Inner Qualities of A Good BL

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Inner Qualities or
(The 7 (Cs) Essential Principles of Effective
1. Inner Qualities
 Refer
to the quality of language, its
presentation, its construction, etc.

 Thesefacilitate quick processing of the

request and that leads to prompt action.
1. COURTESY (stepping into audience’s shoes)
- Courteous message is written from the viewpoint of the audience.
– helps maintain goodwill by showing concern
for the reader

A. develop the YOU attitude – imagine

yourself in the reader’s position
avoid jargon and other words that are insulting
or offensive
replace I or WE with YOU or YOUR to
establish friendly intent
emphasize the benefits to the reader
B. use “please” and “thank you” – to
show good manner
C. use the reader’s name in the message to
emphasize the person’s importance
D. obtain correct spelling and titles
E. is polite, tactful, friendly and “reader-
Wrong: I will issue Php30, 000 to you on
your June invoice.
Correct: You will receive a Php30, 000
credit on your June invoice.
 Wrong: I have added your name on our
preferred-customer list.
Correct: Your name now appears on our
preferred-customer list.
Wrong: We received your resume and
application. However, we do not have a
management-trainee position available now.

Correct: Thank you for sending your resume and

application. You will be considered for a
management-trainee position when one
becomes available.
F. use positive words to show respect
- negative words to avoid: 
Example: blame, complaint, criticize,
damaged, doubt, failed, fear, lazy, no, never,
not, sorry, etc.
G. structure your sentences to state what can
be done rather than what cannot be done
Negative: I will not be able to interview
you for the next three months.
 Positive: Your interview will take place
within four months.
 Your interview is scheduled on May 23

at 2p.m.
H. select gender-free terms –grant both
sexes equal status and respect

I. The writer should evaluate his messages

for courtesy.

J. Treat the customers courteously so they

will continue to shop in your store.
Sexist Gender-

 businessman businessperson
 fireman firefighter
 mailman mail courier
 Insurance salesman insurance
 Flight stewardess/steward flight attendant
K. respond to messages promptly
– timeliness is the watchword for
diplomatic communication.

business etiquette dictates that

you answer letters/requests
within five working days
2. CLARITY (simplicity & organization)

 means writing easy-to-read and easy-to-

understand messages
 Writing short, simple, fluent sentences and paragraphs
 the message should focus on expressing a
thought, not on impressing the reader

 select appropriate words for better

understanding (spelling, word meanings)
 use specific, concrete words instead of
general terms (ex. “a red vehicle” – “ a red
select appropriate words to improve
understanding between the writer and the reader;

if words are confusing, verify word meanings

from the dictionary ( except-accept, affect-effect,
its-it’s, your-you’re, alot-a lot, alright-all right)

Wrong: Enclosed is your check.

Clear : Your check is enclosed.
Clear: Your BDO check for Php50,000 is
place words in an orderly sequence
Unclear: Rex spoke to his boss while he
was planning the meeting.
Clear : While Rex was planning the
meeting, he spoke to his boss.
Rex spoke to his boss, who was planning
the meeting.
the use of IT (state what you
mean) and THERE (it refers to a
specific place when used correctly)
Ex. It will take two hours to proofread this
 (Proofreading this correspondence will
take two hours.)
There is a letter on my desk; will you
please mail it?
(Please mail the letter that is on my

There will be a staff meeting at 2 p.m.

(The staff will meet at 2 p.m. today. / The
staff meets at 2 p.m. today.)
position phrases correctly ( incorrectly
placed phrases can create unintended
humor, cause misunderstanding, and
reduce your credibility)
- position clauses correctly

Ex. Incorrect: Mr. Vega wrote the letter

while flying from Manila to Cebu on the
back of the envelope.
3. CONCISENESS (Get to the Point)

means saying what needs to be said in few

Avoid wordiness, repetition, filler words
such as: in short, as stated before/above, due to the
fact that, this is the first study, despite the fact that, in
connection to this / in this connection/ in line with this / in
this regard

eliminateunnecessary words;
communicate messages in a most
courteous manner
Use of efficient words

Avoid inefficient words Use efficient words/phrases

Thank you for
Acknowledge receipt of
In fact; indeed
As a matter of fact Give an specific date.
At an early date Then
At that point in time Now
At this time; at this point in time Because
Because of the fact that during July
During the month of July
Each and every Give an exact time.
Enclosed herewith For Php 10,000
For an extended period of time Please
For the amount of Php 10,000 As you suggested

I would appreciate it if
In accordance with your suggestion
In spite of the fact that
Use of efficient words
Avoid inefficient words Use efficient words/phrases
In the city of Cebu In Cebu City
In the last analysis, Do not use this phrase.

