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Investigation Job fair

About I have been working on a Google site that when finished will be
Projec online so that the lower division students can reference it. My
google sites have about 25 different jobs that are required to
t have a criminal Investigation degree and go to law school. I
wanted to do this as my project because it is something that I
would like to do . I am already planning after high school that I
will do my own practice of immigration Law. So when I told
kevin block this another of my mentors he said that after high
school he could help me with everything that I would have to do
to be a immigration lawyer and that he would like it if I would
work for him too so that is already planned . This was discussed
on Dec 17, 2020 10:30 AM

I have been doing good following my
timeline.I have been working on my blogs,
and soon I will be meeting again with my
mentor to get some feedback from them . The
timeline was from my last progress
presentation and the one after is what I have
accomplished since that day.
Green is what I accomplished
Yellow is what I need to do


Milestones Achieved

My 3
Milestones 1. Trying to find 2. Trying to 3. Almost
were another finish my Finishing My
mentor and Website and website during
now I have Mentorship my free time and
more than one before the winter Break
mentor deadlines

Goals that have I
have not met

The goals that
I have not met
are ... ▹ Not getting a response from my
mentors on our next meeting and if
they are still even willing on being
my mentor
▹ Not finishing my website before the
date that I wanted to

What has challenged and/or
surprised me along the

Challenged me And the last thing is
Is not always The next that not being able to
challenged me is take notes during
being able to my meetings with
work on my having to take
my mentors co
care my siblings
website. workers because it
especially now either cause I have
Especially since since my mom my mask on or
I was only needs my help because I am in the
focusing on more because we storage room on
finishing my are having the deck and there
another bb is a class outside
mentorship. can they are talking
really loud.

What surprised
Is that my mentors haven't been
answering my emails since we started
school again.

➢ I am planning on trying to meet all of the
detectives that I have talked to to see what I got so
Next is ... far on my website and get feedback from all of
them . and try to finish my mentorship before
February 27
➢ Finishing my website by the end of this month or
the next
➢ Email 3 different teachers probably the ones who
have my brother
➢ Start working on Final Presentation slides
➢ And start finishing up my blogs


Any questions?


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