Pine Inc.’s Latest ● Pam (53) ● Leadership position
Product ● Rebecca (38) ● More responsibility
● Opportunity for ● Tylor (29) ● Promotion
Promotion ● More challenges
● Marketing Ideas
Major Themes

● Over-Eagerness
○ Patience
■ Relates to leadership in that he needs to learn to follow before
leading (followership is the basis of leadership)
○ Expectations vs Reality
■ Leaders are realistic and work to make their expectations the
reality instead of waiting for it to be given to them
○ Relationships/Transactional Experiences
■ Leaders who build trust within their communities through genuine
connections and relationships create a collaborative atmosphere
Historical Context

Eric Pait
- Graduate of University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill
- Landed dream job straight out of college
- Web developer for a software company
- Became bored and frustrated when the job didn’t meet his
- Left the job after 6 months
Historical Context

Joe Savoia
- Graduate of Northeastern University
- Got a job with Acquia sales company straight out of college
- Used “slow” days as personal career growth opportunities
- Learned from those around him
- Earned a “seat at the table”
Historical Context

Jason’s over-expectancy within his job is like much of his

● Less than 19% of recent college graduates entering
the workforce said that it met their expectations
● 75% of Gen Z-ers expect promotions within their
first year
● 32% of Gen Z-ers expect to move up in the
organization within 6 months of arrival
Intentional Leadership Theory

● Hands-on work for the good of the group

● Trusting the process as a follower first
● Active engagement to build community
● Being a strong role model
● Focusing on the big picture as well as daily
Intentional Leadership Theory

Origins of the Theory:

● Servant Leadership
● Transformational
Intentional Leadership Application

Jason wants to gain responsibility and gain a

management position in the company:
-Uses his people skills but encourages perspective
-Helps to establish trustworthiness within the committee
-Capitalizes on his unique opportunity to make an
impression even as the “New Guy”

● Learn from everything

○ Jason needs to take a step back and remember that as the new guy, he is
there to learn not lead.
● Make connections
○ Jason needs to get to know his co-workers instead of just trying to work
with his co-workers.
● Be positive, principled, proactive, and productive.
○ Keeping a positive attitude towards work will help Jason stand out,
especially is his co-workers obviously do not want to be at work.
● Discover Yourself
○ Jason is holding on to the person he was in college, not realizing that in this
new environment he might change as a person so he needs to discover who
he is now.
Eric Pait:

- Quit his job in the middle of an unemployment spike

- Went back to school instead of staying in the job to gain experience
- Became a “job-hopper”
- Hasn’t made much vertical progress in his career

Joe Savoia:

- Was given international opportunities within his organization

- Helped develop the company’s Australian base of operations
- Worked his way up the corporate ladder
- Even at higher levels, there is always room for growth and improvement if you look for
the opportunities instead of expecting them to come to you
Historical Context:

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