Please do not hesitate to contact Please call me / email me / text

me. me / see me /.

Please find enclosed. State what is enclosed.

Thank you in advance. Do not use this phrase.
Until such time as.. until

 Wordy: May I be of assistance to you in the

operating room?
 Wordy: You should take into consideration

reading this book.

(Please read this book.)
Wordy: I acknowledge receipt of your
early payment.
Wordy: Due to the fact that your payment
was late, a finance charge has been
use necessary modifiers only
when the word phrase serves a
Ex. Please use the widest
maximum margins.
(Please use the widest
write in the active voice

 Example: (convert to active)

Passive: The salary increase was
received by all employees.
Passive: Certificates were awarded to
three nurses.
use only passive when you want to
avoid placing specific blame on
 Ex: Yourerror caused the delay, and you alone will be
responsible for it.
(turnto passive)
Active: You gave me the wrong mailing

(The incorrect mailing address was received.)   
 Ex: Your error caused the delay, and you alone will be
responsible for it.

 An error on the computation of the total cost of the

orders was observed. It might take 24 hours to correct it
(mend it), so please bear with us.

Active: You forgot/failed to include

the stock number in the order

(The stock number was omitted

in the order form.)
(specifics instead of Generalizations)
means conveying a message with
precise terms to make the reader
understand better
Avoid the use of vague words and
words with multiple meanings

 Like: in the near future, several, quickly

 precise modifiers


Vague: Miguel purchased an expensive scanner.

Precise: Miguel purchased a scanner for Php
 Our new product arrives soon.
Precise: Our new product arrives on July 20.

 avoid opinions and generalizations

Ex. Opinionated: I think the data would

look better in table format.
(Please consider displaying the data in
table format.)
 provide specific details

As soon as State an exact date or time. Please return the form by Monday, June 12.
better Provide specific information. The 250-LK scans six pages per minute,
which is two pages faster than the 150-LK
big State the size or measurement. You will need 8 2-inch by 14-inch paper for
the form.
fast State the exact rate of speed. Rafael inputs text at the rate of 65 words
per minute.
few State a number. Carmen bought three reams of paper.

good Describe fully. Yael used 20-pound bond paper with 25

percent rag content.
high State the exact height. The windows begin 10 inches above the
little Describe the size. Aluminum foil measures 660 microns thick,
but plastic wrap measures only 25 microns

long State the distance or Arnel commutes 42 miles to work each

many State a number. Alex requested 30 new printers.

more State the difference in Jennifer completed five mailable letters;

numbers. Melissa produced three draft copies.

most Quote an exact number or Sang completed 97 percent of the problems

percentage. within the time limit.

several State a number. Savita purchased seven printer cartridges.

slow State the exact rate of speed. The 125-IT printer produces 15 pages per
some Quote an exact number or Manuel sold six ads for the newspaper.

soon State the exact date or time. Wendy, please fax the message by 2 p.m.
too much State exactly how much Curt’s score on the math test was three
variance occurred. points below the acceptable limit.

worthwhile Explain the benefit. Donors receive a ticket to the awards

banquet and a tax deduction.
5. CORRECTNESS (facts and Proofreading)

- means the details of a message are

accurate in every way
- Information from reliable, valid, credible
 verify spelling
 select correct words or phrases
 insert appropriate punctuation marks
 check & confirm facts and figures, names, places,
dates, times, amounts, and other necessary details
  evaluate message appearance

two categories of errors

 typographical
 failure to check reference sources

- A complete letter provides all

important details or information
needed by the reader or receiver for

 a written message will be unclear if

essential information has been omitted
Completeness Criteria

Who is the intended receiver? Is the
content appropriate for the intended



What is your objective? Will the reader

know what to do?

When should the reader respond? Have
you included complete, accurate details?


Where should the reader

respond? Have you identified names,
postal and electronic addresses,
telephone and fax numbers?


Why should the reader respond? Have you

stated a benefit for the reader?

Have you encouraged a positive

response? Does your message promote
7. CONSIDERATION (writers are people too)

 Use appropriate visual designs to make messages

stand out
 Use of graphs, pie charts as part of the contents of
the body of the letter
 Use of good and correct language
 Figures, paragraphs, headings, bulleted lists,
highlights are tools you can use to make your paper,
posters, project proposals more appealing and
 Message must not appear hurriedly done
 An error on the computation of the total cost of the
orders was observed. It might take 24 hours to correct
it, so please bear with us.

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